A Black Conservative in the Year of Obama

dia look

New Member
The things that are important to me that I would want attentin paid attention to are : reducing the federal budget deficit, controlling illegal immigration, and bringing some kind of control to oil prices, even if it is only on oil prduced domestically. The Republican Party had full control of the governemt for 6 years, and have done nothing on these problems. I do not know if the Democrats will have any better luck on these problems, but I do know that the Republicans have proven to me that they will not, they had 6 years and the budget ballooned, the size of the federal government ballooned, and not only was nothing done about illegal immigration, it was encouraged by the current administration and the presumptive republican nominee with the guest amnesty proposal.


NOT Politically Correct!!
The things that are important to me that I would want attentin paid attention to are : reducing the federal budget deficit, controlling illegal immigration, and bringing some kind of control to oil prices, even if it is only on oil prduced domestically. The Republican Party had full control of the governemt for 6 years, and have done nothing on these problems. I do not know if the Democrats will have any better luck on these problems, but I do know that the Republicans have proven to me that they will not, they had 6 years and the budget ballooned, the size of the federal government ballooned, and not only was nothing done about illegal immigration, it was encouraged by the current administration and the presumptive republican nominee with the guest amnesty proposal.

And the DemoRats have had control for about a year and gas prices have tripled, they voted against drilling for more oil in our own country and have done nothing more for the last year than act like a bunch of windbags who cannot agree in any way shape or form on how to fix domestic problems affecting us all. Ask yourself this question, what has the DemoRat congress accomplished since taking over the house, not a god damn thing, they even promised they were going to get the troops out of Iraq which they have not done (So they lied for the CodePink votes), they have once again entangled our country in red tape and restrictions and drove this economy on the fastest downward spiral I have ever witnessed in my lifetime...:coffee:


Ron - The Right Miller!
I agree with you that the GOP didn't fully live up to its conservative principles and was seduced by the power and privilege of being Washington insiders. Sometimes we must be banished to the wilderness for a time so we can find ourselves again, and that's how I view the elections of 2006 and possibly this election year as well. I believe that process is in work and my hope is that the party comes out stronger, more committed and more attuned to the people's voices than they had been in recent years.

My only regret is that in their anger to teach the GOP a lesson, the voters in 2006 rejected some "OK" Republican incumbents and candidates as well (grin)!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My only regret is that in their anger to teach the GOP a lesson, the voters in 2006 rejected some "OK" Republican incumbents and candidates as well (grin)!

My motivation this year is not so much to teach the GOP a lesson - they just flat don't represent me on the issues anymore. Not that the Democrats are any better, in fact they represent me even less.

The Republican party isn't so much conservative anymore - they've gone neo-con. When I voted for George Bush, the Great Uniter :jet:, I figured he was thinking more social liberalism, not fiscal. Surprise.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
So that's a conversation I'd like to have with blacks, women, etc: WHY do you vote Democrat? What's in it for you? I don't want to hear the word "change" unless you specify which change you want and how you think Obama or any other Democrat is going to implement it.

Well I'm going to vote democrat in this presidential election because Sen Obama represents more of my views then McCain. The democratic party is more inline with the way I think... Simple as that. I agree with some of the things the republican party represents...ie: More Guns, Drilling in ANWR, however I support the woman’s right to choose with regards to abortion, and I support Gay marriage and I'm against the war in IRAQ.. I think our occupation of Iraq has probably caused more terrorist then Bin Laden could ever imagine.

As far as Illegal immigrants, I truly don’t know how I feel on this issue…..
I can understand both sides
I feel they shouldn’t be here w/ first going through the proper channels; however I feel that most illegals are here trying to have a better life for their families….

I’ve voted for republican candidates in my local elections because their views were more like mine. There are certain issues I’m conservative about, but I’m got more liberal views then conservative views…..


Well-Known Member
As far as Illegal immigrants, I truly don’t know how I feel on this issue…..
I can understand both sides
I feel they shouldn’t be here w/ first going through the proper channels; however I feel that most illegals are here trying to have a better life for their families….

I am sure that if you woke up one morning, and a family of illegal immigrants had decided to move into your house, they'd have the same rationale - they just want a better life. But you're not under any obligation to support them, and neither are we.

The other part of that is - we just can't do it. The world grows at a population of about 75 million per year - a whole United States every four years. We can't take in the poor of the world - if we took in 10 million a year, the world replaces that in 7 weeks. The best way to "help" the poor of the world is to help them where they are.

And you already do this at home - if you want to help the poor, you don't take hundreds into your house. You're not equipped for that.

Lastly - no other nation tolerates this kind of immigration - not even the more advanced nations we seem to admire so much. Even *MEXICO* doesn't tolerate it, and that's where we getting so many of them.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm going to vote democrat in this presidential election because Sen Obama represents more of my views then McCain. The democratic party is more inline with the way I think... Simple as that. I agree with some of the things the republican party represents...ie: More Guns, Drilling in ANWR, however I support the woman’s right to choose with regards to abortion, and I support Gay marriage and I'm against the war in IRAQ.. I think our occupation of Iraq has probably caused more terrorist then Bin Laden could ever imagine.

As far as Illegal immigrants, I truly don’t know how I feel on this issue…..
I can understand both sides
I feel they shouldn’t be here w/ first going through the proper channels; however I feel that most illegals are here trying to have a better life for their families….

I’ve voted for republican candidates in my local elections because their views were more like mine. There are certain issues I’m conservative about, but I’m got more liberal views then conservative views…..
Interesting that you choose the things you do in voting for president:

Abortion: While I personally disagree with you, the fact is that the president has absolutely no bearing on this issue other than SCOTUS nominees - who are bound to follow precident, and thus Roe v. Wade is HIGHLY unlikely to be overturned by any future court.

Gay marriage: State issue. And, if decided at the federal level, will be decided by Supreme Court (again) when any law is challeneged (either way). Again, precedent will prevail, and discrimination laws will be the guide.

Iraq war: Barry's voted FOR everything Bush has asked for, and his position will be handed to him by senior career people in the military and in the defense staff. This is where his lack of experience and knowledge may help him with short-sighted voters, but any large change will not happen in any short period of time - it's just not feasible.

The other things you mentioned (guns, ANWR) actually have a greater probability of being effected by presidential opinion in laws written and actions actually taken.

As for illegal immigrants, when weighing acting illegally vs. helping their families, imagine if your family lost their income so that an illegal alien could work to support his family (many of whom are in another country). Then decide how you feel about that alien just trying to make a better life for their family at a legal citizen's expense.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Lastly - no other nation tolerates this kind of immigration - not even the more advanced nations we seem to admire so much. Even *MEXICO* doesn't tolerate it, and that's where we getting so many of them.

...not a matter of tolerance, it is a matter of simple economics.

We collect and categorize and collate, as you well know, all sorts of facts, figures, numbers, estimates and other data and that makes it a pretty easy thing to say that the economy can comfortable absorb X amount of new workers per year.

If the president, and I'd argue the borders are a part of his 'provide for the common defense' job description, can get congress to just agree that 100,000or 500,000 or 1,000,000 per year is an acceptable number and just strive for that and institute the functions necessary to fairly well enforce that, then it's a fairly controlled influx of labor that shouldn't be too difficult to assimilate and absorb.

It's just stunning to see them all do NOTHING about this, not even simply making a few policy speeches expressing rudimentary guidelines. I mean, it shouldn't be, but it is.


Well-Known Member
OK Mr Miller,...

Where do YOU start?
County Commissioner seat?
Run for Maryland House?

It is clear you will have the support of many of your conservatives & republicans. How do you get your message to draw in moderates and Black voters who would dismiss you like they did Mr Steele?

What has truly failed is....
a) textbooks
b) teachers
c) Parents
(Not necessarily in that order)

we have failed to inspire the last two generations to adhere to the constitution, teach patriotism, value morality...
as a result, just like Israel under the Judges...we have turned into the cycle of wicked, selfish and stupid leaders...reflecting the general will of the Urban people who demand more nanny state every day.

so, where do YOU start?

PS...Gingrich advertises a book that hits 10+ issues that are STRONG vote getters. Could that be the blueprint for victory here in So Md.?
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Adding Diversity to SOMD
Interesting that you choose the things you do in voting for president:

Abortion: While I personally disagree with you, the fact is that the president has absolutely no bearing on this issue other than SCOTUS nominees - who are bound to follow precident, and thus Roe v. Wade is HIGHLY unlikely to be overturned by any future court.

Gay marriage: State issue. And, if decided at the federal level, will be decided by Supreme Court (again) when any law is challeneged (either way). Again, precedent will prevail, and discrimination laws will be the guide.

Iraq war: Barry's voted FOR everything Bush has asked for, and his position will be handed to him by senior career people in the military and in the defense staff. This is where his lack of experience and knowledge may help him with short-sighted voters, but any large change will not happen in any short period of time - it's just not feasible.

The other things you mentioned (guns, ANWR) actually have a greater probability of being effected by presidential opinion in laws written and actions actually taken.

As for illegal immigrants, when weighing acting illegally vs. helping their families, imagine if your family lost their income so that an illegal alien could work to support his family (many of whom are in another country). Then decide how you feel about that alien just trying to make a better life for their family at a legal citizen's expense.

I didn't say those were my only issues, I was just making a point that not all my views were lock step w/ the democratic party.

As far as illegals.... If someone out worked me and I lost my job, I guess I'd have to work harder. It really shouldn't matter if the person was a U.S. Citizen or not.....

Like I said, I understand why they come here to work and If I were in their shoes I can't say I wouldn't be trying to come here to work too...


Well-Known Member
I didn't say those were my only issues, I was just making a point that not all my views were lock step w/ the democratic party.

As far as illegals.... If someone out worked me and I lost my job, I guess I'd have to work harder. It really shouldn't matter if the person was a U.S. Citizen or not.....

Like I said, I understand why they come here to work and If I were in their shoes I can't say I wouldn't be trying to come here to work too...
I wasn't trying to suggest they were your only issues, just that they weren't as important as the ones you rejected when considering presidential candidates.

I also wasn't suggesting working harder, just cheaper.


Well-Known Member
As far as illegals.... If someone out worked me and I lost my job, I guess I'd have to work harder. It really shouldn't matter if the person was a U.S. Citizen or not.....

I've known illegals working here - and I can't say that they work harder. Some do. Many don't. What is often true if they're here to work, is they work cheaper, and usually under the table (no taxes, benefits, insurance, etc.). Many on here have related stories of having to hire crews of illegals because if they don't, they get underbid by competitors who hire them while facing no consequences. So you're a painter, landscaper or laborer - and you lost your job not because the illegal works HARDER - but because he isn't paying taxes and works under the radar, he's cheaper, and your boss can't get the work for you.

Highly recommend checking out the data at NumbersUSA.org - and they're dealing with the increase of LEGAL immigration since 1965.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
I've known illegals working here - and I can't say that they work harder. Some do. Many don't. What is often true if they're here to work, is they work cheaper, and usually under the table (no taxes, benefits, insurance, etc.). Many on here have related stories of having to hire crews of illegals because if they don't, they get underbid by competitors who hire them while facing no consequences. So you're a painter, landscaper or laborer - and you lost your job not because the illegal works HARDER - but because he isn't paying taxes and works under the radar, he's cheaper, and your boss can't get the work for you.

Highly recommend checking out the data at NumbersUSA.org - and they're dealing with the increase of LEGAL immigration since 1965.

Wasn’t suggesting that Illegal’s necessarily work harder, I was responding to the question of how I would feel if one took my job…

Also, if the companies wouldn’t pay these illegal’s then they wouldn’t be here. Like I said before, I feel like most are here trying to support their families and it’s really hard fro me to be mad at that, it’s basic survival. The companies and corporations are the ones who are benefiting from the illegals but we really don’t hear about them……….

However on the flip side, I know that illegal’s are a major problem and something has to be done about it.. oh and not just the illegal’s coming from S. of the boarder…


Ron - The Right Miller!
Here's another perspective

However, we'll end up with a host of other problems that aren't worth it. Not only that, but the people who scream racism and sexism won't stop just because of a black or woman President. When we got a black female NSA, then Sec of State, the screamers said she was an Aunt Jemima and not black at all.

Somehow Bill Clinton was proclaimed our first black President - by a black woman, no less.

Here's another perspective from a black conservative that I hadn't considered but has merit:

"FUGG ANYONE who wants to question my "Blackness" for not being in love with, and whole-heartedly supporting "The First Black....". Because, as I have said a million times, it has been proven, by Black Folks refusal to support Lynn Swann to be THE FIRST BLACK GOVERNOR of Pennsylvania; Ken Blackwell to be THE FIRST BLACK GOVERNOR of Ohio; and Michael Steele to be THE FIRST BLACK U.S. SENATOR from Maryland.....Black solidarity ain't about simply being Black. It's about being, "The right kind (political party wise) of Black Person."


As far as Illegal immigrants, I truly don’t know how I feel on this issue…..
I can understand both sides

Rule of law, Socialist, is not about how your FEEL, but what the law says ..... and the law says walking / running / seeking / swimming across the border @ other that the proper entry point is illegal ....

and doing so makes you an illegal immigrant ....

not an undocumented worker or any other touchy freely open borders crap ........

like your instructed when on Jury Duty, you judge the case on its merits and the evidence, or lack of, presented did the prosecutor prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt ... not how the defense lawyer made you feel about johnny growing up a trailer park with a crack whore for a momma ... :gossip:

I sat on a jury for a civil trial, with a particular woman who was going to screw over the defendant, in this case, because her friend was in a smiler car accident 6 months previous and got screwed by her insurance company ...

because she wanted to give this Indian Cab Driver a big settlement, screwing over some poor Elderly Black Man, until I pointed out if we could not come to some resolution, the cab driver was going to get nothing ....

it took about 4 hrs of deliberation, until the reason for her stubbornness finally came out ... :jameo: stupid girl - looked to be in her early 20's

yeah lets #### over some other poor bastard, because you think your friend got a raw deal ....



Adding Diversity to SOMD
Rule of law, Socialist, is not about how your FEEL, but what the law says ..... and the law says walking / running / seeking / swimming across the border @ other that the proper entry point is illegal ....

and doing so makes you an illegal immigrant ....

not an undocumented worker or any other touchy freely open borders crap ........

like your instructed when on Jury Duty, you judge the case on its merits and the evidence, or lack of, presented did the prosecutor prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt ... not how the defense lawyer made you feel about johnny growing up a trailer park with a crack whore for a momma ... :gossip:

I sat on a jury for a civil trial, with a particular woman who was going to screw over the defendant, in this case, because her friend was in a smiler car accident 6 months previous and got screwed by her insurance company ...

because she wanted to give this Indian Cab Driver a big settlement, screwing over some poor Elderly Black Man, until I pointed out if we could not come to some resolution, the cab driver was going to get nothing ....

it took about 4 hrs of deliberation, until the reason for her stubbornness finally came out ... :jameo: stupid girl - looked to be in her early 20's

yeah lets #### over some other poor bastard, because you think your friend got a raw deal ....


Well that’s all fine and dandy, but there are a lot of "LAWS" that I don't agree w/ 100% (hell I'm all for prostitution).... I was just stating how I was unsure about how I fell about illegal immigration...

That is all :howdy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Here's another perspective from a black conservative that I hadn't considered but has merit:

"FUGG ANYONE who wants to question my "Blackness" for not being in love with, and whole-heartedly supporting "The First Black....". Because, as I have said a million times, it has been proven, by Black Folks refusal to support Lynn Swann to be THE FIRST BLACK GOVERNOR of Pennsylvania; Ken Blackwell to be THE FIRST BLACK GOVERNOR of Ohio; and Michael Steele to be THE FIRST BLACK U.S. SENATOR from Maryland.....Black solidarity ain't about simply being Black. It's about being, "The right kind (political party wise) of Black Person."

That gets right to the point :yay:


Well that’s all fine and dandy, but there are a lot of "LAWS" that I don't agree w/ 100% (hell I'm all for prostitution).... I was just stating how I was unsure about how I fell about illegal immigration...

That is all :howdy:
