rraley said:
What do you all predict this far out? For the Republicans, I see Colorado Governor Bill Owens running against either Bill Frist or George Allen. For the Democrats, I see Senator Evan Byah running and that's who I would be supporting. Two people who I don't see running: Hillary Clinton and John McCain.
What's wrong with McCain? I don't agree with some of his positions on social issues, but overall I like him more than Bush. I voted for McCain when the GOP opened their Md. primary to independents in 2000.
In 2008, I would like to see at least one candidate who, like myself, is somewhat liberal on social issues and somewhat conservative on financial issues. Like these:
-eliminate welfare in favor of work projects
-eliminate 50% of all upper-management jobs from civil service, except defense
-restrict education funding to school boards so that none of the money can be spent on central office salaries
-boost defense spending overall
-shift our long-term military focus from Iraq to the elimination of Al Qaeda
-drop the income tax in favor of a national sales tax
-legalize civil unions for gay couples
-drop "Under God" from the Pledge and eliminate "In God We Trust" from our money