98.3 Fm Sucks!


Would THIS face lie?
If I could play the music I listen to on a kazoo, I'd have a job on a cruise ship. Or a boardwalk somewhere.

She should have been at the Inaugration....Would have sounded better than Aretha Franklin...AND...We wouldn't have to look at that damn hat...


Iron City
You must have an older model car. Mine, an '07, has this thing in it that whenever I want to listen to music, of my choice no less, I can!

I love it. Everyone should have one.

Mine has these little button things that if you find a station you like, you can hold it down and if you want to listen to that station again, you mash that button and it goes right back to the station you want, however for some reason it didn't work on 99.5.


I prefer talk radio in the morning and music in the evening on the way home. I flip back and forth betweek 99.5 and 101.1 If one goes to a commercial or starts playing music, I flip to the other. I think 99.5 has been playing more music then usual and they seem to play the same songs over and over again. I still like them though.


Methodically disorganized
This is real radio!
If you know what 'real' radio is, why change the station in the first place?

But maybe I shouldn't expect a straight or honest answer, seeing your signature. Stupid liberals want "equality" when they want to be heard, but as soon as someone else tries something it must be shut down.