Zimmerman the aggressor?


"Fluffy world destroyer"
If you were getting your head bashed in by an unarmed teenager would you use any means to stop them or just continue to get you head bashed in?


Injuries don't prove that Martin was the aggressor.

Only one person left to tell the story .......... :whistle:

the DA has to prove beyond a reasonable suspicion, Zimmerman is Guilty

what evidence the DA has is unknown or why the DA chose to move forward - but it has been stated elsewhere, a DA can get charges from a GJ inditing a ham sandwich


with the medical report in hand, witness statement Zim was screaming in the 911 call - I would not be voting to convict ....


This. ------------------>
Seems the pretend cop bit off more than he could chew when he chased down and harassed Martin. When he realized he wasn't man enough to handle the consequences of his actions, he resorted to his gun, as many weak men do.

I won't ever feel any sympathy for Zimmerman. He deserves everything that comes from his bad decision.


Obama destroyed America
Seems the pretend cop bit off more than he could chew when he chased down and harassed Martin. When he realized he wasn't man enough to handle the consequences of his actions, he resorted to his gun, as many weak men do.

I won't ever feel any sympathy for Zimmerman. He deserves everything that comes from his bad decision.
And you remain clueless. :killingme Carry on.


Regardless of the trial outcome, the media has basically convicted him already. He's screwed no matter what.


24/7 Single Dad
Seems the pretend cop bit off more than he could chew when he chased down and harassed Martin. When he realized he wasn't man enough to handle the consequences of his actions, he resorted to his gun, as many weak men do.

I won't ever feel any sympathy for Zimmerman. He deserves everything that comes from his bad decision.

Apparently Martin bit off more than he could chew.
Zimmerman is still chewing.


Obama destroyed America
You're the one who thinks Zimmerman's injuries prove he wasn't the aggressor. Go fish.
Reeling you in, hook, line & sinker! :love:

police are saying for the first time that they believe that zimmerman did not confront and pursue martin. that zimmerman had returned to his car and was waiting for police and that martin, the teenager, attacked him. that's why they're sticking to their conclusion that zimmerman acted in self defense. Growing outrage over Zimmerman


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
It's cute how you shift the coversation when you're floundering in the original one. Completely typical, but still.

The beauty of that is...his injuries do prove that Trayvon could have been the aggressor. Game over.


New Member
Reeling you in, hook, line & sinker! :love:
Interesting you chose to cut out that middle sentence when you quoted from that old and outdated story......
>> reporter: also tonight here, police are saying for the first time that they believe that zimmerman did not confront and pursue martin. that zimmerman had returned to his car and was waiting for police and that martin, the teenager, attacked him. that's why they're sticking to their conclusion that zimmerman acted in self defense . brian?