161-Year-Old Shipwreck Found at Bottom of Lake Ontario


ROCHESTER, N.Y. — After more than 160 years, the twin masts of the Milan still stand erect -- all the more remarkable because the commercial sailing ship sits in the dark depths of Lake Ontario.

"It almost looks like it could be floated" to the surface, said shipwreck explorer Dan Scoville on Monday.

Scoville and fellow explorer Jim Kennard located the schooner in the summer of 2005 off the southern shore of the lake. They videotaped the 93-foot-long, square-stern vessel this year using an unmanned submersible built with the help of college students.



Lovin' being Texican
I wonder why they included this reference "They videotaped the 93-foot-long, square-stern vessel this year using an unmanned submersible built with the help of college students." Were they window-lickers?


yeah yeah
Lenny said:
I wonder why they included this reference "They videotaped the 93-foot-long, square-stern vessel this year using an unmanned submersible built with the help of college students."

Most likely to give them due credit for making such a machine that could detect such things.