I just thought I should tell you if you see me dealing harshly with someone it could just be my sinfulness. In the case of JPC, We have been friends for over 5 years, although I hate his false beliefs, I meet him about once a month and I take him out to dinner, and do what ever I can for him to help him in anyway I can. He dosent take my words personally. Although my words to him may not apear like it, I have been showing Him the love of Christ for some time and the reason we met was so that we could talk in person in case he just didnt understand the gospel or was confused.
I just thought I should tell you if you see me dealing harshly with someone it could just be my sinfulness. In the case of JPC, We have been friends for over 5 years, although I hate his false beliefs, I meet him about once a month and I take him out to dinner, and do what ever I can for him to help him in anyway I can. He dosent take my words personally. Although my words to him may not apear like it, I have been showing Him the love of Christ for some time and the reason we met was so that we could talk in person in case he just didnt understand the gospel or was confused.