Is the current generation of Politicians effective


Active Member
Is the current generation of Politicians effective?

Skepticism in the government is at an all time high. Further things like the debt are spiraling out of control. And it doesn't seem like the current generation of politicians is up to the task of fixing these problems.

On the other hand, while this generation of politicians may not be one to remember, I think they get bad rap. The public is a lot more skeptical regarding politicians than they were previously.

The public was always a little skeptical, but I do believe the changing technology, particularly cable news and ... The internet have made more information available that has increased skepticism more than what it used to be. So the first point is maybe things really are not worse than they used to be, only now we notice a lot more.

Second, a lot of the problems this generation of politicians is facing are long term problems not necessarily of recent creations. Lets look at the problems.

1. Spending: Is out of control, but entitlements are not new. Medicare/Medicaid and Social Secruity are not new things but go back 1,2, and 3 political generations. Welfare, which probably mainly consists of those items and a variety of smaller items, is probably no bigger than it was a generation ago, except the collective cost of those items is catching up for us. And though this will be unpopular, military spending is out of control... List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... we spend 6 times on defense spending what the second place country does. If we cut other spending so that we had a balanced budget, military spending would consist of almost 40% of government expenditures. People want flat taxes of 10%. A flat tax of 10% probably could not even pay for our current military spending. Again though this goes back two generations to Truman and Cold War spending on military. Not created by the current generation.

2. Consumerism/Entitled Attitude of the Public: Consumerism can be a good or bad thing, but the public spends beyond on its means and the current Congress has a lot of pressure to try to maintain that lifestyle for the public. When people get their home foreclosed upon, often it is Congress's fault. The public's decadent attitude was not created by this generation of politicians. Young people don't want to major in engineering anymore they want to study the humanities. I am an attorney so I fall under that category myself. Everybody coming from the middle class wants a good lifestyle, but a lot of us almost expect it and think that we should be able to make good dollars and work 40 hours a week for example in a field that gives us career satisfaction. That may not be totally realistic, even if its admirable ambitions.

3. Globalism/Technology: Whether we were ready or not circa 1990 new technologies like the internet and improvements in communication came. That opened up business opportunities as things like outsourcing became more realistic from a business perspective. Cry like we want, business will gravitate towards cheaper labor, its part of the free market and unless the younger generations step up and become more productive other countries economies will grow much faster than ours. The politicians can't control technology, they can only respond. In order for society to prosper we need more engineers and scientist as mentioned above.

4. Bi-partisanship: Cable TV and the internet has made following politics like following a sporting team. It is us against them, you root hard for your team. It has not only changed how the public views politics, but changed the politicians themselves. The politicians are more extreme in my opinion because that is what their constituents want. Liberals don't want liberals to negotiate or concede points with conservatives and vice versa. But in my opinion policy is not at all like sports--it may be funnier to have winners and losers for the public, but if it results in bad policy we all lose. Again, this goes back to point three, new technologies changed some dynamics in my opinion beyond the control of this generation.

I don't know if this generation of politicians has been that good. Definitely do not think they are outstanding. But I don't think they are that bad. They try, but they are misguided. I am hoping there will be a backlash against partisanship as people realize that it makes our politicians LESS able to handle the pressing issues of the day, but I am only semi-hopeful. People seem to truly enjoy having a favorite party (whether its an actual party or a particular ideology) so if people are enjoying it, it is unlikely to change.


24/7 Single Dad
Obama has been incredibly effective at punishing and insulting former colonial powers and distributing their wealth to countries oppressed by their former colonial masters. He sent oil rigs and drilling money to Brazil, he is funding Hamas in Palestine, he continually insults Great Britain and bows to muslim kings.


Active Member
Obama has been incredibly effective at punishing and insulting former colonial powers and distributing their wealth to countries oppressed by their former colonial masters. He sent oil rigs and drilling money to Brazil, he is funding Hamas in Palestine, he continually insults Great Britain and bows to muslim kings.

If those are your biggest complaints about politicians then the politicians are probably doing quite well.


Active Member

He complained about the government loaning money to companies involved in Brazil offshore drilling project, talked about foreign aide money benefetting HAMAS, not maintaining a strong enough relationship with Great Britain and being too respectufl and supportive of Arab dictators. I am saying if those are the biggest problems facing America today, then you must think that the politicians are doing a good job because none of those issues in any immediate sense threaten the well being of American.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Is the current generation of Politicians effective?

Skepticism in the government is at an all time high. Further things like the debt are spiraling out of control. And it doesn't seem like the current generation of politicians is up to the task of fixing these problems.

On the other hand, while this generation of politicians may not be one to remember, I think they get bad rap. The public is a lot more skeptical regarding politicians than they were previously.

The public was always a little skeptical, but I do believe the changing technology, particularly cable news and ... The internet have made more information available that has increased skepticism more than what it used to be. So the first point is maybe things really are not worse than they used to be, only now we notice a lot more.

Second, a lot of the problems this generation of politicians is facing are long term problems not necessarily of recent creations. Lets look at the problems.

1. Spending: Is out of control, but entitlements are not new. Medicare/Medicaid and Social Secruity are not new things but go back 1,2, and 3 political generations. Welfare, which probably mainly consists of those items and a variety of smaller items, is probably no bigger than it was a generation ago, except the collective cost of those items is catching up for us. And though this will be unpopular, military spending is out of control... List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... we spend 6 times on defense spending what the second place country does. If we cut other spending so that we had a balanced budget, military spending would consist of almost 40% of government expenditures. People want flat taxes of 10%. A flat tax of 10% probably could not even pay for our current military spending. Again though this goes back two generations to Truman and Cold War spending on military. Not created by the current generation.

2. Consumerism/Entitled Attitude of the Public: Consumerism can be a good or bad thing, but the public spends beyond on its means and the current Congress has a lot of pressure to try to maintain that lifestyle for the public. When people get their home foreclosed upon, often it is Congress's fault. The public's decadent attitude was not created by this generation of politicians. Young people don't want to major in engineering anymore they want to study the humanities. I am an attorney so I fall under that category myself. Everybody coming from the middle class wants a good lifestyle, but a lot of us almost expect it and think that we should be able to make good dollars and work 40 hours a week for example in a field that gives us career satisfaction. That may not be totally realistic, even if its admirable ambitions.

3. Globalism/Technology: Whether we were ready or not circa 1990 new technologies like the internet and improvements in communication came. That opened up business opportunities as things like outsourcing became more realistic from a business perspective. Cry like we want, business will gravitate towards cheaper labor, its part of the free market and unless the younger generations step up and become more productive other countries economies will grow much faster than ours. The politicians can't control technology, they can only respond. In order for society to prosper we need more engineers and scientist as mentioned above.

4. Bi-partisanship: Cable TV and the internet has made following politics like following a sporting team. It is us against them, you root hard for your team. It has not only changed how the public views politics, but changed the politicians themselves. The politicians are more extreme in my opinion because that is what their constituents want. Liberals don't want liberals to negotiate or concede points with conservatives and vice versa. But in my opinion policy is not at all like sports--it may be funnier to have winners and losers for the public, but if it results in bad policy we all lose. Again, this goes back to point three, new technologies changed some dynamics in my opinion beyond the control of this generation.

I don't know if this generation of politicians has been that good. Definitely do not think they are outstanding. But I don't think they are that bad. They try, but they are misguided. I am hoping there will be a backlash against partisanship as people realize that it makes our politicians LESS able to handle the pressing issues of the day, but I am only semi-hopeful. People seem to truly enjoy having a favorite party (whether its an actual party or a particular ideology) so if people are enjoying it, it is unlikely to change.

All the problems you listed were created by most of the career politicians and special interest groups who control them, the question should be asked can the new generation of Politicians bring some sanity and fiscal responsibility back? The career politicans are the problem! :coffee:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well what worries you there.

This part:

the government loaning money to companies involved in Brazil offshore drilling project, talked about foreign aide money benefetting HAMAS, not maintaining a strong enough relationship with Great Britain and being too respectufl and supportive of Arab dictators.


Active Member
This part:

None of those really bother me.

Some organization provided loans to American companies bidding for contracts in the Brazilian offshore oil drilling. We want American companies to win those contract so that Brazilian money goes to U.S. company.

I am not sure what that poster was referring to when he said we were funding HAMAS. I think he was referring to concerns HAMAS may get money from aid we gave to Palestine... Lawmakers Worry Whether U.S. Can Keep Gaza Aid Away From Hamas -

My guess is our relationship with England is doing just fine.

Again I am not sure what the poster was referring to when when he talked about bowing to Middle East dictators---I'll guess he was talking literally, but maybe it was figuratively. As far as I am concerned, there is nothing wrong with trying to maintain the best relations possible with all countries you can.

I just don't see any of those foreign policies issues as even close in importance to the long term well being of the U.S. as the issues I addressed, but if those are the issues that worry then I guess the U.S.'s interests would seem tied up in them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As far as I am concerned, there is nothing wrong with trying to maintain the best relations possible with all countries you can.

To me, that's the worst. No different than giving the bully your lunch money every day in hopes that he'll be your "friend".


Active Member
How about the larger point of the original post, assessing this generation of politicians performances. I think they are scrutinized more than ever. Not sure they have stepped up to the plate, but at the same time they came to plate to face a tough pitcher (this generation faced a lot of long term problems they didn't necessarily create).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How about the larger point of the original post, assessing this generation of politicians performances.

How you (figuratively) feel about politicians' performance depends largely on what you think our country should be. If you think we should be a broke nation full of government slaves, then you most likely give our generation's politicians high marks.

(this generation faced a lot of long term problems they didn't necessarily create)

Such as? Because I think we have created every single problem our country faces today. Granted, it may be unintended consequences, but that's what we get for being a nation of dolts.


Methodically disorganized
My guess is our relationship with England is doing just fine.
That guess would be... inaccurate.

Last week's "strongest ally" announcement didn't help...
The Obama administration is not known for its pro-British track record, but this is by far the strongest indication yet that the current White House has little regard for the Special Relationship and its unique role in modern American history.

Certainly, our current crop of politicians has been effective. "At what?" is the question.


Obama has been incredibly effective at punishing and insulting former colonial powers and distributing their wealth to countries oppressed by their former colonial masters. He sent oil rigs and drilling money to Brazil, he is funding Hamas in Palestine, he continually insults Great Britain and bows to muslim kings.

If those are your biggest complaints about politicians then the politicians are probably doing quite well.
Did your brain leave your head or were you born this way? We have some of the worst politicians in office today than I've seen in a very long time. A bunch of self serving wimps that want to coddle every special interest group that comes along. They throw OUR money at every stupid idea instead of using it wisely.


Active Member
Such as? Because I think we have created every single problem our country faces today. Granted, it may be unintended consequences, but that's what we get for being a nation of dolts.

I covered that in the original post, but I said some of the biggest problems facing the U.S. today are

1) Spending
2) Consumerism/Sense of Entitlement of Society
3) New technologies affecting economy i.e. globalism

I then explained how each of those problems didn't necessarily originate with this generation. Social Security--FDR's day, like three political generations ago, Medicare/Medicaid--LBJ?? Not sure on the origins but they existed before this generation of politicians took over, the high military spending was from Harry Truman who kind of drew up the basic blueprint for Cold War policy.

Consumerism and a self of entitlement are high among today's younger generations but you also see that trend in the baby boomers.

New technologies allowed for globalism. It wasn't the politicians who invented the technologies as much as Al Gore likes to claim he invented the internet. But the technology has changed the economies to some degree and the current generations have to deal with some of the negative consequences of those changes even though they did not create the problem.


Active Member

Did your brain leave your head or were you born this way? We have some of the worst politicians in office today than I've seen in a very long time. A bunch of self serving wimps that want to coddle every special interest group that comes along. They throw OUR money at every stupid idea instead of using it wisely.

Well what most of the spending is the stuff I mentioned like Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid/ and defense spending. As for things like pork which is what I believe you are referring to, it certainly does exist--but from a Congressman's view isn't pork the chance to bring federal money to the local area so that the local area gets economic benefits like jobs created or new infrastructure. Isn't that just a representative being accountable to his constituents in the sense he has to bring home the economic bacon?

I'm being a devil's advocate I don't think pork is a good thing, but at the same time, pork does seem like a traditional part of American politics, not something new to this generation of politicians.

Which all goes back to a point I made in the first point, the public probably cause of new technologies is just a lot more skeptical of government today than it was 60 years ago.

You also quoting me responding to a post about foreign policy then said I was not smart for not noticing that Congress has a lot of pork. My point was if those foreign policy concerns are the biggest gripe you have with politicians, you probably overall are pretty happy with their performance.