250 reasons for pre-trib rapture


God bless the USA
You are one scary dude when it comes to religion. I like your post better about Windows 10. :lol: It is what it is. Nothing we can do about it. Whether it be God that smites the World or some crazy maniac in North Korea, Iran, Russia, or the USA, for that matter. Live life to the fullest, y'all. Every day is a gift.

Edit: (d.) People that think Pan-trib are not confused. After all, it is called the Living Bible. We are living it. Anything can happen. I believe God is just sitting back now, shaking his head, and is very sad because man will do himself in without any help from Him. It makes God's job easier, but I know He is devastated.
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You are one scary dude when it comes to religion. I like your post better about Windows 10. :lol: It is what it is. Nothing we can do about it. Whether it be God that smites the World or some crazy maniac in North Korea, Iran, Russia, or the USA, for that matter. Live life to the fullest, y'all. Every day is a gift.

Edit: (d.) People that think Pan-trib are not confused. After all, it is called the Living Bible. We are living it. Anything can happen. I believe God is just sitting back now, shaking his head, and is very sad because man will do himself in without any help from Him. It makes God's job easier, but I know He is devastated.

You don't have to be scared of me. If it was Jesus or the angels, they would tell you not to be afraid:

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Pan Trib? As in however it pans out?

I don't have to be scared because God will take us out in the rapture and if He doesn't, I can change my view later.

Does the Bible scare you? It doesn't have to scare you. I'm just a person like you with feelings. Fear stands for false expectations appearing real. You're somehow scared of me whom you may never meet. Is your fear based on insecurity that spend time learning about some book that you don't spend time studying? Don't worry because the more I spend time studying the Bible, the less I think I know about the Bible and many people who study it feel the same way. Another thing is that I can tell that some of these "Hard saying" books of the Bible have authors that are winging it so some of them don't know either. What don't you know and how would you know it? The answer comes from revelation and revelation only comes from God. So if you know the author, He reveals Himself to you and you don't have to be scared.

Missionaries in the mission field are reminded that people can't kill them unless God approves and because that fear is removed, they get to do a lot of things that someone with fear wouldn't do.

As far as the leader in North Korea? Our experts have weighed in and some of their technology is fake:


There are more people who say we have more stuff laying around to handle a war with than they do.

So let me ask you. If people don't like others that are different, wouldn't they be scared? If you felt you had important stuff to share because it was right and everyone was not receptive, what should it look like? The question is "What don't you know and how would you know it?" They don't believe in hell or that it is final but if what I'm saying is true, how would you know it? Or would you rather be afraid than know it?


God bless the USA
You don't have to be scared of me. If it was Jesus or the angels, they would tell you not to be afraid:

Matthew 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

Pan Trib? As in however it pans out?

I don't have to be scared because God will take us out in the rapture and if He doesn't, I can change my view later.

Does the Bible scare you? It doesn't have to scare you. I'm just a person like you with feelings. Fear stands for false expectations appearing real. You're somehow scared of me whom you may never meet. Is your fear based on insecurity that spend time learning about some book that you don't spend time studying? Don't worry because the more I spend time studying the Bible, the less I think I know about the Bible and many people who study it feel the same way. Another thing is that I can tell that some of these "Hard saying" books of the Bible have authors that are winging it so some of them don't know either. What don't you know and how would you know it? The answer comes from revelation and revelation only comes from God. So if you know the author, He reveals Himself to you and you don't have to be scared.

Missionaries in the mission field are reminded that people can't kill them unless God approves and because that fear is removed, they get to do a lot of things that someone with fear wouldn't do.

As far as the leader in North Korea? Our experts have weighed in and some of their technology is fake:


There are more people who say we have more stuff laying around to handle a war with than they do.

So let me ask you. If people don't like others that are different, wouldn't they be scared? If you felt you had important stuff to share because it was right and everyone was not receptive, what should it look like? The question is "What don't you know and how would you know it?" They don't believe in hell or that it is final but if what I'm saying is true, how would you know it? Or would you rather be afraid than know it?

I am not afraid, and you just made my head hurt. :lol: Also, I just know. Nite nite.

I can never sleep when my hub is getting up at 3 in the morning to participate in a race/run. He will be up in 50 minutes. I worry more about him getting into an accident than his running; and I like to fix him breakfast because it might be the last thing I do for him. Who knows. He is in tip top shape at 60. No point in me going to sleep because I take over puppy duty. Thanks for the convo! :smile:
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I am not afraid, and you just made my head hurt. :lol: Also, I just know. Nite nite.

I can never sleep when my hub is getting up at 3 in the morning to participate in a race/run. He will be up in 50 minutes. I worry more about him getting into an accident than his running; and I like to fix him breakfast because it might be the last thing I do for him. Who knows. He is in tip top shape at 60. No point in me going to sleep because I take over puppy duty. Thanks for the convo! :smile:

I hope he has a good time and he has some good exercise.
Anyway, I haven't used bad language with any of the users and I'm pretty sure of that.
If you want answers to anything, I can try to answer or find out.
But you don't have to be scared and I wouldn't want you to be scared.


God bless the USA
I hope he has a good time and he has some good exercise.
Anyway, I haven't used bad language with any of the users and I'm pretty sure of that.
If you want answers to anything, I can try to answer or find out.
But you don't have to be scared and I wouldn't want you to be scared.

I just heard the alarm go off. I am trying to be quiet to not wake the puppy, Daisy. She is a handful! :lol: Thanks. Yes, my hub loves running. He was a mean machine back in high school, college and the Marines; wrestling, too. No, I have never seen you use bad language; so I don't know what that is about. But, anyway. I am not scared of you, so stop saying that. I think it is great that we can discuss things. In our times, with all the strife (religious or not), it is good to talk about it. Take care.

Edit: When I said you were one scary dude, it was because of how I see other members react to you in the religious forum. I really don't belong in the religious forum because I don't know all my stuff. But, I do know that we are all human, and share that commonality. So, it is all good. Fixing breakfast now. Happy weekend! :smile:
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I just heard the alarm go off. I am trying to be quiet to not wake the puppy, Daisy. She is a handful! :lol: Thanks. Yes, my hub loves running. He was a mean machine back in high school, college and the Marines; wrestling, too. No, I have never seen you use bad language; so I don't know what that is about. But, anyway. I am not scared of you, so stop saying that. I think it is great that we can discuss things. In our times, with all the strife (religious or not), it is good to talk about it. Take care.

Edit: When I said you were one scary dude, it was because of how I see other members react to you in the religious forum. I really don't belong in the religious forum because I don't know all my stuff. But, I do know that we are all human, and share that commonality. So, it is all good. Fixing breakfast now. Happy weekend! :smile:

I feel responsibility around me. My neighbour died. Where do they go for eternity? Am I responsible? Everyone who asks the question about the man on the island that never heard the gospel is blaming God and giving a reason why He is unjust. They are saying God is unjust and that is a reason they don't have to listen.

On top of that, I probably own a dozen Bibles or more in my home. What right to I have to hear the gospel a dozen times when someone hasn't heard it once?

What is scary about the debate between forum users and me is that they are alienated from God so there is this natural hatred between God and man. Even when people become Christians, there is still this negative feeling between man and God.

Others don't want to hear that they can be made right with God because it implies they are not right with God and they want to take it out on the messenger because they can't take it out on God. What you can do is google church arson in the news because they hate anyone who offers them the free gift of eternal life. There are church burnings in the news every month or every week.

So why do they hate us if God is imaginary and we pray to the sky? Because they start feeling it is real and the reality is they don't take Budda's name in vain because he is not real.

But really I am a good guy. I do make it hard for people because I studied for years, I try to bring the Bible up to a college level to compete knowing they have bible literacy deficiencies and not only do they show they are wrong but they defend being wrong.

I would easily switch to teaching here but some come to mock because they wouldn't unless they enjoy doing it. So I am going to give them the gospel that can give them the gift of heaven and I can let them work harder to only be exposed if they wish to fight it. But since I know more, I am held to a greater responsibility to give a message of salvation to those who will hate me. I will be judged at a higher level.

I wish I could take you all to heaven because I love everyone in the whole worldwide world.


Well-Known Member
What is scary about the debate between forum users and me is that they are alienated from God so there is this natural hatred between God and man.

I debate with you and I am not alienated from God. Please watch your generalities.



We are all under sin and in a state of lossless which is why God commands us to repent.


Thought pirate
I feel responsibility around me. My neighbour died. Where do they go for eternity? Am I responsible? Everyone who asks the question about the man on the island that never heard the gospel is blaming God and giving a reason why He is unjust. They are saying God is unjust and that is a reason they don't have to listen.

On top of that, I probably own a dozen Bibles or more in my home. What right to I have to hear the gospel a dozen times when someone hasn't heard it once?

What is scary about the debate between forum users and me is that they are alienated from God so there is this natural hatred between God and man. Even when people become Christians, there is still this negative feeling between man and God.

Others don't want to hear that they can be made right with God because it implies they are not right with God and they want to take it out on the messenger because they can't take it out on God. What you can do is google church arson in the news because they hate anyone who offers them the free gift of eternal life. There are church burnings in the news every month or every week.

So why do they hate us if God is imaginary and we pray to the sky? Because they start feeling it is real and the reality is they don't take Budda's name in vain because he is not real.

But really I am a good guy. I do make it hard for people because I studied for years, I try to bring the Bible up to a college level to compete knowing they have bible literacy deficiencies and not only do they show they are wrong but they defend being wrong.

I would easily switch to teaching here but some come to mock because they wouldn't unless they enjoy doing it. So I am going to give them the gospel that can give them the gift of heaven and I can let them work harder to only be exposed if they wish to fight it. But since I know more, I am held to a greater responsibility to give a message of salvation to those who will hate me. I will be judged at a higher level.

I wish I could take you all to heaven because I love everyone in the whole worldwide world.

You are the kind of person that affirms my hatred of religion. I hate you and if your god is like you, I hate him too. There, I said it. You are a condescending, arrogant dick. I pray to my gods that you rot in your fantasy version of hell.

I hope you view me as your personal version of Satan.


You are the kind of person that affirms my hatred of religion. I hate you and if your god is like you, I hate him too. There, I said it. You are a condescending, arrogant dick. I pray to my gods that you rot in your fantasy version of hell.

I hope you view me as your personal version of Satan.

I don't hate or want to hate because I went beyond the teaching of the Bible and because I'm not God, I believe certain types of hate make people evil.
So I discourage people to hate others because then there is the possibility of becoming evil.