New clinic added to the schedule! Corner Farm in Mechanicsville, Md is hosting Jennifer Clover (of Allen and Clover Sporthorses) for a gymnastics jumping clinic.
"Jennifer will be working with groups of 4-6 riders in 1 to 1 ½ hour sessions (dependent on number of riders) in the following categories:
Beginner horse and/or rider - "18" to 2"
Intermediate horse and/or rider - 2'3" to 2' 9"
Advanced horse and/or rider - 3' and up
Cost for the clinic is $55.00 dollars. A $10.00 dollar trailer in fee applies. Riding boots, britches and ASTM/SEI certified helmets required at all times when mounted. Negative coggins within one year required at time of registration."
Email for additional details and to register.