4 games left...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...of the Redskins season, most likely. 4 more games and then the 8 month anticipation of next year starts all over again. Free agent deals, the draft, camp, pre season and then, at long last, it counts again.

It's hard to believe that the season is just about over already. In some ways it seems like it just started. In some ways it seems so very long ago that we were 2-0 and full of promise.

Then the injuries to Jansen and Thomas and Portis's lazy pre season started looking bigger and bigger. Campbell looked good, but no real last second heroics and the losses started with an inexcusable loss to the Giants after dominating the first half. THAT was when this season took it's shape, that's when the Miami game started looking like an omen instead of just a shaky start.

A rebound against the Lions, crushing what was thought to be a pretty good team provided an illusion. Even the Packers game left us knowing we were a good team that just had a few bugs to work out.

The Cards game put the spotlight on the Miami game and the Packer game and the second 1/2 against the Giants; good teams win these games easy.

The Pats game brought the opportunity that, surely, a good team would rise out of the doldrums and rise to the challenge and put up a good fight against the best.

Nothing. We were their easiest, most laughable game of the season so far with the possible exception of Buffalo. More on that later.

The Jets game may as well have been the Miami game; a team in 'fine', preseason form.

The Eagles game went back to the Packer pattern of completely outplaying the other team, nearly the whole game and still finding a way to lose.

So, are the Miami/Cards/Jets game, play down? The Giants game, play a bad 1/2? The Packer/Eagles II mold of finding a way to GIVE games away? Certainly not the Pats game! What about the Lions game!? How about Eagles I?

The Cowboy game found us in our 'find a way to lose' mold. Dominated the best team in the conference and still lose. 5-5, tipping point time.

Bucs, the nightmare of Pack/Eagles II/Cowboys is sunk to a new low of not even giving up a first down in the second 1/2 and still losing. That we are still in position for a wild card is a cruel joke.

Now, is must win, the Bills. As I said, the Pats only thrashed one other team like they did us. And those guys were happy to take what we gave them.
At 5-7 we are, simply, a mediocre to bad team.

Now, we face a Bears team that is as 5-7 team that seems to be more on the way up as opposed to our 5-7 on the way down.

So, here it is; A respectable Bears, then at the Giants, at Minnesota and then finish with Dallas here, them perhaps needing a win to secure home field.

The Redskins die hard in me sees a way to 9-7 and squeak into the playoffs.
The pattern of this season shows me a likely repeat, at best, of the Eagles II, Bucs, Packers, Cowboys I games and a miracle to do any better than 6-10 likely 5-11.

So, realistically, we always play Dallas in weird games, so, maybe we pull that out? I just can't see us rebounding and beating the Bears. Maybe? Maybe? We almost never win in NJ. And why would we beat the Vikes?

And then, the long off season. Will Joe stay or go? Is the horrible experiment with players from da' U over? Will we actually listen to otter and build a d line first and foremost? Can we find a good possession receiver taller than 5'? Will Snyder sell the team? To Angelo's? :jameo:


New Member
Interesting thread I think we are done for the year buddy. Unless a miracle happens, with our luck we can count that out.


A proud Conservative!
Outstanding summary Larry.

A quick fix to our problems would be to give all players a raise!

Could you imagine how long you would last at your job if you missed tackles (didn't catch someone leaving your store with $5,000 worth of tires), didn't block a return (let someone return an item to Lowes for a refund but they bought the item at Big Lots), drop a catchable pass (change a tire but didn't put the last lug nut on)...

How about we "fine" a player for not doing their job?

<img src="http://host459.ipowerweb.com/~vpnavy01/somd/smart_guy_really_upset_sm_clr.gif"> It is so darn frustrating!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

How about we "fine" a player for not doing their job?

<img src="http://host459.ipowerweb.com/~vpnavy01/somd/smart_guy_really_upset_sm_clr.gif"> It is so darn frustrating!

...they are doing their job; drawing paying customers.

Look at what has been done around here from day one of Snyder time;

Buying people in with cash. Dion Sanders. Bruce Smith. Marty said, flat out, he would not work for an owner like Snyder. What happened? $$$

Snyder had the opportunity to bribe Spurrier away from college. Done.

Then, he made Joe an opportunity he could not refuse. Throw in all the other players from Lloyd, to Archuletta, to Fletcher, Randl El, Brunell, Portis. Coach Williams, Saunders, Bugel, the other 20 or so. Then, who is let go? Pierce. Clark, guys who would have signed to stay here for less. Then Dockery is let go, a stalwart player, for, of all things, money reasons, who, worth it or not, made the team better.

At the end of the day, who is here because they want to win first and foremost? Who is here for the money?

Now, 31 teams go home every year disappointed to some extent. Some, less so than others. It is a business. It is about the money from the standpoint that any business is. Yet, there are other things that go along with that.

In pro football, it's called the Super bowl and that is NOT the standard that is applied around here. Joe was told 'win or I'll get someone who will' by Jack Kent Cooke years ago and it's mean and it's not family friendly and it's not pleasant to value people on so narrow a scope. It is also the business of results oriented organizations, especially professional football, and it's not for everybody and that is OK.

And, as far as the cash register goes, everything is fine.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Didn't I ask you once before to stop being so darn logical!:lmao:

...this is more my way of dealing with myself, actually, for tomorrow night when I'm sitting there with my Redskins beanie on, my Sonny doll, my Burgundy and Gold slippers and my Fun Bunch beer mug and all my hopes and dreams pinned to each sleeve like I do 16 days a year.



...this is more my way of dealing with myself, actually, for tomorrow night when I'm sitting there with my Redskins beanie on, my Sonny doll, my Burgundy and Gold slippers and my Fun Bunch beer mug and all my hopes and dreams pinned to each sleeve like I do 16 days a year.


Serious question. Is there a point in the serious Skins fans outlook when they hope they loose to move up in the draft?

I am not sure but the Skins don't have any decent picks because they traded them away already right?


A proud Conservative!
...this is more my way of dealing with myself, actually, for tomorrow night when I'm sitting there with my Redskins beanie on, my Sonny doll...SNIP

Funny you should mention Sonny. My X loved Sonny. I was finally able to get tickets to Sonny's show (yes, that was years and years and years ago) and guess what? Sonny was on travel and George hosted his show! So, I mailed Sonny a letter and explained our problem - he sent an autograph'd picture back to my X - he was (and still is) a class act.


No Longer the Kid
Serious question. Is there a point in the serious Skins fans outlook when they hope they loose to move up in the draft?

I am not sure but the Skins don't have any decent picks because they traded them away already right?

I thought this year we would have a decent draft :confused:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not me...

Serious question. Is there a point in the serious Skins fans outlook when they hope they loose to move up in the draft?

I am not sure but the Skins don't have any decent picks because they traded them away already right?

...not no way, not no how.

Fans used to bytch endlessly about how George Allen didn't have any top picks and then we bytched when the Beathard years always seemed to have them traded away. Now, we have a #1 all the time or trade to get one and we've got Rogers and Taylor and Samuels and Arrington and Landry and splash and flash and no depth and no d line.

And during what time periods did we go to the show?


I know nothing
I think the skins have a chance to win at least one of those 4 remaining games. Just dont let Gibbs call the time outs:whistle:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...let's break down the team, shall we?

QB; set
back up qb; na da, not youngster in development, only stop gaps in Brunell and Collins

RB; trade Portis UNLESS Saunders actually gets to run the offense next year. If we're to be a power running team, we need a power back. CP is one of Joe's bigger head scratchers. Betts; say what you will, he gained over 1,000 yards in 1/2 a season last year. Get some bigger kid in the 3rd or 4th round as a back up and go with Betts.

O line; Samuels is only 30, good at LT. LG is unsettled as Kendall is 34. Center is good with Rabach at 30. I think RG is good with Thomas only 31. RT is a question mark. I think Jansen has a few miles left in him at 31. So, we need a RG and add two kids to go along with Heyer. Maybe Kendall has a year left? All in all, given a healthy year like last year, the O line is not a problem. Good shape.

TE; Cooley. Say no more past use the guy to catch the ball, not block.

WR; We need a good, tall possession guy. I'm done with Santana. Randl El is a utility guy/#3. Look at what Indy has. What the Pats have. What Dallas has. Our biggest weakness on offense is WR's.


D line; Is Griffin done? I am totally opposed to the Carter thing. He's too much of a liability on the run and doesn't generate enough pressure to justify the weakness. Every week someone throws him around like a rag doll.

We, everyone, needs that big run stopper at DT/NG. We're weak in the middle. We just are. We're in trouble at DE. Daniels is 34. Even's never seems to catch attention either by penetrating or holding his ground. Wilson is another Carter. Damn, if we use Carter and Wilson as LB's, that gives us two fast guys that are 6'4" 250.

We need a big tackle and an a big end or two. As otter sais last offseason, our biggest overall team weakness is D line.

LB; What is more illustrative of our overall mindset problems than when your d team leader joined up last off season and he's in his 12th year?

Washington is on the way down. Fletcher can't have much left. Rocky seems to be stuck in the Williams brain game instead of using his athleticism. We've been this way with Arrington. If it is feasible to shore up LB with Wilson and Carter, then we can still focus on D line.

DB's; Rogers is a solid cover guy. Springs is probably done. Smoot is a #3 guy. Landry is good. You're not find another Taylor so don't try. Pettibone got by with all kinds of people at Safety. We don't need superman. We didn't win with superman. Don't let the loss of Taylor take the focus off of the D line.

So, there it is; D line, wide receivers, a young running back, a FA safety if Doughty doesn't have the stuff.

I haven't a clue what we have in draft picks for '08. Trade Portis, Moss for sure for d linemen or picks and trade McIntosh if he ever shows up in a "U" t shirt.


Set Trippin
Serious question. Is there a point in the serious Skins fans outlook when they hope they loose to move up in the draft?

I am not sure but the Skins don't have any decent picks because they traded them away already right?
There is a point in a serious skins fans life where he says, stop throwing assinine amounts of money around for old people that are on their way out.. giving up picks for the same... and start building a team..

Start building a team.. I will take the lumps of building a team... hell we take the lumps now anyways, and we still aint builiding sh*t...

Start building....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why thank you...

I think the skins have a chance to win at least one of those 4 remaining games. Just dont let Gibbs call the time outs:whistle:

...for that sound advice. I always know that when I see your name in a Redskin thread our well being is near and dear to your heart.



New Member
The Cowboy game found us in our 'find a way to lose' mold. Dominated the best team in the conference and still lose. 5-5, tipping point time.



Are you on crack?

More like you played a tough game and as always your QB blew it at the end with his incredible turnover skills...

Larry Gude

Strung Out



Are you on crack?

More like you played a tough game and as always your QB blew it at the end with his incredible turnover skills...

...you missed the game.

You had a couple of big plays with TO and that was it. Sean Taylor didn't play. TO did. End of story. We outplayed you. We out hit you. We won that game every where but where it counted most.

Are you on crack?


New Member
...you missed the game.

You had a couple of big plays with TO and that was it. Sean Taylor didn't play. TO did. End of story. We outplayed you. We out hit you. We won that game every where but where it counted most.

Are you on crack?

Missed the game?

I have just about every game that has been on tv DVR'd.

If it wasn't for some crappy shotgun miscues that killed potential drives on key downs the game could have been much different.

I'd like to point out that our cornerbacks are still playing with injuries.

I forgot that ST would have made every play back there.. That must be it...



New Member

The play that Owens scored 3 of his TD's on was a specific coverage that Washington uses that Dallas saw on film and put a play in just for it. Owens scored those TDs because Dallas outschemed Washington. It didnt matter who was in on those plays, because 1: The coverage would have been the same regardless because Washington was running a designed defense and 2: Two of TO's TDs were to the opposite side of where ST would have been lined up on


New Member
The Cowboy game found us in our 'find a way to lose' mold. Dominated the best team in the conference and still lose. 5-5, tipping point time.

I love your sense of revisionist history. The Redskins far from "dominated" that game. They outgained Dallas by 70 yards, mainly through the air playing catch up. Dallas outgained Washington on the ground, had fewer turnovers, completed a higher percentage of passes and won the time of possession. Dallas played its worst game of the season and Washington played as well as it possibly could. Dallas still won the game.


New Member
I love your sense of revisionist history. The Redskins far from "dominated" that game. They outgained Dallas by 70 yards, mainly through the air playing catch up. Dallas outgained Washington on the ground, had fewer turnovers, completed a higher percentage of passes and won the time of possession. Dallas played its worst game of the season and Washington played as well as it possibly could. Dallas still won the game.

Thank you.
