5 Facts Proving ‘They Are Coming For Your Guns’ Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

black dog

Free America
That's it! I'm done.

I've done the best I could to find some compromise (where gun owners actually win) and this is what I get. You win. I can tolerate some insults but even for Gurps, this is too much.

You'll never change. I can't imagine why I thought you would.



Well-Known Member
if you dont know that your kid is so ####ed up that they are going to go on a killing spree you are also ####ed up.

There were plenty of indicators that a mother should have seen. BTW, you dont know what his doctors determined about his mental health.

That's a pretty dumb statement.
What you intimate is that all mothers should know when their teen daughter is about to get pregnant.
That every mother should know when their son/daughter is about to start using drugs.
That every mother should know when their kids are drinking alcohol on the QT.
And most of all every mother should know when their child is going to commit suicide.

There are many things that happen that mothers do not know about.
You are certainly not this kids mother and have no evidence with which to judge her.


Well-Known Member
Fantasy, Innuendo, and Supposition ... :blahblah: all YOUR Opinion

not that I care, but plenty of digital ink has been spread about Lanza since SH


Hey dummy, if you read the story in the link you just provided it’s lists the indicators. They included a teacher talking to the principal about lanzas violent fantasies in 7th grade.

What your link does not do is describe what mental illness he was diagnosed with. That’s where your speculation innuendo come in.


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty dumb statement.
What you intimate is that all mothers should know when their teen daughter is about to get pregnant.
That every mother should know when their son/daughter is about to start using drugs.
That every mother should know when their kids are drinking alcohol on the QT.
And most of all every mother should know when their child is going to commit suicide.

There are many things that happen that mothers do not know about.
You are certainly not this kids mother and have no evidence with which to judge her.

The evidence is in the fact that her kid killed scores with a firearm she purchased.

Look, if you are too stupid to know that you need to keep your guns away from your troubled teen then you are too stupid to have kids or own guns. Nancy Lanza was obviously in denial about her ####ed up little murderer. You are an idiot if you defend her choices

black dog

Free America
The evidence is in the fact that her kid killed scores with a firearm she purchased.

Look, if you are too stupid to know that you need to keep your guns away from your troubled teen then you are too stupid to have kids or own guns. Nancy Lanza was obviously in denial about her ####ed up little murderer. You are an idiot if you defend her choices

Exactly, this kid was moved from school to school and doctor to doctor and many in the system knew he had huge issues Including his mother.
When this kid popped, folks all over went " oh sh!t "


Well-Known Member
Look, if you are too stupid to know that you need to keep your guns away from your troubled teen then you are too stupid to have kids or own guns.

Regrettably, they don't make intelligence a requirement before getting pregnant.
We've all seen weeping mothers on TVs while their demon spawn gets hauled away, saying he's a good boy.
I don't get it. I don't. I think if my son had done some violent crime, I'd be on TV saying "you think THAT'S violent?
Let ME in there - watch me thump his ass!".

I read an interesting article a while back - here it is -


I wasn't - surprised - but maybe I kind of was. I do think that fathers play such a vital role in our society that is too much overlooked.
It got me thinking - and I learned that some of the most evil men in history either had horribly abusive fathers (e.g. Stalin) or
missing fathers (Hitler). We want to think that GUNS are the problem, but the data doesn't show that.
It doesn't follow that killing is proportional to the availability of guns. There are nations where there are few guns per 100k
and they have a lot of gun death - there are nations where everyone has a gun, and there isn't nearly that much.

But - it's happening. So we assume - not illogically - there MUST be a cause, or causes.
I think it's us. There's something missing, in us. And we're not unique. Ultimately, we need to fix what's wrong with US.


Well-Known Member
Hey dummy, if you read the story in the link you just provided it’s lists the indicators. They included a teacher talking to the principal about lanzas violent fantasies in 7th grade.

What your link does not do is describe what mental illness he was diagnosed with. That’s where your speculation innuendo come in.

In the case of this boy you are correct, but your statement is so very generalized it could include any kid.
There are many cases of parents who have no idea what their child is doing.


I bowl overhand
Please stomp on me gently for my opinion. I'm sensitive.

I am pro-2nd amendment. I agree with background checks. That's it.

Many crimes and school shootings occur with stolen guns or guns taken or 'borrowed' from legal owner relatives.

That said, the flaw seems to be that the original gun purchaser and owner seems to be lackadaisical with regard to keeping their guns out of the other people's hands. If stolen, they just say, "Oh, well. That gun wasn't very expensive. I'll just go buy another one to replace it." They seem tone deaf about the harm that can be done with a gun that is no longer in their protected and level-headed ownership.

If the original gun owner/purchaser were made partially responsible for any crime committed with their stolen gun (and suffered some legal consequence), you can bet they would go to extreme lengths to keep their weapons are secure. Lock it up when not in use or needed. Don't loan your gun to your whacky nephew...

For those of you who like to compare car ownership with gun ownership (apples and oranges, I think), cars are generally more expensive and people go to great measures to keep them from being stolen (take keys, park in garage, alarm systems, GPS tracking, Lo-Jack, etc.) I'm not counting the whack jobs who leave their keys in the running car's ignition to pop in to a convenience store.

Maybe if all guns were as expensive as typical luxury cars, the owners might want to protect them better. Of course, then they become more valuable for a thief to want to steal them. (Sigh...)

In any case, this is my opinion and I like to hear some thoughts.

The HitChicken

I'm not sure how to word this correctly.. but gun owners shouldn't be required to take extraorindary steps to protect them from criminals, nor be held repsonsible for a criminal stealing then using them. Maybe criminals should be held responsible for their actions, and pay for their actions.

TO use your analogy: You park your car on the street, doors unlocked, keys are in your possession, your car gets stolen, the person that stole it hits and kills somebody, while DUI... which one of those criminal acts should the car owner be responsible for??

Should you be responsible because you didn't park your car in the garage?? Or be responsible and charged with negligent homicide because you didn't lock the doors?

Or should the criminal be held responsible for stealing your car, being DUI AND killing somebody??


Well-Known Member
In the case of this boy you are correct, but your statement is so very generalized it could include any kid.
There are many cases of parents who have no idea what their child is doing.

its true in every case. If you dont know what your kid is up to you better not leave a firearm around where they have access to it. What is so hard to understand about that?


If I may ...
If I may ...

its true in every case. If you dont know what your kid is up to you better not leave a firearm around where they have access to it. What is so hard to understand about that?

While sage advise, not always works. A person can have a kid raised properly, trained in the safe use and handling of firearms, have them put away properly. But still it could happen, a kid goes off the reservation. Kids are quite inquisitive and will search out a house like there is no tomorrow when left alone. It's a natural curiosity thing. Bad things happen, even with the most prudent steps taken to ensure they don't. Try as we might, there is that aspect of the unknown that cannot be accounted for, planned for, or explained.


Well-Known Member
If I may ...

While sage advise, not always works. A person can have a kid raised properly, trained in the safe use and handling of firearms, have them put away properly. But still it could happen, a kid goes off the reservation. Kids are quite inquisitive and will search out a house like there is no tomorrow when left alone. It's a natural curiosity thing. Bad things happen, even with the most prudent steps taken to ensure they don't. Try as we might, there is that aspect of the unknown that cannot be accounted for, planned for, or explained.
For kids that are just curious a gun cabinet with a lock will work. Good kids know better than to break something of dads out of curisousty.
However, if you have a kid that is going to break into your gun safe you are going to have a pretty good inclination that he/she is a rotten little ####. There are always exceptions that prove the rule, but there are almost always signs when a kid is that much of a ####up.