150 yrs after the Civil War, race still haunts us


Ubi bene ibi patria

"One hundred and fifty years ago, on April 12, 1861, the first shots of the Civil War were fired. A century and a half later, the issue of race still haunts us.

Back then, most everyone understood that America's bloodiest war - more than 623,000 dead - had its roots in race. But race is not a subject Americans like to think about anymore. At every turn, prominent voices try to pretend that since we've achieved a colorblind society, we can forget all that old unpleasantness.

Indeed, some - including Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell, when he proclaimed Confederate History Month last April - have tried to pretend that the Civil War wasn't really about slavery, just "states' rights." Such willful ignorance tosses aside the fact that the right the Confederate states fought to preserve was the right to own other human beings - human beings whose skin was black.

Electing a black president was seen by some as proof that we've put all that behind us, but the race-baiting started even before President Obama's inauguration. It's ranged from the relatively subtle (books from right-wing scholars tracing the "rage" of this almost preternaturally calm president to a "Kenyan anti-colonial" worldview) to the downright crude (depictions of Obama in African tribal dress, with a bone through his nose).

And when someone points this out, what happens? The "race is not an issue" crowd howls about "playing the race card." So last year, when the NAACP condemned "racist elements" within the tea party movement, U.S. News and World Report columnist Peter Roff compared the group to infamous segregationists Lester Maddox and "Bull" Connor. Pundit George Will called the resolution "left-wing McCarthyism." So apparently the folks depicting Obama with a bone through his nose aren't racist, but those calling them out are. Somewhere, George Orwell is smiling."


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Funny. I don't feel haunted ... don't know anyone else who feels 'haunted'...



Methodically disorganized
Hmm, so if war - the most tragic and disturbing human endeavor - cannot put an end to it, what makes Liberals think new laws will?


New Member
Cool. Where would one go about getting a picture of that 'bone through the nose' depiction?

Of course race is an issue it probably always will be .

I tajke exception to the gist of this story that Obama's race is held against him.

The fact is that people are using Obma's race as an excuse for his inexperience and inadequacy. They are trying to excuse his incompetence by saying he is being picked on because he is half-black.

The fact is that Obama is incompetent, inexperienced, wrong headed, bigoted, liberal, recalcitrant, and completely ill equipped to perform as President.

His race has nothing to do with it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member


  • obama-witchdoctor.jpg
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
The fact is that Obama is incompetent, inexperienced, wrong headed, bigoted, liberal, recalcitrant, and completely ill equipped to perform as President.

His race has nothing to do with it.

Yeah..all that. I was quite hopefull that his election would put many festering race issues to bed, in fact. Captain Zero's incompetence combined with the shameless race baiting by his 'supporters' has caused the opposite to be the case.

Sad, really. Opportunities missed and bungled.


In My Opinion
Here you go.

come on, everyone can tell that is a fake picture... I mean, where is the chicken he swings around his head while curing the evil spirits that made you sick???

Other than that, I find it rather amusing.


"One hundred and fifty years ago, on April 12, 1861, the first shots of the Civil War were fired. A century and a half later, the issue of race still haunts us.

The only reason it keeps haunting "US" is because you progressives keep bringing it up.



New Member
i get so annoyed with people that get up in arms over cartoons of obama. Everyone enjoyed themselves when they viewed all of the f#$ked up pictures of Bush. It doesn't matter who the president is, he's going to be made fun of. GET OVER IT.


Well-Known Member
Race is not a subject Americans like to think about anymore. At every turn, prominent voices try to pretend that since we've achieved a colorblind society, we can forget all that old unpleasantness.
How have we achieved a colorblind society? We have laws that demand ratios of race in certain work-places, we ask people about race for the purposes of demographing everything from elections to TV programming to who buys what kind of cheese, some pretend that principled objections to policy matters are actually rooted in race, we legislate that race be considered as a factor for college admission, we use race as the basis for advancement within a workplace.....

Where are we colorblind, exactly? Other than in most conservative people's minds (who believe everyone should be treated equally, not some more equal than others)?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Then you don't know too many people who make a living off of race baiting and their devoted disciples. Because *they* are about as haunted as humans get.

Yr right. I don't know any of those people. Aware of their existence?..of course.