“But, you know, around the country MAGA extremists are lining up to take on those bedrock freedoms,” Biden said in the ad. “Cutting social security, that you’ve paid for your entire life while cutting taxes for the very wealthy. Dictating what healthcare decisions women can make, banning books.”
Included in the stack of books Biden claims are banned are To Kill A Mockingbird, Kite Runner, Invisible Man, Paradise, The First to Die At the End, Lawn Boy, The Bluest Eye, They Both Die at The End and Homegoing.
Books like "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" are books the LEFT wants banned.
It's lying outright to suggest that only the right has anything to do with "banning" books.
To be fair - NO ONE is banning books, to my knowledge. They are removing them from SCHOOLS. You can go get any of these books any time you want. You just can't have pornographic crap in grade school.
As far as the rest - the Dems are also talking about cutting Social Security. Many, many times.
Years from now, when they HAVE to. When it will be bad, when it will be dire. Talking about it NOW costs votes - talking about it later may cost LIVES, but they aren't concerned about anything but the next election.
They have all admitted it - if SS runs out of money, there are only four options - raise the rate - cut benefits - raise the minimum age - or raise the salary cap - or any variation of those three.
I need to address at least this much - the top 1% pays for over 40% of all taxes paid while making 22% of all money. They ARE PAYING more than their fair share. Based on what they make and how you compute it, they are paying between 27 and 32 percent of the income, Warren Buffett notwithstanding. As anyone can see, we do not have a tax problem, we have a spending problem. It's not that rich don't pay enough. You could take all their money, and it won't make a difference. Actually it would, because if you took all of their money, in all likelihood they will leave the country.
Last thing - taxing the rich doesn't change how much YOU pay in taxes. If you think you're paying too much, taxing the rich MORE will not lower your burden - the government will still spend more than they take in. They always do.