So. Md Education News

News from the local county public and private schools and colleges.
The Board of Education’s next regular meeting is 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 8. The Board will meet in person at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building. The Starkey Building is located at 5980 Radio Station Road in La Plata. The meeting is open to the public and will stream live on the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) website, CCPS also will post the meeting on its YouTube channel at Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, March 1, 2022 Dr. J. Scott Smith, Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178 Dr. Jeff Walker, Assistant Superintendent of Supporting Services, 301-475-4256, ext. 7 LEONARDTOWN, MD – In anticipation of hitting the milestone of serving two million meals this school year, St. Mary’s County Public Schools will combine this celebration with the annual National School Breakfast Week starting March 7-11, 2022. This year’s Kickoff Celebration will be at Town...
Fourth grader Shylah Harris at Billingsley Elementary School is set to represent Charles County in the 388th St. Mary’s City Maryland Day Celebration on March 26. The Charles County representative is selected through an essay contest available each year to Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) fourth graders. Harris was selected amongst many other entries. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source...
Tonight — Feb. 28, 2022, — the Board of Education of Charles County voted in a 7 to one vote to eliminate the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) mask mandate. Effective immediately, CCPS will no longer require masks in any school system buildings. Mask use is now optional for students, staff and visitors to CCPS schools and buildings. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source Document
St. Mary’s College of Maryland Premieres Student-Composed Fight Song Gretchen Phillips February 25, 2022 - 10:28 am February 25, 2022 Drawing the lyrics for “Fly High Mighty Seahawks” from her positive interactions while attending St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Mary Purtilo ’23 will live in St. Mary’s College history as having composed the College’s official fight song. “A lot of the lyrics in my song came from words of encouragement I have received since I have been a student at SMCM...
Twelve teams from five Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) middle and high schools participated in the 2022 VEX Robotics Southern Maryland Showdown on Saturday, Feb. 5, at John Hanson Middle School. The top 24 teams in the state will advance to the state competition on Feb. 26 at Hereford Middle School in Monkton. Seven of the 24 teams participating in the state competition are Charles County Public Schools teams. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS...
The following is an update shared with Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) parents and staff from the Board of Education of Charles County. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source Document
Several Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) students and teachers were recognized virtually Feb. 23 by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the Maryland State Advisory Council on Gifted and Talented Education for their accomplishments in gifted education. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source Document
Professor of English Jeffrey Coleman Published in Poetry Anthology on Black Resilience Jeffrey Coleman February 18, 2022 - 9:16 am February 18, 2022 Jeffrey Lamar Coleman, professor of English, has three poems included in the poetry anthology “Where We Stand: Poems of Black Resilience” (Cherry Castle Publishing, 2022). Co-edited by Melanie Henderson, Enzo Silon Surin, and Truth Thomas, the multigenerational book consists of 86 poems by 30 poets, including Naomi Ayala, Tara Betts, Derrick...
Registration opened today for the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) High School Virtual Academy program for the 2022-2023 school year. The program is virtual and managed by staff at the Robert D. Stethem Educational Center. Students must apply and meet minimum criteria to be accepted. Enrollment is not guaranteed. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source Document
The Board of Education of Charles County is holding a 6 p.m. work session on Monday, Feb. 28, in the boardroom at the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building. The Starkey building is located at 5980 Radio Station Road in La Plata. The meeting will stream live on the CCPS website at The meeting will also stream to YouTube at Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS...
Take a few trumpets and flutes, a handful of clarinets, throw in some saxophones, add a dash of percussion and sprinkle of trumpets — mix it all together and you have an Instant Concert. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source Document
Freedom Rider, American civil rights activist and history maker, Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, spoke with eighth graders at Piccowaxen Middle School on Wednesday, Feb. 16 about her experience fighting for equality in the 1960s. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source Document
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, February 22, 2022 Dr. J. Scott Smith, Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178 LEONARDTOWN, MD – The Board of Education of St. Mary’s County will be meeting on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, with an executive session beginning at 5:00 p.m., followed by an open meeting at 6:00 p.m. Masks will be required. The public may also watch the meeting live via For more details, please call (301) 475-5511, ext. 32177.
Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) hosted the annual winter chess tournament Feb. 12 at Henry E. Lackey High School. To accommodate COVID-19 social distancing and safety guidelines, the winter tournament was limited to students in Grades 4 to 12. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source Document
Dereck Rovaris Announced as Vice President for Equity and Strategic Initiatives Gretchen Phillips February 21, 2022 - 5:06 pm February 21, 2022 St. Mary’s College of Maryland President Tuajuanda C. Jordan has appointed Dereck J. Rovaris Sr., as vice president for equity and strategic initiatives. He will join St. Mary’s College in mid-April and will report directly to the president. “Dr. Rovaris will be an invaluable addition to our community,” Jordan said. “His experience and wealth of...
Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) is seeking the next Student Member of the Board of Education of Charles County, also known as the SMOB. Current high school sophomores and juniors can apply for a term serving the 2022-2023 school year. Any interested student must also meet CCPS academic eligibility requirements. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source Document
Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) continues to take steps toward resuming standard school system operations. This includes the recent reinstatement of 100 percent spectator access at school events along with concession sales, resuming out-of-county field trips, and welcoming volunteers back to schools. CCPS encourages staff, parents and families to talk with their family doctor about COVID-19 vaccination options. COVID-19 vaccinations are available for anyone ages 5 and older. Charles...
Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) students earned medals in the recent regional SkillsUSA competition and advance to the state championship set for April 1 and 2. Career and Technology Education (CTE) students from North Point High School and the Robert D. Stethem Educational Center compete annually in the event. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source Document
Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) in partnership with the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) is launching an Early College Program for high school students. The pilot program begins in fall 2022 and provides high school students with a tuition-free early start to higher education. Charles County Public Schools only posts a snippet of the story in their RSS feeds. To read the rest of the article, refer to the Source Document