3 Die in Charles Co. Accident



This must have happened on that bend just before Hunt's Tavern, just before 227.


Chasey_Lane said:
Alcohol, maybe? All kids were from the area, so I'm guessing they knew the roads. :shrug:

That is what I'm thinking. Alcohol AND speed. :ohwell:


But wait, there's more...
ct20657 said:
thats not even something to post a smiley face about
if someone was stupid enough to do drugs and/or get drunk and get behind the wheel of a car, I wouldn't lose sleep if they removed themselves from society. :shrug:

But I doubt Kizzy's smiley was in reference to the 3 people who lost their lives. It certainly wasn't the first time a smiley was used in a serious thread. :duh:


My Sweetest Boy
crabcake said:
if someone was stupid enough to do drugs and/or get drunk and get behind the wheel of a car, I wouldn't lose sleep if they removed themselves from society. :shrug:

While I certainly don't want to get into a pissing match with you, I have a son and know other family members and friends who have been "stupid enough" and I certainly WOULD lose sleep if I lost them. Everybody does stupid things at one time or another and I'm sure for the parents and friends of the "stupid" people, their pain and suffering is very real.


I apologize; the smilie was in reference to MM's comment, of course it was not in reference to the death of 3 young lives.
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But wait, there's more...
cattitude said:
While I certainly don't want to get into a pissing match with you, I have a son and know other family members and friends who have been "stupid enough" and I certainly WOULD lose sleep if I lost them. Everybody does stupid things at one time or another and I'm sure for the parents and friends of the "stupid" people, their pain and suffering is very real.
No pissing match needed ... just stating my opinion. My old man has been behind the wheel after a few drinks more times than I can count and has two DUIs under his belt, and I've told him before that if he lands his ass in jail for it or kills someone, not to come crying to or calling me. I'd feel more sorrow if he hurt someone else because of his stupidity than him hurting/killing himself because he knows better and there's no excuse. :shrug:

I don't consider drinking and driving "stupid" or a "mistake". It's not like spilling a can of paint on the garage floor or tearing a hole in a sofa ... It's irresponsible -- period, and by getting behind the wheel after a few drinks, you're sending a message to society that where you have to go is more important than their safety ... at least, that's the message the victims' families get when they visit the morgue for a positive ID on their loved one. :ohwell:


It is kind of presumptuous of any of us to assume that just because of the age of the people in the car that there was drinking involved.

There could be several other possibilities as to the cause. The area of the road this accident occurred on elbows, and it comes up very fast. It is, IMO, an easy spot to have an accident.


New Member
CC's comments

I have to agree with CC on the comments made about stupid people and the fact that they typically find ways of self-elimination/extermination. The problem here is that more times than not, there are innocent people caught in the backlash of these people's stupidity. How many times do you hear about the drunk getting run through the sobriety test by the police; while the rescue squad is trying to cut the other car apart to recover bodies?

The families that lost is unfortunate, but in the same breath you have to ask yourself how much positive reinforcement did they receive at home not to do this kind of stupid crap?

Today's cars are a lot faster than they were when I was growing up, but they handle a lot better as well. The problem here is that the drivers usually don't have enough driving experience. However, in the case of this accident I don’t know that you can necessarily use that as a factor in the cause. The driver was in his twenties.


But wait, there's more...
Kizzy said:
It is kind of presumptuous of any of us to assume that just because of the age of the people in the car that there was drinking involved.

There could be several other possibilities as to the cause. The area of the road this accident occurred on elbows, and it comes up very fast. It is, IMO, an easy spot to have an accident.
My comments weren't meant to insinuate alcohol and/or drugs were the cause of the thread subject accident. They're my general thoughts on drinking/drugging and driving. :peace:


curiouser and curiouser
Kizzy said:
It is kind of presumptuous of any of us to assume that just because of the age of the people in the car that there was drinking involved.
:yeahthat: My family has personal experience with this type of situation. My brother got in an accident that killed his friend...his friend wasn't wearing his seatbelt. I'm sure a lot of people wrote it off as as "stupid kids, they must've been drinking", when in reality it was pure driver error, it could happen to anyone. Knowing the pain that my brother is faced with every single day has changed my outlook on things like this. Some of the last words that boy spoke were pleading with the EMTs to save my brother, all the while my brother is pleading for God to take him and leave his friend, because he knew he was saved and would be going to heaven.


Occassionally, I still shoot league or tournaments at Huntts, its a very, very rough place to be pulling out of because cars are generally always flying down the road way too fast not realize the bend in the road. I too have taken that bend fast and have learned. I agree in that we all do stupid things, the only thing that makes it more stupid if you don't learn from your mistakes or others.
Nonetheless, my prayers go out to all the families involved in such a horribly tragic night that will no doubt change all of their lives forever.



I live right next door to where the driver of the car lived. He didn't live in waldor, he lived in La Plata. He was a really nice guy. Manager of Ledo's pizza. Had a really nice car that he raced a lot. Apparently he had went to a party that night and was only there for a half and hour and voluntered to take everyone home. My neighbor who he resided with said he wasn't the type to drink and drive that maybe the other kids enticed him to see what his car really had for speed wise. I guess we will all find out what happened when the reports come back. His parents were to come down and go trough his bedroom today. I haven't seen anybody over there yet. It really is ashame. He would always wake us up when he drove in cause his car was so loud or you could hear his alarm in the morning going off in his bedroom cause he got up the same time as my son. Thing like this make you appreciate life a lot more. Drive safe everyone!