3 Die in Charles Co. Accident


Football addict
Nickel said:
:yeahthat: My family has personal experience with this type of situation. My brother got in an accident that killed his friend...his friend wasn't wearing his seatbelt. I'm sure a lot of people wrote it off as as "stupid kids, they must've been drinking", when in reality it was pure driver error, it could happen to anyone. Knowing the pain that my brother is faced with every single day has changed my outlook on things like this. Some of the last words that boy spoke were pleading with the EMTs to save my brother, all the while my brother is pleading for God to take him and leave his friend, because he knew he was saved and would be going to heaven.
Maybe your bro can soften that blow or if not help others by giving speeches to schools and the like.

John Z

if you will
Sorry so late to the game on this one....

You can tell by the picture in the MSNBC article that the Lancer is an Evolution model (by the vent on top of the hood). What's that thing got, 276 turbocharged horsepower? Easy to get in over your head if you are young and careless. :(


Gone Crazy
This is a very sad tragic accident especially when all of them were pretty good friends. One of the ones living is my sister in laws cousin, and the driver of the car that night was not only his supervisor at Ledo's pizza but, his best friend as well. He pretty much remembers the whole entire accident...gosh I don't know how that would affect me for the rest of my life knowing but, its amazing that any of them lived really.....


First of all, my condolences to the families of the victims.

If it was me driving, I wouldn't drive like that. I mean if you got five babies in your car, would you drive the same or more safer (slower more caution)? Same goes for four adults in your own car. If I haven't been down that road before in a long time, I would drive different and safer. Then again, I know accidents do happens no matter how hard you try to avoid.

All I see is five young people in a small car going off the road. It's not wintertime driving. That's all I know.


New Member
I ran across this post and felt the need to clear some things up about this accident so there can be some ending to it.

First, there was absolutely no alcohol involved. I honestly wish there had because the driver WOULD NOT have been driving that night. Any one of those young men would have seen to that.

There was absolutely no drugs involved. The vehicle was going at an extremely high rate of speed (he was told to slow down right before the accident); It is not clear to the family which way the vehicle was traveling but he either hit the railroad tracks at that speed, bottomed out and blew a tire or he hit a curb and blew a tire but in either case, a tire was blown and because of the speed that vehicle was traveling and the total weight in that car he could not control it, over corrected and we all know the outcome.

I have no idea why Jason was traveling at such a rate, showing off perhaps? Whatever the reason, 5 families have been changed forever, 3 lives have been lost, 2 young men will have to live with the guilt of surviving and the pain of physically and mentally healing. The parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and a host of numerous friends will have to deal with the loss of Mark, Nick and Jason and are left with the unanswered question of WHY? Jason's family will forever live with the fact that not only did they lose their son but their son's action caused the death of two of his good friends.

The three young men who are now gone were great friends, had good jobs and were hard workers, had a wonderful outlook on life, kept out of trouble and had a great future ahead of them. They were all good boys. The two that survived have a long road ahead of them but will make it. I believe that being thrown from that vehicle saved their lives. From what I understand, Nick was the only one with a seat belt on which I believe caused his death. I believe he would have been thrown along with the other two back seat passengers if he had not been strapped in.

My heart breaks everyday and I do wish that people would please slow down. I also hope and pray that all the friends of these young men will have learned that if they want to speed, leave it for the track.

I am so sorry this is so long but I wanted to clear things up for future readers that happen along this thread.

In Loving Memory of Mark Ryon Jr.
An angel on earth and now in heaven
You will be forever missed