Anyone have a child with A.D.H.D and on meds?


New Member
I have a 6 year old daughter who has Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorder, opposition difiance disorder (ODD), and attention defict disorder. She is currently on medication for all, just need some encouragement, from other moms who are going through the same thing. Frustration, etc...



Crazy devil... I hope you don't mind MHO. I think that ADHD is over diagnosed. In all honesty, I think that the number of medicated children has reached a crisis level in this country.

Want to do yourself and your daughter a favor? Fire her doctor take her off the meds and spend an hour a day reading to her. :wink:


Originally posted by crazy_devil
I have a 6 year old daughter who has Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorder, opposition difiance disorder (ODD), and attention defict disorder.

:shrug: They just called that the "spoiled brat needs his/her a$$ KICKED" problem when I was a pup.


Re: Re: Anyone have a child with A.D.H.D and on meds?

Originally posted by justhangn
:shrug: They just called that the "spoiled brat needs his/her a$$ KICKED" problem when I was a pup.

That's exactly what Biscuit calls it! :killingme


Re: Re: Re: Anyone have a child with A.D.H.D and on meds?

Originally posted by Kain99
That's exactly what Biscuit calls it! :killingme
Cause we bruddas baby.


New Member
thanks for the input, it's obvious you don't have a child with these issues, so it's easier said than done. My daughter has been seeing a psychiatrist for the past 3 years at Children's Hospital. In addition, developmentally she is a year behind, so Therefore, she is having to repeat kindergarten, improvement in her learning came when they put her on medication, but by that point she was too far behind to catch up. Yes I do agree it can be overly diagnosed. But at the same time, there are kids that really have it and need medication to control it, if not they will struggle through school and not able to learn, and comprehend what they need to. That's like being a diabetic and need insulin to control it but don't take it! Having chronic depression and not treating this with the right meds and therapy. will lead to suicide and amongst other things!


You have a 6 year old with chronic depression? Is it chemical? Are you sure? Children's is'nt all it's cracked up to be sweetie... trust me.

We need to talk. I'm gonna PM you my number.


New Member
Oppositional Defiance Disorder, is when they are to the extreme of difant to uncontrollable,

My daughter has been through, 4 assesments with the Ocupational therapy doctor, Had allergy testing, had an assesment throught the Clinical, Nueroological behavioral Pediatrition, all at Childerns, all done since 1999. they went through all that b4 medications. In addition she has PICA (which is where you eat non food substances, like glue, dirt, sand, etc..abundance of it) She developed that due to a bone marrow virus she got at 18 months old, her body when too long with a vitamen difficiency, and that is what caused it. She was in Childrens for 2 months!

Not to be rude, I know what I have to do as a mother and to treat my child and what is best for my child. I don't need to here any negativity on what I have choose to do with her. All I need is another mother to talk to that has a child with the same probs as mine, I just need to know that there are other mothers out there that deal with what I deal group kinda thing!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So you guys really have something going on. :huggy: Forgive me - I'm used to people like my moron neighbors, who've all got their kids drugged up, and my daughter's teacher, who thought she might have ADHD because she wrote notes to friends during math. :duh:

You should post something in the PSAs and maybe try to get with other parents out there. You can't be the only one who has this problem. Just beware if any of my neighbors contact you, telling you how OC their kids were before drugs. :duh:


b*tch rocket
Crazy, you're best bet is to yank your kid out of the public school system ASAP. Have you done an unbiased research of your own on the effects of the drugs they have your child on? I'm really really not being negative. I've been in a similar situation as yours, I just took an alternative route. NO MEDS and a better learning environment.

My son was said to be "ADHD"
suffered from depression and talked of suicide at the age of 7.
suffered from stomach problems (threw up on a daily basis)
Chewed holes in his clothes
Chewed up pencils like he was a beaver
The list goes on.......

I don't put much stake in "medical professionals". They're all big on medicating. It's much easier and shows noticeable results immediately, without regard to long term effects.

Amazingly when I told the medical doctors to shove it, the school system to shove it, and went my own route, I had amazing results. Once my kid stopped being force fed that he had "a problem" and focused on the positive attributes in my kids personality (rather than the negative), he's become a completely different person.

I could go on and on. Hope I helped some. At least give you something to think about anyway. :shrug:


New Member

Thanks for the post. I have done more research than you could ever imagine. The side effects on the meds for long term use is minimum to zero. She has been on meds for 2 and a half years now, and I have seen tremendous inprovement. As I am not a parent to take the easy route and put my child on medication. As I had a long talk today with Debbie (kain??) She can fill you in on all the details I gave her. Until we meet again, have a pleasant day/evening.



b*tch rocket
No problem Crazy. Every kid is different and what works for one may no work for another.

My nephew was ADHD and he was on meds for school, but they kept him off of them when he wasn't in school. There were striking differences in his personality when he was on meds. Sure he was calm and mellow, but what made him "him" was gone as well. I just didn't want that for my kid. I've found a route that works for him without altering his personality.

I'm also of the belief that these kids with "ADHD" or whatever they label it from year to year are actually very bright kids and to medicate them to make them "normal" does them a disservice. They think quite differently than "normal" folks, which isn't neccessarily a bad thing. They are the kids that grow up and do great things (if given the proper environment), rather than just "going with the flow" like the majority of the population. They were made the way they are for a reason.

There are days when my kid gets on my last nerve, but that's going to be the case with any kid. I'm ready to throttle him now to be quite honest, he's making paper airplanes and throwing them up into the ceiling fan. What's worse is now he's got EVERYONE else in the family doing it (except for me). I keep getting whacked in the head in the head with them (to everyone's enjoyment. :bawl: )


Thanks Christy.... She's a really nice girl... I told her you had more info than I did. To be honest I really like her. She's got a real problem. Not one of those typical crazy mom's. She's gonna need support.


Originally posted by Christy
I am DEFINITELY one of those crazy mom's Kain. :bawl: Stop dissin me. :bawl: :biggrin:
But, I LOVE you! Anyway ... No you're not! I just felt so bad after hearing her story and knowing what I posted... I'm hoping someone with some real inside can help her out...:wink:


Reiki Practitioner
I understand

I have pm'd you with my email. I know how you feel :bawl: I have 2 children with ADHD and both are on meds, and it was an agonizing years and decisions before I allowed them to be put on meds. ( and many many hours of research and countless doctor visits to multiple doctors in multiple geographical areas.) My problems now come in with the school systems and getting them to cooperate with me with my children. Both are doing fine acedemically, however they learn so quickly that they become bored easily, and then the behavior issues begin. I am constantly called with" so and so won't stop talking, so and so won't stay seated, etc etc) I just don't know how to get the school to work with me to keep my children occupied. I would love to be a "stay-at-home" mom and home school my children myself but I just can't afford to.Thanks for lettingme vent.


New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Crazy devil... I hope you don't mind MHO. I think that ADHD is over diagnosed. In all honesty, I think that the number of medicated children has reached a crisis level in this country.

Want to do yourself and your daughter a favor? Fire her doctor take her off the meds and spend an hour a day reading to her. :wink:
I couldn't agree more


New Member
Originally posted by crazy_devil
Oppositional Defiance Disorder, is when they are to the extreme of difant to uncontrollable,

My daughter has been through, 4 assesments with the Ocupational therapy doctor, Had allergy testing, had an assesment throught the Clinical, Nueroological behavioral Pediatrition, all at Childerns, all done since 1999. they went through all that b4 medications. In addition she has PICA (which is where you eat non food substances, like glue, dirt, sand, etc..abundance of it) She developed that due to a bone marrow virus she got at 18 months old, her body when too long with a vitamen difficiency, and that is what caused it. She was in Childrens for 2 months!

Not to be rude, I know what I have to do as a mother and to treat my child and what is best for my child. I don't need to here any negativity on what I have choose to do with her. All I need is another mother to talk to that has a child with the same probs as mine, I just need to know that there are other mothers out there that deal with what I deal group kinda thing!
You want someone else to tell you that you are right, the problem is that you are wrong, you can easily fix this by talking to dishonest people who will tell you what you want to hear