2008 Presidential Race



I don't see the NRA or Religious nutjobs supporting Rudy.

I see Condi Rice as the 08 candidate.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Religious nutjobs
Why are you bigoted? Everyone has to be PC and treat all groups with kid gloves EXCEPT Christians and Jews, then it is OK to bash away. I and my 25 million Christian brothers and sisters are tired of it.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
McCain is an idiot. I give you campaign finance reform as proof.
I have my doubts that McCain-Feinggold will do much good in the long run. Still, I give him points for at least pushing to change the status quo.

As I said before, what I really want is public financing of campaigns. Vrai, you've said you favor completely open disclosure of all donations, and I agree with that principle. Still, I believe our politicians shouldn't be for sale in the first place. I don't think open disclosure will completely eliminate the enormous fund-raising advantage that incumbents have.


Asperger's Poster Child
2ndAmendment said:
Why are you bigoted? Everyone has to be PC and treat all groups with kid gloves EXCEPT Christians and Jews, then it is OK to bash away. I and my 25 million Christian brothers and sisters are tired of it.
You make a good point. In the media both left and right, I see too much confusion of "evangelical" and "fundamentalist," which are not necessarily the same thing.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
You make a good point. In the media both left and right, I see too much confusion of "evangelical" and "fundamentalist," which are not necessarily the same thing.
Neither group is bad. Evangelicals proclaim salvation through Christ. Fundamentalists believe in the teachings of the Bible which also proclaims salvation through Christ.

There are some off the wall groups that call themselves Christians but their practices are not Biblical. These are the groups that get the press.


Asperger's Poster Child
2ndAmendment said:
Neither group is bad. Evangelicals proclaim salvation through Christ. Fundamentalists believe in the teachings of the Bible which also proclaims salvation through Christ.
I wasn't saying either one is bad. I just disagree more with the fundamentalists.

What is bad is when any group, no matter what its politicial or religious stance, says its viewpoint is the only right viewpoint and that anyone who disagrees is either stupid or evil, or both. That's one definition of extremism, in my opinion. The Michael Moores and the Ann Coulters of the world both have this "my way or the highway" attitude.


New Member
Tonio said:
What's wrong with McCain? I don't agree with some of his positions on social issues, but overall I like him more than Bush. I voted for McCain when the GOP opened their Md. primary to independents in 2000.

I do not think that much is wrong with Senator McCain (I would vote for him if he ran). What is wrong with him is that his more moderate stature will hurt him among the Republican conservative base, which is about all that votes in a Republican primary.


Active Member
I have to agree that Guiliani would be a good person for the presidential office, however I dont think he could gain the support of the religious right. If he was in the most recent election he would have had my vote. If he does run in 2008 he would probably get my vote depending on who else is running.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The GOP has two...

...national Superstars:

Rudy and Colin. Three if you count Arnold. I say 'superstars' in that they have appeal across the spectrum. Hillary does not. Bill did.

So, the Democratic party has none.

The question, as has been stated in one form or another, is whether or not either one could make it out of the primaries. Case in point is Joe Lieberman.

He was, by far, the Democratic partys best national candidate, aka 'The man with the least warts' and he was rejected, out of hand, for yet another liberal from New England.

Because he, Joe, is strong on the war, the deciding issue, he would have likely beaten Bush.

Rudy would win New York, Pennsylvania and California and maybe lose a few of the closer Southern states like Arkansas. But he wouldn't lose Texas so an electoral and popular landslide of epoch proportions would be in store.

Powell could be even stronger.

All the other big name GOP potentials, Frist, McCain, Vrai, do not have the ability to defuse the huge Democratic majorities in the big cities which means their candidacies will be of a type with the last two.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
He was, by far, the Democratic partys best national candidate, aka 'The man with the least warts' and he was rejected, out of hand, for yet another liberal from New England.
Because he's yucky looking and has that whiny voice. I want a decent looking guy who can speak with authority for President. I'm shallow that way.

Plus, the way the Democrats have been acting lately, they're not interested in a moderate or anyone even remotely conservative. They want the most liberal, vitriolic rhetoric spewer they can get their hands on. That's not Lieberman.