5 kittens thrown in frying pan with pork chops, survive with burns


New Member
I'll have to ask my Chinese friend if it's customary to fry kittens in the nude. I have an idea of what his response will be, but I'll ask anyway.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
....YOU try and spell and see what YOU'RE spell checker comes up with!!!

This spell checker says everything is fine but YOUR grammar could use some work. :buttkick:


New Member
OK, I spoke to my Chinese friend. He is MUCH more afraid of White People now than he was before. :lol: He said that Chinese people don't cook in the nude. And also, ..."it is customary to skin the cats first. The oils in the skin make the meat taste very strong. Remove the skins and white people think it's chicken." :shrug:. There ya have it.