56-43 Owens is confirmed...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

dems4me said:
Did any of y'all ever buy one of those Jeffers puke bags they were selling years ago? :confused: Just wondering... :lol:

No. Republicans handle these things as a matter of course, politics and life. We do not become physically distressed with the vapors when our apple cart over turns on occaision.



Larry Gude said:
No. Republicans handle these things as a matter of course, politics and life. We do not become physically distressed with the vapors when our apple cart over turns on occaision.


Y'all seemed pretty hot when he switched sides, hence the puke bags and other gags that came out making him the but of jokes :shru:



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
Y'all seemed pretty hot when he switched sides, hence the puke bags and other gags that came out making him the but of jokes :shru:

He made himself a butt.


Jeffords is a butt, but he's also the poster child for why you should never switch parties. Your old party will never trust you again if they come back into power, and you're never really trusted by your new party because they know you only switched sides for more power. Jeffords was the darling of the Democrats and the media until he was no longer useful, then he was a cast-off... not a position most politicians ever want to find themselves in.


This Space for Rent
dems4me said:
Not trying to start an argument or debate with anyone, but just wanted to state for the record in defense of Dems on a republican forum... its my understanding that the Dems have approved the appointments of 209 judges that were proposed and just objected t 8 or 9 :shrug: Clinton on the other hand had 60 judges he wanted appointed and was denied...
It seems like the Dems are more bending of a party on this issue :shrug:

All his judges got straight up or down votes. :shrug:

They didn't have majorities.

Also, I believe when the Dem's throw around that 60 number, they are counting ones that didn't even make it out of committee. We are just talking judges that made it out of committee. I think Clinton's success rate for placing his judges was pretty high once they were out of committee.


vraiblonde said:
There. Now how friggin' hard was that???

My sentiments exactly. If they had decided to go to filibustering, I imagine it would have been as painful as a recount of election ballots. How 'bout that dissertation on the Senate's operating policies given by Byrd on the eve of the confirmation vote? :blahblah: