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  • Unfortunately I do not. The earliest we will get our hands on any is March 12th and that is not a guarantee. If we can get them then, it looks like the price will be $5.39 a bag. I talked to our supplier over the weekend. Basically, because of the weather, the loggers have not been able to get out and cut trees to produce the sawdust. If they are able to get any sawdust to make the pellets, there has been a problem with the moisture content and getting the sawdust off the trucks because it freezes during the trucking process.
    Keep us in mind for June/July timeframe - it looks like we will be selling Lignetics pellets then for about $225/ton.
    Do you know of anyplace in So. MD that pellets are available for less than the $5.59 a bag my husband just found?
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