A headkine on NBC's website....


New Member
It's hard for me to believe that Bernie Sanders is the number two person running for the nomination from the Democratic party for President.

Hillary and Bernie Sanders---this is the best they have?

We are in a heap of trouble here folks.

Coming from someone who has Donald trump leading the way !!:eyebrow::eyebrow::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump and Ben Carson are any better??

I have said here many times that I do not believe Trump will continue his run. As for Dr. Carson I believe he is much better, As far as I know he is not a liar, has never taken bribes, has never fired the WH travel staff ,or had an affair with Vince Foster, Web Hubbell or Huma Abedin. He hasntmade his money from whitewater or cattle futures and he doesn't have a non-profit foundation he piles money into that does practically nothing. In the case of Bernie sanders he is not a left wing kook that only joined the Dem party so he could get backing for his run, and he is not a Socialist left wing commie loving Yankee from vermont.