So. Md Education News

News from the local county public and private schools and colleges.
Four Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) Unified Bocce teams earned awards at the Unified Bocce State Invitational held Feb. 13 at Hagerstown Community College. A team from Maurice J. McDonough High School took first place in division three of the event. A second team from McDonough earned third place in division two of the event, and a La Plata High School team received a third-place award in division three of the tournament. A third team from McDonough received fourth place among teams...
Due to a winter weather advisory predicting snow and ice, all Charles County public schools are closed tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2019. There is a code blue for staff, which means Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) employees do not report to work. Visit the school system website at or call the 24-hour information line at 301-932-6656 or 301-934-7410 for the latest CCPS information. [ This article originally appeared here ]
Two Charles County Public Schools students were recently named winners in the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution American History Essay Contest. The contest was open to students in Grades 5-8 and featured the theme of “The Women’s Suffrage Campaign.” The student winners are Rohey Savage, fifth grader at Dr. Gustavus Brown Elementary School, and Nya Whitney, fifth grader at Dr. James Craik Elementary School. Savage earned a first-place award in the Charles County contest...
Several Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) students recently earned honors in the Junior American Citizens Contest, sponsored by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR). The organization includes a Junior American Citizens Committee, which supports contests for children that promote patriotic development. The Junior American Citizens Contest is open to students in prekindergarten through Grade 12. Entries range from banners, poems and posters to short stories and...
Billingsley Elementary School opens and elementary school redistricting takes effect at the start of the 2019-20 school year. Redistricting affects about 2,500 elementary school students throughout the county, and includes students in prekindergarten to Grade 5. The elementary school redistricting establishes an attendance zone for Billingsley Elementary School and relieves overcrowding at most elementary schools. The Board of Education approved the redistricting on June 13, 2017, after a...
If the world’s a stage, Charles County Public School (CCPS) students were the stars Feb. 12 when the Board of Education and Charles County Commissioners honored students for their work in the Maryland State Theatre Festival held Jan. 11 and 12 at Towson University. Henry E. Lackey High School earned first place in the Trash Costume contest. The winning team includes sophomores Tiana Clemons and Destiny Flournoy, and junior Katie Comer. Lackey senior Trey Jolly earned a superior rating in...
The Board of Education unanimously adopted its fiscal year 2020 operating budget request of $392.3 million during its monthly meeting Feb. 12. The budget request is an increase of $22.7 million, or 6.1 percent more than FY 2019. The budget prioritizes employee compensation, and also adds funds for the opening of Billingsley Elementary School, mental health supports, transportation increases, an alternative elementary program and school safety enhancements. A budget summary is available at...
A Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals panel ruled this week that La Plata High School and its administrators did not violate a student’s First Amendment rights during a world history class that included lessons about Islam. In the fall of 2014, the family of Caleigh Wood, then a junior at La Plata, sued the school system and some of its administrators claiming two lessons violated Wood’s right to freedom of religion and speech. One lesson contained a comparative PowerPoint slide titled “Islam...
Marvin Jones is well known in the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) community as a kind leader who will do anything to help children succeed. Jones is an executive director of schools in the CCPS Office of School Administration. In this role, Jones works with principals and school administrative staffs in the system’s 36 schools and four educational centers. His passion for education and building relationships with people is evident in all that he does. From stepping up to serve as...
The Board of Education at its Feb. 12 meeting honored five Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) employees for their commitment to the school system, and dedication to teaching and learning. Honored by the Board were Vincent Batts, Kelsey Jones, Dana Moyer, Kathleen Stafford and Terence Stone. Batts is a longtime building service worker at Benjamin Stoddert Middle School. He arrives to work two hours early each day to ensure the building is safe and inviting for students and staff. Batts...
The Board of Education presented three resolutions to Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) students and staff at its Feb. 12 meeting. The Board votes annually to accept resolutions. The following resolutions were presented: Fine and Performing Arts Month; Read Across Charles County; and Women’s History Month. CCPS recognizes Fine and Performing Arts Month in March annually. Fine and performing arts programs provide students with a well-rounded education and are essential in the...
The Board of Education at its Feb. 12 meeting honored five Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) students for exemplary accomplishments in the areas of academic achievement, career readiness and personal responsibility. Honored were Renata Ashton, Hunter Headley, Lauren Kahler, Kush Patel and Nya Whitney. Ashton is a fifth-grade student at J.C. Parks Elementary School and was honored by the Board in the area of academic achievement. She is a role model for her peers and consistently earns...
Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) highlights Job Shadow Day events annually throughout February. Today, the Board of Education and Superintendent Kimberly Hill participated in the program and invited a group of fifth graders to shadow them during the first part of the Board meeting. Shadowing the Board today were nine students from Indian Head, Arthur Middleton and Mary B. Neal elementary schools. Principals chose students to represent their schools. Each student was randomly assigned to...
Superintendent Kimberly Hill is establishing a discipline review committee to look at the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) Code of Student Conduct and the school system’s disciplinary practices. The 16-member committee will include parents, students, teachers, principals, Board members and school system administrators. Hill is seeking volunteers to serve on the committee. Anyone interested in serving should email a letter of interest to the Superintendent at Committee...
On Tuesday, Feb. 5, a group of North Point High School students added a little adventure to their school schedule. Rather than sitting in their math or English class, they signed up to participate in the Diving with a Purpose program in which they spent time scuba diving in the school’s pool. This is the second year in which Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) has hosted the program for high school students. The program includes four components: a fall and spring unit in biology and U.S...
Due to inclement weather conditions, all Charles County public schools are opening two-hours late today, Monday, Feb. 11, 2019. There is a code two for staff who follow the code system. The morning prekindergarten program is canceled for today. The AlphaBest program at county elementary schools will open today at 8 a.m. Visit the school system website,, for the latest updates. [ This article originally appeared here ]
The Board of Education’s next monthly meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 12 at the Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building on Radio Station Road in La Plata. The public portion of the meeting begins at 1 p.m. and student and staff recognition starts at 4:30 p.m. The meeting is televised live on Comcast Channel 96 and Verizon FiOS Channel 12 and is rebroadcast throughout the week. Board meetings are streamed live on the school system website at The following is a tentative meeting...
The Charles County Scholarship Fund is offering more than 45 scholarships to Charles County high school seniors. Interested students can visit the Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) website,, to view available scholarships, eligibility criteria and additional requirements. All applications must be completed and submitted online by Friday, March 1. Students need only to submit one application and late submissions are not accepted. The application is posted at...
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the Maryland Advisory Council on Gifted and Talented Education honored five Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) teachers — Kelly Craft, Karen Dempsey, Kristen Lednum, Jane Marchione and Sean Pearson — for their efforts and accomplishments in gifted education. Michelle Beckwith, principal of Dr. James Craik Elementary School, was named an outstanding school administrator and Ann Taylor, CCPS content specialist for gifted education, was...
Nine Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) students were recognized Feb. 5 by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the Maryland State Advisory Council on Gifted and Talented Education for their accomplishments in gifted education. Each received a Student Accomplishment in Gifted and Talented Education Award. They are: Kaylee Alvey, eighth grade, General Smallwood Middle School; Anthony Cave, fifth grade, Dr. Thomas L. Higdon Elementary School; Eliza Freundel, fifth grade...