
But wait, there's more...
Sparx said:
If bush would have been watching what was going on there would have been help ready to go in before the damage was done. We all knew this was going to be one of the worst natural disasters in many many years so why didn't he? Why weren't we ready? The white house knew the levies there were weak. They had been told and lobbied against building them up. What is wrong with this administration? Are they waiting until Halliburton can regroup some people here in the states to go into the Gulf Coast and make billions puting things back?
:dork: The stuff WAS there ... in place ... ready to go. Local officials said that to Bush this afternoon ON AIR! Problem is it's hard to deliver that stuff to people when the city under water. The people need to go to where the stuff is, which is as close to the devestation as logistically possible.

Lemme guess, next you're gonna suggest Bush was in cahoots with Mother Nature and had her steer this storm east to spare Texas? :duh:


New Member
otter said:
How stupid are you, Sparx?? Its been a known fact that this could happen from at least the 60s, probably earlier..and you want to blame Bush?? :lmao: Quit drinking the Koolade and use some of that gray matter instead of being led by the hatemongers.

It's been much more recent than that. It was the latest regime that denied the funding to put some strenth in those levies. Agreed it is stupid to live below sea level but hey it was one of the first settled areas in the country so lets take care of it. I also believe hate is much more closely related to the conservative mind.


New Member
crabcake said:
:dork: Lemme guess, next you're gonna suggest Bush was in cahoots with Mother Nature and had her steer this storm east to spare Texas? :duh:
I told ya his tsunami machine farted.... :lol:


New Member
Could It Have Been Prevented? - In the wake of the terrible devastation in New Orleans and the surrounding area, a story in the journal Editor & Publisher provides an interesting insight. Their story says that "at least nine articles in the Times-Picayune from 2004 and 2005 specifically cite the war in Iraq as the reason for the lack of hurricane- and flood control dollars." The article includes the following highlight:

"On June 8, 2004 Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana told the Times-Picayune: It appears that money has been moved in the president's budget to homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody is happy that the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us."
The article goes on to report on a story from the Newhouse News Service:

"The Louisiana congressional delegation urged Congress earlier this year to dedicate a stream of federal money to Louisiana's coast, only to be opposed by the White House. ...In its budget, the Bush administration proposed a significant reduction in funding for southeast Louisiana's chief hurricane protection project. Bush proposed $10.4 million, a sixth of what local officials say they need."
You can read the entire article at: http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1001051313.


Sparx said:
I also believe hate is much more closely related to the conservative mind.

Yeah - we've all seen how liberals are such open-minded and loving - non-hating fokes.


A more bitter collection of bile-spewing hate-mongering screechers I have never seen.


New Member
crabcake said:
:dork: The stuff WAS there ... in place ... ready to go. Local officials said that to Bush this afternoon ON AIR! Problem is it's hard to deliver that stuff to people when the city under water. The people need to go to where the stuff is, which is as close to the devestation as logistically possible.

Lemme guess, next you're gonna suggest Bush was in cahoots with Mother Nature and had her steer this storm east to spare Texas? :duh:

No, it's just a shame hurricanes don't produce oil or he might have declared war on it.


This Space for Rent
Sparx said:
It's been much more recent than that. It was the latest regime that denied the funding to put some strenth in those levies. Agreed it is stupid to live below sea level but hey it was one of the first settled areas in the country so lets take care of it. I also believe hate is much more closely related to the conservative mind.

Maybe if the Lousiana politicians hadn't pocketed all the emergency/building funds that were sent there for decades, the federal government would trust them a little more with the feds money. Oh, you forgot about how the leadership of LA for decades has defrauded the taxpayers and delivered either minimal or none of what was promised for the money for decades? Otter is correct, this has been a problem known since the 60s. Maybe if the Lousiana politicians had used the money they way they were supposed to, the levees might have been a little stronger.

Now, flip side.. lets say they got all the money in 2002 that you are blaming Bush for. How long do you think it takes to put the money on contract with a builder, start up the program, and take action with construction? Do you think that would have been done by now? I love when you spew ignorance with your libby friends... it lets me know we are going to continue to destroy you at the polls.


Toxick said:
Has anyone "Snoped" this and seen if it's actually Michael Moore who wrote this, or some other liberal doucheface?

I checked it.
There's no mention of it at all. Perhaps it's too new.

Sounds like a steaming pile of horseshit to me.

Although, I suppose that doesn't necessarily dismiss Moore's authorship of it.


Active Member
Be easy on me, I haven't been on in a while

In the midst of the order to evacuate, why didn't Greyhound send some busses, or maybe load up some Amtrak trains? I am not sure what was done in preparation, I have been out of the country so I wasn't even aware of it until I got back. I used to live in NO and I would have thought that should a mass evacuation be needed, mass transit and other forms of transportation would have been used. I realize that some people weren't going to leave no matter what, and those people shouldn't be biatchin, but (ya'll probably know more) for those that didn't have the means, should (or did) they provide it? :confused:


This Space for Rent
Aimhigh2000 said:
In the midst of the order to evacuate, why didn't Greyhound send some busses, or maybe load up some Amtrak trains? I am not sure what was done in preparation, I have been out of the country so I wasn't even aware of it until I got back. I used to live in NO and I would have thought that should a mass evacuation be needed, mass transit and other forms of transportation would have been used. I realize that some people weren't going to leave no matter what, and those people shouldn't be biatchin, but (ya'll probably know more) for those that didn't have the means, should (or did) they provide it? :confused:

You mean like these? The ones the Mayor could have ordered be used from the bus yards? I guess they had a better use for them.... right there.


curiouser and curiouser
Aimhigh2000 said:
In the midst of the order to evacuate, why didn't Greyhound send some busses, or maybe load up some Amtrak trains? I am not sure what was done in preparation, I have been out of the country so I wasn't even aware of it until I got back. I used to live in NO and I would have thought that should a mass evacuation be needed, mass transit and other forms of transportation would have been used. I realize that some people weren't going to leave no matter what, and those people shouldn't be biatchin, but (ya'll probably know more) for those that didn't have the means, should (or did) they provide it? :confused:
No, they sent them all to the Superdome, and are now using buses to take them out of the city. I feel the same way you did. Between commuter buses, tour buses, and airport buses, they should've been taking these people out of the city on Sunday, if even to school gymnasiums. :shrug:


Aimhigh2000 said:
In the midst of the order to evacuate, why didn't Greyhound send some busses, or maybe load up some Amtrak trains?

Bush wouldn't let them send busses.
He wanted all the people in New Orleans to die.
Especially the black ones.

Its true.


Active Member

Got it. I mean, I have been reading up and I couldn't figure out why everyone was sent to the superdome. I just figured they would have cattlehearded everyone onto trains and busses. Hmmm.....guess I gotta keep reading up.


Sparx said:
If bush would have been watching what was going on there would have been help ready to go in before the damage was done.

It must have been an exciting and invigorating morning on Air America today.

After visiting several other message boards, and some Usenet haunts, all the liberals everywhere are suddenly howling the same thing.


Glad this was turned into a political issue.


New Member
My friend on another forum said they sent in limos for him and all the whities three days before the hurricane hit.


Sparx said:
No, it's just a shame hurricanes don't produce oil or he might have declared war on it.
Yea that steady stream of crude we are stealing from Iraq is really boosting our gas prices. :yay:


This Space for Rent
Pete said:
Yea that steady stream of crude we are stealing from Iraq is really boosting our gas prices. :yay:

Nah. Lets go invade the ANWR. Those inuits need to pay for their seal rights abuse. Although, an inuit insurgency might get bloody.