A left leaning view of the whole Kavanaugh matter


Active Member
My wife and I were talking about this last night. Both of us agree that it's bull#### to bring up something from over 30 years ago against someone. First, he was a child, second the statute of limitations are gone, Third, during an investigation for clearance you only go back 10 years for most everything. Unless he actually murdered someone and you have hardcore evidence (like DNA) I'm not sure how it's even an issue or why it's an issue. As far as I'm concerned if it did happen it never even happened, because how can we support something like this over 30 years ago? Considering 30 years any random woman could come up with a story that any man did anything to her and all we would come down to is her word against his. So now we are living in a world whenever someone is in a position of power some random woman will come up and tarnish his name.

Now I personally don't like the idea of the supreme court being lined with a bunch of conservative judges, but then there's no guarantee that these judges will always decide on conservative values. However, I don't agree with the concept of what's happening to this guy. On another note, Kavanaugh will still likely be confirmed into the supreme court. Clarence Thomas did and this whole thing would likely play out like 1991.

On another note, my wife watches too much CNN and I tell her that it just rots her brain. I try to stay away from both (CNN or Fox).


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I sincerely hope no one here is using the unmentioned MSNBC as a source.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
My wife and I were talking about this last night. Both of us agree that it's bull####

I wonder why some certain politicians seem to think it's an offense worthy of hanging. You both seem to have a good take on this, as I hope most same Americans do also.


Well-Known Member
I wonder why some certain politicians seem to think it's an offense worthy of hanging. You both seem to have a good take on this, as I hope most same Americans do also.

The people I talk to are outraged at how dismissive Republicans are acting towards a sexual assault victim. They did the same to Roy Moore’s victims.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The people I talk to are outraged at how dismissive Republicans are acting towards a sexual assault victim. They did the same to Roy Moore’s victims.

I have no doubt that the people you talk to are in favor of guilty until proven innocent, but that's not how our legal/judicial system works. What you're thinking of is fascism, not democracy.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I were talking about this last night. Both of us agree that it's bull#### to bring up something from over 30 years ago against someone. First, he was a child, second the statute of limitations are gone, Third, during an investigation for clearance you only go back 10 years for most everything. Unless he actually murdered someone and you have hardcore evidence (like DNA) I'm not sure how it's even an issue or why it's an issue. As far as I'm concerned if it did happen it never even happened, because how can we support something like this over 30 years ago? Considering 30 years any random woman could come up with a story that any man did anything to her and all we would come down to is her word against his. So now we are living in a world whenever someone is in a position of power some random woman will come up and tarnish his name.

Now I personally don't like the idea of the supreme court being lined with a bunch of conservative judges, but then there's no guarantee that these judges will always decide on conservative values. However, I don't agree with the concept of what's happening to this guy. On another note, Kavanaugh will still likely be confirmed into the supreme court. Clarence Thomas did and this whole thing would likely play out like 1991.

On another note, my wife watches too much CNN and I tell her that it just rots her brain. I try to stay away from both (CNN or Fox).

Thank you. It is refreshing and not just a little bit reassuring that there are people on the left who can see through this crap.


Active Member
Thank you. It is refreshing and not just a little bit reassuring that there are people on the left who can see through this crap.

I think i've posted before that I've pulled more and more away from the left. I'm hanging somewhere in the center. But I'm curious on your opinion in the matter. You seem to have a pretty deep understanding of these type of things.


Well-Known Member
Some thoughts..

My wife and I were talking about this last night. Both of us agree that it's bull#### to bring up something from over 30 years ago against someone. First, he was a child,

No...he was 19...that is not a child.

second the statute of limitations are gone,

This is true and where the "however" comes into play.

Third, during an investigation for clearance you only go back 10 years for most everything.

This is a LIFETIME appt. We had better be damned sure we are putting qualified people into the position. (Unlike we have done for President.)

Unless he actually murdered someone and you have hardcore evidence (like DNA) I'm not sure how it's even an issue or why it's an issue.

Here's the "however"...I completely agree...however...this guy appears to have lied in prior Senate testimony...up until about a year ago, women were afraid to confront powerful men...still are...those without power are generally afraid to confront the powerful (revisit how Trump consistently refused to pay his mom and pop contractors!). If no other women come forward and this ends up being a "he said/she said" between two drunk college aged kids that happened 30-40 years ago...it is a punt and Kavanaugh should be confirmed.

So now we are living in a world whenever someone is in a position of power some random woman will come up and tarnish his name.

Since you haven't been paying attention, this is the world we have been living in for at least the last 30ish years. Random accusations are thrown around all the time that destroy lives. HS kids accuse teachers because they don't like the teacher...talk show hosts do this crap all the time...

Look how this accusation has the ignorati on here all ginned up...they are slobbering all over their propaganda sites and Fox News...which is the goal...gotta sell those ad spots!! So find a way to keep the uneducated tuned in and clicking thru webpages!!

The R's will do the same thing the next time a D is in the WH...same sh!t just a different channel. And the ignorati will be just as ginned up...


Active Member
Or at least watch both so you can get both sides of the issues, then make your own decision.

The problem with Fox is whenever there's something going on that makes the right look bad they report on some other different news. They seem to report on news that caters more to republican right sided matras.

Then you have Tucker, which i can't stand to listen to sometimes.

CNN people just seem spineless. They had a CNN reporter somewhere in India interviewing some tribe that practices cannibalism. The reporter was sitting down with the guy and started getting angry, the tribal leader made some threat about eating the reporter and once the translator said this to the reporter he got scared and left.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No...he was 19...that is not a child.

No, he was not 19. It is guessed that he was either 17 or 18, but since the fake victim isn't sure when or where it took place there is no way to verify his age at that time.

up until about a year ago, women were afraid to confront powerful men

That is completely untrue. Sexual harassment laws have been a thing since I was a teenager.

Since you haven't been paying attention, this is the world we have been living in for at least the last 30ish years.

Maybe you still live in the 50s, but most of us have moved on.

The R's will do the same thing the next time a D is in the WH

No, that's the Democrats who do stuff like that. Barack Obama put two Supremes on the Court and in neither case was the process turned into a political witch hunt.


Well-Known Member
I think i've posted before that I've pulled more and more away from the left. I'm hanging somewhere in the center. But I'm curious on your opinion in the matter. You seem to have a pretty deep understanding of these type of things.

My opinion is pretty wide on this, just like her memory.

For one, she should have reported it. That said, she was a drunk kid who probably wasn't supposed to be drunk and at a party, so she was probably worried about getting in trouble.

So, when she turned 18 or so, she should have reported it. She didn't. Tells me that, assuming she is telling the truth now, it really wasn't that big of a deal to her. But, 30 years later, it was. Enough to go to her therapist about it. Never bothered with a name to the therapist. Was she a really sh!tty patient and withheld information from the person she was paying to help her, or was a 30 year old memory too fuzzy to put a name to the memory? It is highly unlikely she anticipated Judge K to be nominated to SCOTUS at that point, so I believe she had a memory of something happening. Whether it was with Judge K or not is up to interpretation of her current position on her memory.

I see no reason to not believe something happened to a drunk 15 year old girl at a party. I have less than no reason to think Judge K was involved, as the only person Ms. Ford named to corroborate her story did just the opposite.

She wrote to only one person on the committee, not the chair of the committee or the president or anyone else. She also wrote to someone completely uninvolved. Those two things suggest she was politically motivated in remembering it as being Judge K.

She wrote in July, but the people she wrote to never brought it up. Why? An "insurance policy", per chance? Seems politically motivated, not concerned with facts, to me.

The people who brought it up gave it to the wrong people to investigate the problem. Now, maybe Sen Feinstein is too junior to understand how laws work, but I somehow don't think that's true. I think she knows there's nothing the FBI can do with this, because she's not exactly a stupid person. She's a woman of great intelligence in how laws and investigations work. Seems politically motivated to handle it the way she did, to me.

I do not want to call Ms. Ford an out-and-out liar. I really do think something happened to her, as the therapist's notes suggest. But, I think her hatred of people with ideological differences to her have grossly clouded what really happened, which is sad for her. It means it would be that much harder for her to work through the problems she seems to have from what happened.

In the long run, I see nothing at all which limits the ability of Judge K being confirmed, even if it happened exactly the way she said it did at the time she thinks it might have by the guy she thinks did it. A drunk teenage boy should be held to the same level of accountability for actions as a drunk teenage girl. In the next 4 decades, this girl who was groped by some drunk kid seems to have turned out sufficiently fine, and he turned out pretty damned fine, too. A slew of women contemporaneous to the alleged groping said Judge K was not like that then. More have said he's never been like that in the intervening decades. Even if her story is 100% as accurate as "I don't remember where or when or how, and the only person who I think was also there says it didn't happen" can be, it does not disqualify Judge K.


Well-Known Member
Some thoughts..

No...he was 19...that is not a child.

This is true and where the "however" comes into play.

This is a LIFETIME appt. We had better be damned sure we are putting qualified people into the position. (Unlike we have done for President.)

Here's the "however"...I completely agree...however...this guy appears to have lied in prior Senate testimony...up until about a year ago, women were afraid to confront powerful men...still are...those without power are generally afraid to confront the powerful (revisit how Trump consistently refused to pay his mom and pop contractors!). If no other women come forward and this ends up being a "he said/she said" between two drunk college aged kids that happened 30-40 years ago...it is a punt and Kavanaugh should be confirmed.

Since you haven't been paying attention, this is the world we have been living in for at least the last 30ish years. Random accusations are thrown around all the time that destroy lives. HS kids accuse teachers because they don't like the teacher...talk show hosts do this crap all the time...

Look how this accusation has the ignorati on here all ginned up...they are slobbering all over their propaganda sites and Fox News...which is the goal...gotta sell those ad spots!! So find a way to keep the uneducated tuned in and clicking thru webpages!!

The R's will do the same thing the next time a D is in the WH...same sh!t just a different channel. And the ignorati will be just as ginned up...

I thought your man told you if you're gonna open your mouth, you better be putting something in it.
It seems everything that comes out of it is just hate & ignorance...