So. Md Education News

News from the local county public and private schools and colleges.
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Student Services team recently held a drive-thru food distribution event at CSM’s Regional Hughesville Campus to help CSM students who are struggling financially and experiencing food insecurities. The first event was held May 21, and another is scheduled for June 2. The SES team first met to empty the campuses’ Hawk Feeders micro-food pantries and then packed up 140 bags of food to give away. Helping with the Mobile Hawk Feeder effort were Pastor...
College of Southern Maryland (CSM) leadership lent their voices to a new video produced by the Rural Maryland Council to promote the unique characteristics that help cross traditional boundaries, share information, and address in a more holistic way the special needs and opportunities in Rural Maryland. CSM President Dr. Maureen Murphy and Continuing Education and Workforce Development Associate Vice President Ellen Flowers-Fields joined the cast of many to share examples of how Rural...
Social Distancing Does Not Have to Mean Social Disengagement The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) is proud to partner with the American Red Cross and sponsor two blood drives at its Prince Frederick Campus June 7 and 30. The blood drives coincide with the recent #SleevesUpMD challenge issued by Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and the Maryland State Police asking all Marylanders to raise pledges for blood donations. According to the American Red Cross, blood supplies are at a critical low and...
The College of Southern Maryland is open! As our community adapts to the changes brought on by the pandemic, CSM is here. Our campuses may be shuttered right now, but the college has never stopped. One example is CSM’s 61st spring commencement on May 29. All are invited to celebrate as our students receive 462 degrees and 214 certificates in a virtual, online ceremony shared on CSM’s Facebook page! CSM has been a leader in distance education for twenty years, and faculty were prepared for...
Imagine, Discover and Explore a Variety of Interests from Home A former participant in CSM’s Kids’ and Teen College sharpens her digital photography skills. Registration for this summer’s programs opened May 20. Registration for Kids’ and Teen College at the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) has opened to offer 150 virtual enrichment programs for children ages 5 to 17 years old. These programs allow kids and teens to design a fun, online summer experience specific to their interests...
National and regional politicians looking to hone their skills in the cyber world of election campaigns could learn a thing or two from the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) students who spent the end of their spring semester stumping for votes online. The cast of new leaders who were just elected as the 2020-21 CSM Student Government Association (SGA) officers will tell you they felt very connected to their constituents – almost too connected – as they navigated CSM’s first virtual student...
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) held a virtual “White Coat Ceremony” May 18 to recognize and applaud its five Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) students who will soon graduate with their associate of applied science degrees. The students will join the nation’s MLT healthcare workers on the front lines where lab work has never been more important as it is today in helping the world identify and cope with the current COVID-19 pandemic. “We are so proud of these amazing women who are...
The College of Southern Maryland’s (CSM) Board of Trustees awarded eight full-time faculty members tenure at its May 14 meeting. The following CSM faculty have met or exceeded the standard set forth in the tenure review policy as established jointly by college administrators and Faculty Senate: Bishnu Ghimire “Bishnu Ghimire’s tenure statement, letters of support, and follow-up interview showcased his tireless work with colleagues to enhance and improve his teaching, as well as his...
‘It just makes sense to earn your bachelor’s degree at half the cost’ The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) reached a milestone this week when it signed an articulation agreement with Frostburg State University (FSU). This partnership allows CSM to now offer its students priority enrollment or guaranteed admission to 50 different four-year colleges and universities to pursue 100 distinct degree programs. CSM Coordinator of Transfer and Articulation Jacqui Rogers has been focused on...
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) will hold a special virtual reading of its “Connections” Literary Magazine Friday, May 15 at 7:30 p.m. Contributors will read and discuss their poems, stories, artwork and photography recently published in the spring 2020 edition. Each semester, students and community members are invited to hear from the Connections Literary Magazine contributors. This spring’s Connections reading will offer the same exhibition of art but delivered in a virtual format...
The College of Southern Maryland recently on-boarded Charlie Raphael to be the next head coach of the women’s soccer program. Raphael comes to CSM after most recently serving as the head coach of the girls varsity soccer team at Huntingtown High School. The Hurricanes went to the playoffs every year during his five-year stay from 2015-2019, making it to the state semifinals in his first year and the state championship game in 2017. Raphael began his high school coaching career at...
CSM Professor Emeritus Wayne Karlin recently interviewed celebrated Vietnamese poet Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai about her first novel in English. His literary webinar crossed time zones to let viewers watch Karlin participate from the United States while Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai was online from Munich, Germany. The program (view below) highlighted the novel, ‘The Mountains Sing’ by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai, which tells an enveloping, multi-generational tale of the Trần family, set against the backdrop of the...
Maryland State Police Select Most Effective Public Service Announcements in Annual Contest Nine College of Southern Maryland (CSM) digital media students were honored this spring for exhibiting award-winning creativity in the production of public service announcements (PSAs) aimed at helping to reduce vehicle thefts. Anthony Aceto In an annual contest that allows students to show off their skills for a real-world project, participants from both CSM and Towson University were invited to...
Provides ‘Collective Sense of Purpose in the Face of this Crisis and Furthers the Camaraderie that Prevails Among the Region’s Organizations’ During emergencies, Southern Maryland’s most vulnerable populations turn to the same familiar faces they interact with routinely from their area community-based nonprofit organizations. That’s why when the news of the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, the Nonprofit Institute (NPI) at the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) immediately heightened its...
The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) will blaze a new trail in May when it offers its first virtual Open House for high school students May 13 and a Virtual Night of Cybersecurity May 20. These online events provide creative outreach to new and returning students while ensuring their health and welfare – and the continuity of enrollment and learning. Open House Highlights CSM is the Affordable Solution High schoolers in Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s counties who are interested in...
“Giving Tuesday Now” May 5: All day, online. May 5. The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Foundation will join the global movement #GivingTuesdayNow. #GivingTuesdayNow is a day of giving and unity that will take place on social media May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented needs caused by COVID-19. Follow CSM Alumni and Friends on Facebook throughout the day. All proceeds will go to the CSM Hawks Student Emergency Fund to aid vulnerable students experiencing challenges...
24-hour Online Giving Event Includes Entertainers and Giveaways – All Supporting CSM Hawks Student Emergency Fund The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) Foundation will join the global online movement #GivingTuesdayNow to aid CSM’s most vulnerable students experiencing challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic. #GivingTuesdayNow is a day of giving and unity that will take place on social media May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented needs caused by the coronavirus. All...
The Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) Program at the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) joined the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science by participating in the National Virtual 5K race to highlight and celebrate Medical Laboratory Professionals week, April 19-25. While the nation’s Medical Laboratory Technician healthcare heroes are on the front lines every day, their work has never been more important as they help the world identify and cope with the current COVID-19 pandemic...
Thanks to Southern Maryland Newspapers, the following article is reprinted, in part, from their sports section with permission. While the College of Southern Maryland men’s and women’s basketball teams may have fallen short of their collective team goals, members of both squads were recently selected for postseason honors. CSM men’s basketball sophomores Lelan Eackles and Warrick Godwin received accolades as did two members of the Hawks’ women’s basketball team, sophomore Amaya Yancey and...
Announces Hiring Freeze, Voluntary Reduction of Staff/Hours And Freezes Tuition, Waives Summer and Fall Course Fees The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) announces that it has taken a number of actions that will affect college personnel as it continues to address the operating environment and financial impact caused by COVID-19. In addition, CSM will freeze tuition for the fall semester, and waive summer and fall semester course fees to help current, returning and new students impacted by...