21 days til I get Gastric Bypass


I am so very blessed
will insurance cover that? im overweight thats the only reason i ask

If you have insurance, you need to contact your provider and ask - specifically - if you are covered for weight loss surgery. Even if your insurance covers WLS, you will also need to discover if it covers specific types of WLS.

Also, if you speak to someone who might also have insurance coverage by the same provider and they say that your company will cover you, don't take that at face value. You need to confirm that YOUR coverage will allow the surgery. For instance, I have BC/BS and was covered. You may also have BC/BS and it might not be covered.....you just need to verify that the policy YOU have allows for WLS.

Different insurance companies also have different qualifications for suergery. Most require you to have a BMI over a specific level, and to also have a minimum of two different co-morbidities (diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc.). If can be very confusing trying to navigate the insurance process, but it can be very rewarding if you can meet all of the requirements to lose the weight. Take copious notes, and if you are denied, know that you can contest your denial.

Good luck.


Podunk FL
The first thing to do is call your insurance company.

I need to lose 45 lbs to get to happy weight. IF I approached my insurance to get the surgery they would tell me flat out NO. I would need to gain at least 80 lbs to get the surgery. There is no way that I am going to gain that much weight just to get the surgery and lose it again.

There was a time that I DID qualify for the surgery but went a different route. I hit my goal weight and stayed there for a while with some effort but not really that much. Just watched what I ate and how much I ate. Doing the same thing BG does. Get on the scale daily and when I saw a upward pattern, eat right until it goes down. When I stopped doing that, that is when I gained 45 lbs.

The one thing about Gastric Bypass is a terrifc tool and teaches you to feel full, but you still need to deal with the other stuff. The reasoning why you overeat and so on. I know several people that gained the weight back post surgery if they didn't make that connection.