2024 Election - Democrats


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Biden's First Official 2024 Primary Challenger Is a Meditating Hippy Who Preaches the 'Politics of Love'

Self-help author Marianne Williamson officially declared her 2024 presidential run against President Joe Biden, vowing to fight "forces of hatred, injustice, and fear."

"I, as of today, am a candidate for the office of president of the United States. Williamson said at her campaign kickoff event at Washington D.C.'s Union Station. "The status quo will not disrupt itself… that's our job."

Williamson, who unsuccessfully ran for president in 2020, is taking another shot at the White House, being the first Democrat to primary challenge Biden.

"We know that this country is plagued by many challenges now, not the least of which is hatred and division, which is greater than any of us have experienced national life. It is our job to create a vision of justice and love that is so powerful that it will override the forces of hatred and injustice and fear," the Democrat continued.


PREMO Member

Marianne Williamson Launches Another Bid For President As A Democrat

Williamson was widely mocked online after announcing her longshot bid for the White House.

“The media needs to stop legitimizing Marianne Williamson’s campaign for President,” leftist activist Aaron Parnas wrote in a now-deleted tweet, according to Fox News. “President Biden has been one of the most revolutionary Presidents in recent history and has the full support of Democrats across America. There is no legitimate primary. Biden is our nominee.”

Santiago Mayer, the founder and executive director of Voters of Tomorrow, tweeted: “Let’s be clear: Marianne Williamson is a joke. She’s a fundamentally unserious candidate running as a stunt to sell her books.”

Left-wing propagandist Lindy Li said on MSNBC: “The best way to handle her is to not address her at all.”

The Daily Wire previously noted that Williamson, who was born in Houston, is Jewish and would become the first Jewish nominee for a major American political party if successfully nominated. She studied for two years at Pomona College, although she subsequently dropped out. She published her first book in 1992, and spent much of the 1990s and 2000s as a frequent television guest on “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” among other popular programs.


Well-Known Member
Bobby Baby. I believe that your Uncle Teddy pretty much destroyed the Kennedy political clout. Don't think that old Kennedy name will carry you this time around.
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the poor dad
The Daily Wire previously noted that Williamson, who was born in Houston, is Jewish and would become the first Jewish nominee for a major American political party if successfully nominated.
This right here is enough to make her almost a shoe-in based on Democrat standards - a woman and jewish. If her skin was another color and she identified as zee, she automatically wins.


If I may ...
This right here is enough to make her almost a shoe-in based on Democrat standards - a woman and jewish. If her skin was another color and she identified as zee, she automatically wins.
Not directed toward you.

She, (and others similar to her), is a true White supremacist. As defined: a person who believes that White people *jews* constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.

I correct the definition to demonstrate the hubris and actions of the supposed chosen ones. By the way, can people be born Christians? Asking for a friend.


Mostly settled in...
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I might have voted for Sen. Joseph Lieberman if was the top of the ticket and ALGore was nowhere to be seen.


Well-Known Member
Not directed toward you.

She, (and others similar to her), is a true White supremacist. As defined: a person who believes that White people *jews* constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.

I correct the definition to demonstrate the hubris and actions of the supposed chosen ones. By the way, can people be born Christians? Asking for a friend.
Depends on which sect of Christianity one asks.


Well-Known Member
I would bet that Michelle Obama would be the Democrat nominee.The democrats need Obama back to finish his destruction of the United States, but of course they cannot get him so they would settle for Michelle which would be the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Bobby Baby. I believe that your Uncle Teddy pretty much destroyed the Kennedy political clout. Don't think that old Kennedy name will carry you this time around.
Dunno, they still elected Joe Kennedy III based on name recognition alone.


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts would elect a Jiffy-John with Kennedy's name on the door.
Nationwide he won't cut the mustard.

Now that turd is a diplomat to Ireland following in the Diplomatic footsteps of his great grandfather who was a friend of Hitler.


PREMO Member

Twelve of her former staffers reportedly told POLITICO that Williamson — who was a self-help author and spiritual adviser before she threw her hat in the ring as a presidential candidate — was a very different person behind closed doors than she claimed to be.

“It would be foaming, spitting, uncontrollable rage,” one former staffer told POLITICO, on condition of anonymity. “It was traumatic. And the experience, in the end, was terrifying.”

Multiple staffers told the outlet that the candidate’s outbursts were loud enough on several occasions to prompt welfare checks from hotel security, and at least three cited incidents in which Williamson allegedly threw her phone at staffers who had set her off. All of the staffers who were interviewed recalled seeing her yell at people until they cried.



Well-Known Member
She sounds a little like the Hitler in a pants suit. Hitlery
Harris can't keep a staff either.


PREMO Member

Democrats Choose to Advertise Failures of Single-Party Democratic Rule by Holding the 2024 DNC in Chicago

After a century of Democratic mismanagement, Chicago is hemorrhaging population, catastrophically underfunding massive pension promises, and taxing the bejeebus out of its crime-scarred residents.

The Windy City has been run by Democratic mayors for 93 consecutive years. The 50-member City Council currently includes zero Republicans. The Cook County Board of Commissioners has 17 seats; 16 are filled by Democrats. So totalizing is the city's unipartisan political culture that recently vanquished mayoral finalist Paul Vallas, a lifelong Democrat, could not overcome the campaign criticism that he was a "Republican in disguise."

So what has all this unobstructed Democratic governance produced? Population flight, for starters. From a peak of 3.6 million residents in 1950 the city has tumbled down to an estimated 2.7 million in 2021. What for a century had been the "Second City" in the United States has been #3 since the 1980s; what was the fifth-largest metropolis in the world in 1900 is now #5 just in North America.

And those U-Haul trucks are leaving behind a mess. Chicago's public pensions have a larger combined total of unfunded liabilities – north of $46 billion – than 45 states. The funding shortfall, due to decades of Democratic mismanagement, has swallowed up most of the city's many tax hikes.

Governments desperately short on money tend to be reckless about locating the stuff. Chicago has the second highest combined state/local sales tax (10.25 percent) of any city; Illinois has the second highest effective property tax rate (2.23 percent) of any state. (Chicago's property taxes in particular are skyrocketing.) Throw in personal income and corporate taxes, and the Prairie State ranks #1 in the country in highest effective state/local tax burden per median U.S. income.


PREMO Member
“But, you know, around the country MAGA extremists are lining up to take on those bedrock freedoms,” Biden said in the ad. “Cutting social security, that you’ve paid for your entire life while cutting taxes for the very wealthy. Dictating what healthcare decisions women can make, banning books.”

Included in the stack of books Biden claims are banned are To Kill A Mockingbird, Kite Runner, Invisible Man, Paradise, The First to Die At the End, Lawn Boy, The Bluest Eye, They Both Die at The End and Homegoing.

Lawn Boy contains graphic descriptions of 10-year-old boys performing oral sex on each other. The book’s author, Jonathan Evison, says he never intended for the book to be available to children. A Fairfax County mom read the book aloud at a school board meeting as board members tried to get her to stop, saying there were children in the room.

“After seeing a September 9 school board meeting in Texas on pornography in schools, I decided to check the titles at my child’s high school, Fairfax High School. The books were available, and we checked them out. Both of these books include pedophilia, sex between men and boys,” Stacy Langton said, holding up Lawn Boy and Gender Queer, a book which depicts masturbation, sexting and oral sex using a “strap on.”



Well-Known Member
“But, you know, around the country MAGA extremists are lining up to take on those bedrock freedoms,” Biden said in the ad. “Cutting social security, that you’ve paid for your entire life while cutting taxes for the very wealthy. Dictating what healthcare decisions women can make, banning books.”

Included in the stack of books Biden claims are banned are To Kill A Mockingbird, Kite Runner, Invisible Man, Paradise, The First to Die At the End, Lawn Boy, The Bluest Eye, They Both Die at The End and Homegoing.
Books like "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" are books the LEFT wants banned.
It's lying outright to suggest that only the right has anything to do with "banning" books.

To be fair - NO ONE is banning books, to my knowledge. They are removing them from SCHOOLS. You can go get any of these books any time you want. You just can't have pornographic crap in grade school.

As far as the rest - the Dems are also talking about cutting Social Security. Many, many times.
Years from now, when they HAVE to. When it will be bad, when it will be dire. Talking about it NOW costs votes - talking about it later may cost LIVES, but they aren't concerned about anything but the next election.

They have all admitted it - if SS runs out of money, there are only four options - raise the rate - cut benefits - raise the minimum age - or raise the salary cap - or any variation of those three.

I need to address at least this much - the top 1% pays for over 40% of all taxes paid while making 22% of all money. They ARE PAYING more than their fair share. Based on what they make and how you compute it, they are paying between 27 and 32 percent of the income, Warren Buffett notwithstanding. As anyone can see, we do not have a tax problem, we have a spending problem. It's not that rich don't pay enough. You could take all their money, and it won't make a difference. Actually it would, because if you took all of their money, in all likelihood they will leave the country.

Last thing - taxing the rich doesn't change how much YOU pay in taxes. If you think you're paying too much, taxing the rich MORE will not lower your burden - the government will still spend more than they take in. They always do.