
  1. Steam engine

    Steam engine

    Cecil's Mill in Great Mills, Md. Photos taken in Dec. 2005.
  2. Steam engine

    Steam engine

    Cecil's Mill in Great Mills, Md. Photos taken in Dec. 2005.
  3. Steam engine

    Steam engine

    Cecil's Mill in Great Mills, Md. Photos taken in Dec. 2005.
  4. Cecil's Mill in Great Mills, Md.

    Cecil's Mill in Great Mills, Md.

    Cecil's Mill in Great Mills, Md. Photos taken in Dec. 2005.
  5. Cecil's Country Store

    Cecil's Country Store

    Cecil's Mill in Great Mills, Md. Photos taken in Dec. 2005.
  6. Old gas pump from the side

    Old gas pump from the side

    Cecil's Mill in Great Mills, Md. Photos taken in Dec. 2005.
  7. Old gas pump closeup

    Old gas pump closeup

    Cecil's Mill in Great Mills, Md. Photos taken in Dec. 2005.
  8. Old gas pump

    Old gas pump

    Cecil's Mill in Great Mills, Md. Photos taken in Dec. 2005.
  9. Cecil's Saw Mill plaque

    Cecil's Saw Mill plaque

    Reads: A saw mill has been on this site since circa 1820. The present structure has been restored using most of the "American" saw mill parts dating from 1910. The mill has not operated since the fatal injury of H. Robb Cecil on 22 April 1959. Restoration was completed in 1987 by William J...
  10. Logs on the rails near the wood mill

    Logs on the rails near the wood mill

    Cecil's Mill in Great Mills, Md. Photos taken in Dec. 2005.
  11. Yooper

    Stonehenge Quarries Identified

    I love Stonehenge (really, really cool; especially if in person!). So I found this really, really interesting. Link: Found: Two of the Quarries Responsible for the Megaliths of Stonehenge P.S. I tried to find a "History" or "Science" sub-category to post this in. Did I miss it? --- End of...
  12. Yooper

    America Loves A Winner. Or Does It? Depends.... (Perhaps, TL; DR, But Fun To Have Written)

    Some poorly-organized thoughts regarding the saying that America loves a winner. I. Does America love a winner? Not sure that's true. Then again, it might be. Turns out it depends on how one defines "America" and how one defines "winning." That's pretty clear as it pertains to the current...