So it looks like in *maybe* 2 more weeks I can have Baby B home!! That's the estimate they're giving me anyway for now. . . . . he's working his way up to full feeds, then just has to pass the car seat test!!
Baby A has a stricture from the NEC, so it will be a bit longer on him as he's not feeding at all right now.
But I could have one of my babies home soon!! They're 6 weeks old today, so I've waited a l-o-n-g time for this!!!!
And because I've released a few pics, here they are. . .
The first 2 are Baby A, second 2 are Baby B.
Baby A has a stricture from the NEC, so it will be a bit longer on him as he's not feeding at all right now.
But I could have one of my babies home soon!! They're 6 weeks old today, so I've waited a l-o-n-g time for this!!!!
And because I've released a few pics, here they are. . .
The first 2 are Baby A, second 2 are Baby B.