10,000 Photos from the Apollo Moon Mission


PREMO Member
SO, NASA Got Sick of all that Conspiracy Thing and Released over 10,000 Photos from the Apollo Moon Mission

Some say it was a giant leap for humanity, some say it was fake, some even say Stanely Kubrick directed it. However, the landing on the moon is still a subject that evokes mixed emotions.

Recently, NASA uploaded just about every image captured by Apollo astronauts on lunar missions, which you can find on their Project Apollo Archive Flickr account.

There are some 8,400 photographs in all at a resolution of 1800 dpi, and they’re sorted by the roll of film they were on.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I hope they released those photos for the enjoyment of geeks like me and not because the moonbats don't believe it.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone notice the bottle cap in photo number 6,526? These pictures prove nothing except that NASA spent a lot of time and energy taking pictures of the movie set before it was dismantled. Heck I'll bet the moon itself is a fake! Probable just a giant prop placed in orbit by the evil GOP. Oh and the earth isn't round either and I can prove it. If the earth was really round then why are all maps flat? Ha! Got you all on that one.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone notice the bottle cap in photo number 6,526? These pictures prove nothing except that NASA spent a lot of time and energy taking pictures of the movie set before it was dismantled. Heck I'll bet the moon itself is a fake! Probable just a giant prop placed in orbit by the evil GOP. Oh and the earth isn't round either and I can prove it. If the earth was really round then why are all maps flat? Ha! Got you all on that one.

This makes me want to ask, 'Do classrooms still have globes in them?' 'Do kids today even know what globes are?'


Well-Known Member
This makes me want to ask, 'Do classrooms still have globes in them?' 'Do kids today even know what globes are?'

I would say no. The only reason why globes were ever used was because maps are large and awkward and very difficult for children to fold. I think it was the globes in class rooms that made people think the Earth was actually round. Of course a few of us are smart enough to know that the Earth is not round but flat just like a MAP.

Now to get back on topic here. Anyone else find it strange that they released exactly 10,000 photo's? I smell another conspiracy here. Why not 10,001 or 9,998 or whatever? Why did they stop right at 10,000, and when they were taking these "photo's" when they got up to lets 5,367 do you think they said hey just 4,633 left to go? Stop lying to us NASA. We know the truth.