who videotaped giving birth?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Guess I'm a sickie..I love to be there...attend the births. Greatest thing ever!! I was there for both of my sister's babies, one of my friend's and with my daughter when each grandchild was born.

Although I don't think the video is necessary..but pics immediately after are great!

Not at all - to each his own! :buddies:

I love my kids, but I had no desire to birth a bunch of kids. I didn't particularly care for the birthing process - it was a means to an end. No way would I do birthing in water, birthing by a doula (sp)or any other "new age" way. I didn't like having a bunch of people standing around me waiting, and for cripes' sake clean the kid off before I get him - that's what you get paid for. :biggrin: But that's just me! :lol:


New Member
Why the heck would I want everyone to see me after that.

Here's a fun one, after I had my daughter, my husband brings in one of the nurses on the staff in the delivery ward - it was his high school/college girlfriend. He is from VA, and we were in FL, so it's not like we happen to go to the local hospital. Petite little thing, all done up - and there I am, just had a baby.

They proceeded to sit and laugh about the good old days for awhile. Yeah. He will never live that one down.


Well-Known Member
What the heck? The video doesn't have to capture the baby coming out, it can be taken from up near the mom's head. :lmao: I think it would be so great to look back and see yourself being born. In fact, there's super 8 film of either me or a sibling being born via c-section.


Dream Stealer
Here's a fun one, after I had my daughter, my husband brings in one of the nurses on the staff in the delivery ward - it was his high school/college girlfriend. He is from VA, and we were in FL, so it's not like we happen to go to the local hospital. Petite little thing, all done up - and there I am, just had a baby.

They proceeded to sit and laugh about the good old days for awhile. Yeah. He will never live that one down.

I would KILL SO. Right then and there. I would heft my fat ass up right off the bed and murder him. to pieces.

Sweet 16

Years ago, our former neighbors videotaped their son's birth, then invited us over to watch the tape. I didn't but my roommate did. She thought it was cool -- I thought it was :barf: It's a very personal thing and I can't see why anyone would want to share *that* except maybe with grandparents.

The only reason I can see for taping it is in case my memory starts failing (like it is now). I can still pretty much re-live it in my head...without the graphic video reminder!


New Member
I would KILL SO. Right then and there. I would heft my fat ass up right off the bed and murder him. to pieces.

Haha! In hindsight, I can't believe I didn't. At the time, I was too in shock that the whole thing was happening to say or do much. I can't believe she didn't see how inappropriate it was. Eh. Maybe she did and just didn't care.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
OOOh no. That's another thing...I just don't want anyone bothering me. Why the heck would I want everyone to see me after that :twitch: No. If you want to come visit ...wait a few days until I get home and settled...then come see me and the baby. For Gooodness sakes she does get to come home with me..no need to come down there. I barely want SO or my mom. and as far as I am concerned they can wait in the hall. :killingme:killingme I dont understand people's need to make some kind of holiday or spectacle over the birth. Let me do it..then you can see me when I have showered, slept a few hours..and the poor baby has its nose sucked and stuff and is in a damn blanket.

You are so stingy :mad:

I was in with my daughter when Riggs was born - and took pics. It was pretty incredible.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
See that is the womans position. If you were guy-minded you would definitely video tape it. You would also show it every time the guys came over.

Check this out, watch my vagina stretch 7 times its natural size! Hurt like hell but I did it! OK OK OK, now here it goes....watch that sucker snap back into shape.........BAM! Cool eh?
What are you going to see on the tape
Slimy Kid
Stretched out cootch
Ripping / tearing flesh

Sounds like something my kids would watch


Loving My Life...
I did for my last baby. Its not gross to watch either.. But we couldnt tape it from the front only from my head...


New Member
watching a baby born is one of the coolest things i have ever seen! i have watched mine and my sisters:) I say videotape all you want if your comfortble!


Salt Life
I didn't take pictures or video of my daughter's birth, and regret not doing so. At the time I didn't even think about it, but now I wish I had. :frown:


Methodically disorganized
So I guess all you negative types would definitely be opposed to something like this taking place. :lol:

Seriously, I think it's a little nasty to want to film/photo the baby popping out, but as Cowgirl mentioned, you don't have to shoot from that angle. Aside from that, I think it could be neat to look back on years later. As long as the person filming stays out of the way, why should anyone care? :shrug:


What love is all about
I forgot..this is your first baby... just wait till you're about 7 cm dilated.....the floor mopper will look comforting to you when he walks in the room. :lol:

Ain't that the truth, come time to push you don't give a rat's ass who is in the room. You have one thought, and that is get this baby out of me, and possibly not in those words....


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Ain't that the truth, come time to push you don't give a rat's ass who is in the room. You have one thought, and that is get this baby out of me, and possibly not in those words....

:nono: Not always! I did just want the whole thing over - of course. But when the labor nurse tried to put a wet compress on my forehead while I was in the "transition" stage -and I had asked her not to - I just went off. I grabbed it from her and flung it way across the room. I may have even growled. :jet:

:shrug: Everyone's different!


New Member
Video... Hells to the NO on that one!! But pictures, sure - my daughter was a c-section and a nurse in the operating room actually took a picture of the OB doc pulling her out of my stomach. Sounds mega gross, but the picture isn't zoomed in or anything - just enough distance to see what is going on without anything gory looking there. And my husband snapped a picture of the doc holding her up after they had toweled her off a second... she still has a bit of the baby-cheese on her but she isn't bloody, and I love that picture.

You know what you are comfortable with... ITA with you on the video, and I know I wouldn't want to watch it. My husband didn't even want to come into the operating room (like one guy said on here, my husband too was in the 'pace the hallways' club) :lol: but the OB talked him into coming in. I think he is glad he did now... my Mom would have been all up in everything but at the time we lived 1500+ miles away and I went into labor a little early, so it didn't happen :lol: