Leap Of Faith Farm
guess I should check to see if I am logged in on my own computer before I post .. Z stay off my computer
Actually both Frog and I but I take Zyrtec and Frog takes Sudafed .. I am also allergic to cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, hay and dust but I take my Zyrtec every day and supposed to use an inhaler but gave up on that.. Z wants to keep them so she asked trying to ride if she would keep them until we got our nee place then Z will keep them in her room ..(that's the plan right now)
No I put this on before Z came up with the idea of you baby sitting realize it may take a while to sell and buy are new place ?? I hope not to long still want to baby sit ???
Do you not remember HOW many times I have moved. And if I move they will already be home
Oh- not going to VA tomorrow I forgot about E's dentist appt.
HOW much you want for the house ?? If you buy Copper I'll let you keep him there so when you come to visit he'll be here ..I just text-ed you from my computer (to kool) anyway Friday Nov. 2, 2007 as a 2 hour early dismissal day and the end of 1st quarter. Report cards will be distributed November 14, 2007.
we would have been unable to go to VA anyway....we'll have to find something else to get into..
Am I no longer babysitting ?
Ferrets found new home
I had someone call me today and I decided that they needed to go go not just go.. I tried cleaning the stuff to get it so it would not bother me , bathing with a special kind of shampoo (that lasted about 30 min) It was not the scent it was their type of fur ..
Z really under stood why they had to go go
oh yeah and for my red karma person .. I guess I have to prove to you I have Asthma
NOT I know it is true so stuff your comments up your A$$.
How come you did not sign your remarks.