977 The Rocket, Mickey The Kid


God bless the USA
They played commercials featuring him around lunch time. Advertising for an event in Leonardtown this weekend.

If he was gone... wouldn't they have pulled those ads.

Any of you geniuses maybe think he might be out sick?

I can attest to that. We have been doing double duty granddot babysitting because the other set of grandparents have been sick for a week. I like your posts. You never take either side. That is how America should operate.


God bless the USA

Ok. If you can’t explain yourself, stop posting. Thanks.

And, don’t think I missed your comparison of me to blackdog in another thread. You are so off the rails, I don’t think that you can get back on track. Thanks for the laugh!
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New Member
Ok. If you can’t explain yourself, stop posting. Thanks.

And, don’t think I missed your comparison of me to blackdog in another thread. You are so off the rails, I don’t think that you can get back on track. Thanks for the laugh!

I think my comment was self explanatory. Maybe that Vodka is cloudin your head. And I'll post all I want. "Forum Psycho" :killingme


God bless the USA
I think my comment was self explanatory. Maybe that Vodka is cloudin your head. And I'll post all I want. "Forum Psycho" :killingme

No, your comment was not self explanatory. I don’t drink vodka, etal. I like iced coffee, iced tea, and Dr. Pepper. Yes, you can post what you want, and so can I. As far as the calling names thing that you don’t like; didn’t you just make yourself a hypocrite, again?


New Member
No, your comment was not self explanatory. I don’t drink. Yes, you can post what you want, and so can I. As far as the calling names thing that you don’t like; didn’t you just make yourself a hypocrite, again?

I didn't call you Forum Psycho. The owner of the forum did! :killingme


God bless the USA
I didn't call you Forum Psycho. The owner of the forum did! :killingme

That is between me and her. I will take it from her, but not from you. Get lost. Shoo, troll! Try getting your own gig. You just proved that you cannot stand on your own. Thank you for clarifying when you told me ‘no’. Oh, my stars, you are hilarious!


New Member
That is between me and her. I will take it from her, but not from you. Get lost. Shoo, troll! Try getting your own gig. You just proved that you cannot stand on your own. Thank you for clarifying when you told me ‘no’. Oh, my stars, you are hilarious!

Maybe she will let you change your username to forumpsycho. :shrug:


God bless the USA
Maybe she will let you change your username to forumpsycho. :shrug:

Members don’t need her permission to change their username. Maybe, you should get a life, other than being a troll, and stop relying on the admin of this forum. Oh, and yeah, stop being a hypocrite.
You’re welcome.


God bless the USA

If you have to resort to changing members’ posts, you really DO need to get a life. You are welcome, and take care of yourself.

I hope Mickey is ok, and just under the weather. If he was booted for speaking his mind, then that backs up what I have said on this thread, and on this forum. True American patriots need to keep speaking out until the end; whatever that end may be.
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black dog

Free America

Better watch yourself, kookoo'tattletits will report you to your 5th grade teacher and threaten you with civil litigation... And there's no expungement on the internet..
And since she's a self proclaimed Patriot..
She's strenuously objects to your opinions..


God bless the USA
Better watch yourself, kookoo'tattletits will report you to your 5th grade teacher and threaten you with civil litigation... And there's no expungement on the internet..
And since she's a self proclaimed Patriot..
She's strenuously objects to your opinions..

You are the biggest baby on this forum. Kookoo’tattletits’ Really? LOL! Not to mention the biggest hypocrite, and Chauvanistic pig. How long did it take you to compose your ridiculous post about me? You truly are a Benedict Arnold. You tout patriotism, but then crap on patriots. The only thing that is important to you is your braggart self. It is always about you. I am glad to know that I made you crap in your pants; otherwise, you would have let it go. And, yes, who knows what can cause a lawsuit these days. We have seen it happen. Carry on.

And, what I, really, like is that I get to you, and have your number. Otherwise, you would not respond to me. Thank you so much! Big hug!
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black dog

Free America
You are the biggest baby on this forum. Not to mention the biggest hypocrite. How long did it take you to compose your ridiculous post about me? You truly are a Benedict Arnold. You tout patriotism, but then crap on patriots. The only thing that is important to you is your braggart self. It is always about you. I am glad to know that I made you crap in your pants; otherwise, you would have let it go. And, yes, who knows what can cause a lawsuit these days. We have seen it happen. Carry on.

You didn't call my 5th grade teacher again did you? Mrs Morrison is kinna old now and her ticker might not take all that excitement.. But feel free to report me to Vira anytime you feel the need..
The only Patriot in your house is super shoes..
You can't take care of yourself, and you think your a Patriot...
A Patriot is, a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.


God bless the USA
You didn't call my 5th grade teacher again did you? Mrs Morrison is kinna old now and her ticker might not take all that excitement.. But feel free to report me to Vira anytime you feel the need..
The only Patriot in your house is super shoes..
You can't take care of yourself, and you think your a Patriot...
A Patriot is, a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

Well, let’s see. I was taught in school to answer point by point. Mrs. Morrison has nothing to do with it. Was she your mom? You have brought her up before, so she must be important to you. Next, you need to spell vrai’s name right. Next, you have made fun of my Marine hub, and me, and have no right to decide if we are patriots. Next, I have always taken care of myself; I survived a devasting divorce for me and my children, but we moved on, and found the best man in the world. Next, yes, I am a patriot. Next, yes, I am prepared to defend America against all enemies or detractors. No, I didn’t serve in the military, but my super shoes Marine hub has taught me all I need to know. I know how to shoot. I do have a question. Do you feel that all Americans that didn’t serve in the military should not be called patriots? Just wondering. Thanks.

Edit: In all your HE MAN self absorbedness, you must have forgotten about all the females in all US wars that did their part on the homefront, and they were/are patriots, too. Like feeding and helping injured soldiers on both sides, having the babies when their hubs were gone at war, taking care of family and home, and working in the factories to make needed supplies, making the bandages, etc. I am sorry, but you truly are a jerk and a half. Too bad you never had a girl child. You might have a different perspective.

I had a great aunt that worked in the factories in WWII. She made a bracelet out of scrap particles of leftover steel. It is really pretty. I still have it. It means the world to me.
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black dog

Free America
Well, let’s see. I was taught in school to answer point by point. Mrs. Morrison has nothing to do with it. Was she your mom? You have brought her up before, so she must be important to you. Next, you need to spell vrai’s name right. Next, you have made fun of my Marine hub, and me, and have no right to decide if we are patriots. Next, I have always taken care of myself; I survived a devasting divorce for me and my children, but we moved on, and found the best man in the world. Next, yes, I am a patriot. Next, yes, I am prepared to defend America against all enemies or detractors. No, I didn’t serve in the military, but my super shoes Marine hub has taught me all I need to know. I do have a question. Do you feel that all Americans that didn’t serve in the military should not be called patriots? Just wondering. Thanks.

No tattletits, she was my 5th grade teacher. And since you like to correct spelling and punctuation and grammer, your kids go before you.. college girl...
Have you figured out that cesarian doesn't have a i in it yet, do you need help with that too? If you want I can get the roomie to grade your writing skills, I'm sure with two masters and a law degree she's got skills in writing...
It's just funny how you keep trying to make a High School grad with admitted ####ty writing skills, look bad, all the while when your to stupid to check your own work..
And the last question,,, no Wackadoodie just you...