Recent content by ArkRescue

  1. ArkRescue

    7-month-old puppy abandoned in 20°

    We are going to feed her dry Pedigree Puppy Food to keep the expense down.
  2. ArkRescue

    7-month-old puppy abandoned in 20°

    I discovered that if I'm petting a cat or a dog she gets really excited and she wants to get involved! So it looks like she's going to be okay if there are other animals around which is great. I can't let her play with anyone right now until after Monday and even then I have to be careful for at...
  3. ArkRescue

    7-month-old puppy abandoned in 20°

    She didn't respond to Juliet. She started responding to Cookie.
  4. ArkRescue

    7-month-old puppy abandoned in 20°

    Not really because Flora is is excited and pushy with sniffing another dog and if the dog is frightened it comes across as frightening and makes the dog uncomfortable. So I have kept them apart. Maybe I should let them go ahead and see if the puppy says NO?
  5. ArkRescue

    7-month-old puppy abandoned in 20°

    Many people have said that puppies are just happy go lucky and want to play and this girl is terrified. No one knows what those people did to this puppy 😭 and she has lost her happiness of puppyhood. I am hoping we can find someone who can be one her best buddy and show her that a good happy...
  6. ArkRescue

    7-month-old puppy abandoned in 20°

    At the vet on Monday she weighed 34 lb. She was written up as a shepherd mix and she got her rabies vaccination and she will be getting spayed this coming Monday and microchipped.
  7. ArkRescue

    Donate via FB Fundraiser or Amazon List for Homeless Animals in So. MD

    Just took her out again for her last night trip outside and she's doing so much better already potty-wise as she's doing all of her business outside, nothing on the pads thank goodness.
  8. ArkRescue

    Donate via FB Fundraiser or Amazon List for Homeless Animals in So. MD

    I scored that used fabric jumbo dog crate for $20! Can you believe it? I love it!
  9. ArkRescue

    Donate via FB Fundraiser or Amazon List for Homeless Animals in So. MD

    I'll have more information on her after the vet sees her tomorrow afternoon. Once we know her age we'll have a better idea of what her overall size is going to be but it looks like she's going to be sort of a petite sized German Shepherd.
  10. ArkRescue

    Donate via FB Fundraiser or Amazon List for Homeless Animals in So. MD

    She definitely has that German Shepherd glide when she moves.
  11. ArkRescue

    7-month-old puppy abandoned in 20°

    It's been hard to get her to feel comfortable outside as she is afraid of all the random sounds like cars whizzing by, gunfire, etc. Heck I NEED TO MOVE from all the noise LOL