Recent content by illfindu2

  1. illfindu2

    Freedom Of Religion, Or Freedom From Religion?

    BOTH Please, that is, freedom to choose and freedom from being pushed to believe. It is not the Government's job to push religion upon our children. This should be up to their families and the children themselves choose if they so wish. TYVM
  2. illfindu2

    Local Teacher Charged with Sex Offense

    Sounds like you have some dark secrets of your own. lol Stop trying to convince everyone that this girl, that you don't know, is at fault. Perhaps this is hitting a little close to home for you? The teacher will be tried and a court will determine his fate. A 13 year old girl does not have...
  3. illfindu2

    FINALLY MHT Jumper Derby Pics are up!

    Beautiful pics. You are very talented.
  4. illfindu2

    Obama and the economy

    Hmmm . . . My taxes paying a war that shouldn't have been started in the first place while Osama is still partying it up or My taxes paying for the mistakes of stupid people NOT MUCH OF A CHOICE IF YOU ASK ME
  5. illfindu2

    Obama's Race Speech

    I wouldn't have an emotional investment in a specific church if what was being preached day in and day out was not what I respected. My core values and beliefs make me a strong person who can think for myself and step up and confront those that spew hatred. My emotional attachment to anyone...
  6. illfindu2

    Obama's Race Speech

    I have stormed out of Church for MUCH less. One time I left because the pastor of the Church I attened where I frequently vacation started talking about how the death penalty was wrong. I do not go to church to listen to politics. I got up and walked out. Now, I go to a church a few more...
  7. illfindu2

    Obama's Race Speech

    I have been to many Churches and have NEVER heard such filth. It scares me that Obama believes that this is common in Churches. If I went into my church and heard it's leadership utter any racial slur, you'd bet your bottom dollar that I'd leave! Can you imagine Obama taking his childen to...
  8. illfindu2

    Where’s the Tax Rebate coming from?

    I happily stand corrected MMDad. I assumed that the conditions of the last rebate would be the same. Thanks!
  9. illfindu2

    Where’s the Tax Rebate coming from?

    You, unfortunately, are 100% correct. So those of you who are worried about non-tax payers getting this "rebate," they will owe that amount at the end of the year to good ole Uncle Sam. This is just and advancement of any refund you would get back at the end of 2008. Don't be fooled. They...
  10. illfindu2

    Here are the MSA show dates.

  11. illfindu2

    Here are the MSA show dates.

    I'm sure her trainer will be able to work him through it; or tell her that she brought the wrong horse . . . .:killingme
  12. illfindu2

    Here are the MSA show dates.

    Didn't she just say her horse "rides well.?" :confused:
  13. illfindu2

    Here are the MSA show dates.

    Didn't look himself? Are you sure you took the right horse? Mine eyes they do deceive me. :killingme
  14. illfindu2

    The Statewide Smoking Ban....

    It has been listed on the NIH List of Known Carcinogens since 2000. Where have you been. Here you go read this