Well-Known Member
Maybe, could also be a temperature issue. So many things, it can take weeks to find the correct solution.
When buying filament even different colors of the same type, same brand can require different temperature settings, different offset and squish values.
I found it funny how so many people thought of it as a replicator.
I belong to several Facebook groups and one of the funniest statements I e seen was "all I ever use my printer for is to print 3d printing accessories and organizational crap for my wife that she can buy off Amazon already for a couple dollars"
I use mine so infrequently that I spend more time dialing in the settings then actually printing stuff. I think the last actually useful thing I printed was a replacement scoop for my pooper-scooper almost 2 years ago.
I spend even less time actually using my laser cutter/engraver (40w), and for some reason I have to talk myself out of buying a fiber laser almost weekly.