A left leaning view of the whole Kavanaugh matter


Well-Known Member
Some thoughts..

You clearly use the term loosely.

No...he was 19...that is not a child.

Can't really be sure. She thinks it was maybe when she was 15, which makes him 17. But, she's not sure she was 15, so there's not a chance in hell we know how old he was.

This is a LIFETIME appt. We had better be damned sure we are putting qualified people into the position.

What would make a drunken groping by a teenage boy disqualifying to this appointment?

Here's the "however"...I completely agree...however...this guy appears to have lied in prior Senate testimony

About what? What did he say that was a lie?


Well-Known Member
You are a pathetic POS.

What is crazy is that they are after Trump for collusion.
Which isn't against the law
And they are after Kavanaugh for aggressive petting
Which isn't against the law.

And they call Edward Kennedy the Lion Of the Senate who murdered an intern, swam away from it, hired a lawyer, and showed up the next day.


What is crazy is that they are after Trump for collusion.
Which isn't against the law
And they are after Kavanaugh for aggressive petting
Which isn't against the law.

And they call Edward Kennedy the Lion Of the Senate who murdered an intern, swam away from it, hired a lawyer, and showed up the next day.

I suppose he could have been charged with attempted rape, if she had come out before the SOL was reached. Every aspect of this accusation makes it impossible to believe.


PREMO Member
Some thoughts ..

You had a thought :killingme or you are posting the latest Progressive Talking Points

..... this guy appears to have lied in prior Senate testimony ...

where are you getting this Fantasy, Supposition, Innuendo and Unfounded OPINION from :shrug:

Look how this accusation has the ignorati on here all ginned up...

So find a way to keep the uneducated tuned in and clicking thru webpages!!

And the ignorati will be just as ginned up ...

ah yes, ANYONE that does not hold YOUR World View is ignorant or uneducated


Every post you make is against anyone or any group that doesn't conform to your propagandist viewpoints.