A dollar bill carries 3,000 types of bacteria


Lawful neutral

You may have heard that dollar bills harbor trace amounts of drugs.
But those greenbacks in your wallet are hiding far more than cocaine and the flu. They're teeming with life.
Each dollar bill carries about 3,000 types of bacteria on its surface, scientists have found. Most are harmless. But cash also has DNA from drug-resistant microbes. And your wad of dough may even have a smudge of anthrax and diphtheria.
In other words, your wallet is a portable petri dish.


Adopt me please !
Think of the germs that are on shopping carts, or door knobs of public restrooms!

what gets me is that e-coli is the one of the most prevalent germs we carry around - are that many people touching poop and not washing their hands? Apparently ..... :frown:


mama to two
Think of the germs that are on shopping carts, or door knobs of public restrooms!

That is why I like the sani-wipes at the door of Giant and other stores. I use them religiously on the handle of the cart, and after I leave the store, use the hand sanitizer I keep in my car. As far as germs/bacteria on money. :yikes: As a rule, I don't use cash and use my bank card 99% of the time.
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