Recent content by josmom

  1. J

    House Fire, Little Cove Point Rd

    You are right, they are with family and doing ok right now, if anything is needed, it will be posted later on. Thanks!
  2. J

    Whats up in Lusby

    I do believe you can say that this end of the county is going totally ape Sh*t. They just called the person on the scene. Just trying to find out if it was shooting or stabbing, i do know it is on santa fe which is by the little cove point entrance.
  3. J

    Whats up in Lusby

    Heard a bunch of sirens going into the ranch club, did not have the scanner on quick enough and now they are calling for crime scene and a priority 4. Anyone have any info?
  4. J

    What's going on?

    I heard the call come out this morning on the scanner, car traveling south bound 4 from P.G. County throwing Weapons, and CDS from the windows, relayed through a P.G. Officer that was chasing them because they had just robbed a place in P.G. county. Calvert joined chase and they bailed out of...
  5. J

    Backing up Karaoke Cd's

    Thanks for the help Tomcat, I greatly appreciate it. I think I will go check out the store in baltimore one weekend.
  6. J

    Army of Two

    My husband went to Game Stop yesterday to get that game, and they told them that for some reason, they decided to ship the game yesterday and would have it for sale today. I know that usually new games go on sale on Tuesday but for whatever reason this time they shipped on Tuesday, which had...
  7. J

    Moms of girls, let me know...

    My daughters friends, who are around the same age, all love gift cards as well. I too worry that people think that we don't put thoughts into the presents, so I have started adding to the gift cards. If it is for a girl, I get a little purse with hair stuff, chap stick, a fun pen and pad of...
  8. J

    Planer Boards

    That would be great. If you could email them to it would greatly be appreciated. I do agree with what some of the other people are saying about the planer boards. I, at first thought they were a pain when I was the little boat in the water trying to get around the...
  9. J

    Good charter boat fishing companies?

    I went out trolling on a charter on Wed. out of North Beach, and loved every minute of it. There was no boredome, I think it all depends on who you take with you and how much beer you take. lol
  10. J

    Planer Boards

    I am looking for advice on planer boards. I hit a charter boat out of North Beach on Wed. and a majority of the fish hit on the planers. I am curious about which is better to go with. A 3 board or a 2 board planer, and where can I find the overviews of making them. There seems to be nothing...
  11. J

    marriage Q

    I am 26 years old, my husband is 28 years old, we have been together for 13 years and married for 7 years. We have a 7 year old daughter, and though it has been hard keeping both the marriage and family together and happy, if you are truely meant to be with eachother, the good times should be...
  12. J

    Apartment in New York City

    My brother currently lives in Manhattan, he pays 1500 a month for 1 bedroom in a 5th floor walk up. His bedroom is 10ftx8ft. There are 4 people that live in that apartment, each paying about the same, he told me a few years ago that there rent was about $4000 a month. The whole apartment is...
  13. J

    Art Supply Store in Waldorf

    Thank you guys SOO Much... That is what I was looking for!!!
  14. J

    Art Supply Store in Waldorf

    My MIL and myself were talking last night about the art supply store in Waldorf (In the same shopping center as Red Robin and Kirkland's) But we could not remember the name of it. Does anyone happen to know the name of the store? TIA
  15. J

    Moon Bounces

    Just Ask Rental in Solomons has a couple of different options when it comes to inflatables, not just the square type. Jabba, Call S and he will fix you up with what you want..