2008 Presidential Race


New Member
What do you all predict this far out? For the Republicans, I see Colorado Governor Bill Owens running against either Bill Frist or George Allen. For the Democrats, I see Senator Evan Byah running and that's who I would be supporting. Two people who I don't see running: Hillary Clinton and John McCain.


willie said:
Don't you believe Hillary has a large Dem following?

I do. Someone who I would like to see run again is Howard Dean or Wesley Clark. I think either one of them would be good candidates for the Dems. I would hate to see Frist run for the Republicans, that would be a headache above and beyond Bush. :peace:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Giuliani vs. Bayh.

Tough call, both are pretty moderate. Bayh is from my home state and very popular there. I'd still probably vote for Giuliani.


sleuth said:
Giuliani vs. Bayh.

Tough call, both are pretty moderate. Bayh is from my home state and very popular there. I'd still probably vote for Giuliani.

I don't know, Giuliani said our troops were to blame for the missing explosives in Iraq. I think that's going to haunt him for a long time. A politician should never blame the troops for something like that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
A politician should never blame the troops for something like that.
You're right. It makes a lot more sense to blame the President. :rolleyes:

Back on ignore you go but, before I remove you from my sight, let me say that there's NO WAY you are an adult male. You are a 14 year old punk ass kid. There's no way in hell you are raising children when you are this immature.

Ta ta. Don't bother replying because...I won't see it!


New Member
Rudy Guiliani's sole experience coming into the 2008 Election would have been to be the mayor of New York for about 8 years. And you thought that John Edwards' lack of experience was bad!! Furthermore, I doubt that he would win the GOP nomination based on his pro-choice, pro-gun control stances.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
rraley said:
Rudy Guiliani's sole experience coming into the 2008 Election would have been to be the mayor of New York for about 8 years. And you thought that John Edwards' lack of experience was bad!! Furthermore, I doubt that he would win the GOP nomination based on his pro-choice, pro-gun control stances.
Yeah... he's a pretty moderate Republican. And that may be precisely why he gets the nomination. Republicans, like the Dems... will have to prioritize the issues that are most important to them. Giuliani is tough on crime, and you know he's going to be tough on terror. If terror is still an issue in the next election, he could be at the top of the list.

Besides... if he wins the primaries, i.e. if a lot of moderate Republicans come out and vote for him, I would doubt that the GOP would go against the results.


Well-Known Member
rraley said:
Rudy Guiliani's sole experience coming into the 2008 Election would have been to be the mayor of New York for about 8 years. And you thought that John Edwards' lack of experience was bad!! Furthermore, I doubt that he would win the GOP nomination based on his pro-choice, pro-gun control stances.
Rudy Guiliani is NOT a sleazbag tort lawyer. There is not even a remote similarity between the two.


Super Genius
I'd say Mayor of NYC for 8 years is pretty good experience. After all, NYC's population, economy, etc. is larger than most states. Running that city is essentially running a large portion of the country and is better experience than being Governor of...oh, I don't know...Arkansas.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Speaking tongue and cheek (no Aimhigh, I don't mean that), and keeping the fear mongers worried, I suspect the GW (Adolf Hitler) Bush's first act of his second term will be to have the 22nd Amendment repealed which will be immediately ratified by the required states and Bush will then be able to seek and win his third term.

Realistically, I suspect that names won’t even be bantered around for another two years or so as it will depend on how far we have moved on the path that Bush has placed us on. Hell, in four years, if many of today’s challenges are under control or fixed, it might be time to have another Democrat in the office to screw things up once again.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...are you trying to be silly?

Mayor of New York, re-elected, vs. one term US Senator.

You've got to be kidding?

You may be right about far right resistance to his pro choice stance and his comfort with gays.

Of course, if we pick him, he'll win New York, maybe California and will easily break 60 million votes.


New Member
Candidates with executive experience (as mayor, governor, business executive or cabinet secretary) seem to have better success, probably because they seem to be better able to project leadership. That's why only two 20th century presidents (Kennedy and Harding) went directly from the Senate to the White House. The legislative mentality is one of behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing, not leading.
Besides, Giuliani's eight and a half years as mayor of New York City (which has a larger population and bureaucracy than at least half of the states) compares well to 12 years as governor of a small state (Clinton), or 11 years as governor of an even smaller state (Howard Dean).
Giulinai's socially moderate views would cause him problems in the early GOP primaries, but he'd win in the general election.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ericw said:
Giulinai's socially moderate views would cause him problems in the early GOP primaries, but he'd win in the general election.
...because who else are the Republicans going to vote for? The Democrat? :lol:

Republicans are going more moderate. It's not such a shocker to have Rs that are pro-abortion and pro-gay anymore. Guiliani would be a great candidate, IMO.


Football season!
There were talks that Rudy wasn't all that popular before 9/11. What issues did people have with him?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
There were talks that Rudy wasn't all that popular before 9/11. What issues did people have with him?
Rustling the bums away from businesses doorsteps, no jaywalking (it's a good way to get run over in NYC), got rid of the hookers and peep shows on Times Square - various actions that are for the public good but made liberal loonies scream with vexation.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Rudy would not carry the 25 million Christian voters. They will not vote to validate abortion or homosexual rights. If both the Republican and Democratic candidates support those positions, the Christians may not vote or they may support a third party which could mark the rise of a viable third party and the decline of one or both of the Republicans and Democrats.


Asperger's Poster Child
rraley said:
What do you all predict this far out? For the Republicans, I see Colorado Governor Bill Owens running against either Bill Frist or George Allen. For the Democrats, I see Senator Evan Byah running and that's who I would be supporting. Two people who I don't see running: Hillary Clinton and John McCain.
What's wrong with McCain? I don't agree with some of his positions on social issues, but overall I like him more than Bush. I voted for McCain when the GOP opened their Md. primary to independents in 2000.

In 2008, I would like to see at least one candidate who, like myself, is somewhat liberal on social issues and somewhat conservative on financial issues. Like these:

-eliminate welfare in favor of work projects
-eliminate 50% of all upper-management jobs from civil service, except defense
-restrict education funding to school boards so that none of the money can be spent on central office salaries
-boost defense spending overall
-shift our long-term military focus from Iraq to the elimination of Al Qaeda
-drop the income tax in favor of a national sales tax
-legalize civil unions for gay couples
-drop "Under God" from the Pledge and eliminate "In God We Trust" from our money