black dog
Free America
Whoops, you just won't stop, will you? For all your falderal about being all knowing, you come off as an arsewipe; I see a lot of those everyday with the granddot.And, you seem to have a problem with taking things out of context, and rewriting what you want to fit your arsehole agenda. I have posted, overtime, about my life. You, obviously, don't like your life, and feel a need to belittle mine, and others to make you feel better about yours. Go on with your bad self and delusions.
You are a waste of time if I ever saw one. I am done with you. Post what you want. I don't care, anymore. Have a nice life, if you can.
And, what the hell are you talking about? My dot grad from Patuxent HS. Shoo, fly, don't bother me. You are ridiculous in every way.
I will follow lucky bee's lead, and tell you to #### off.
You perceive me as an easy target the same as your hunting of defenseless animals. Well, you are wrong.
Delusions, now that's funny $hit right there.
Next you will be saying Olney is in North East Potomac.