a line in the sand...


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Since the Yoplait wusses caved in to the whining of the insane, I'ma have to think about giving them my money now.

This is one of the biggest problems in our society today. Some looner special interest flake #####es about something, and instead of the company ignoring them for the nut they are, they take it seriously and try to appease.
I still keep seeing the commercial, so maybe it's not really a true story.


Having Fun!
I still keep seeing the commercial, so maybe it's not really a true story.

There was a mention in the story that due to different contracts for air-time in different markets, the commercial may still be seen (or words to that effect). And, yeah, that is how it works as I've got a relative in the TV business.

Went to the local grocery this AM & wanted some yogurt for a snack later -- instead of my normal blackberry, I deliberately chose the raspberry cheesecake.

I ended up not eating it today so I'll save it for later this week. I am, however, going to really enjoy eating the piece of key lime pie I plan to have for a bedtime snack today -- instead of the key lime pie yogurt (didn't buy it this time, but will the next). I have the real pie, so I'm eating the real thing. Anyone who has a problem with me eating either pie or yogurt can STFU as it's none of their business what I eat.

Damn stupid people are really starting to get on my nerves....


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
There was a mention in the story that due to different contracts for air-time in different markets, the commercial may still be seen (or words to that effect). And, yeah, that is how it works as I've got a relative in the TV business.

Went to the local grocery this AM & wanted some yogurt for a snack later -- instead of my normal blackberry, I deliberately chose the raspberry cheesecake.

I ended up not eating it today so I'll save it for later this week. I am, however, going to really enjoy eating the piece of key lime pie I plan to have for a bedtime snack today -- instead of the key lime pie yogurt (didn't buy it this time, but will the next). I have the real pie, so I'm eating the real thing. Anyone who has a problem with me eating either pie or yogurt can STFU as it's none of their business what I eat.

Damn stupid people are really starting to get on my nerves....

I got some of the Walmart brand Light Yogurts yesterday. They're not bad. 80 calories for a 6 oz. cup. $1.67 a 4-pk. is good, too.

I've had the strawberry & peach. Yesterday I got the cherry, banana cream pie & key lime, and I can't wait to try them all!


Having Fun!
Went to the refridgerator, opened the door, saw the key lime pie & the yogurt. Didn't even hesitate & grabbed the pie. It was delicious! I am not angsting over the bathing suit or contemplating throwing up the pie. Next time I open the fridge door, I might grab the yogurt instead. The key is moderation & variety & don't beat yourself up over a bad choice every now & then.

I'll have to try that Walmart yogurt sometime soon! Thanks for the tip about it!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Went to the refridgerator, opened the door, saw the key lime pie & the yogurt. Didn't even hesitate & grabbed the pie. It was delicious! I am not angsting over the bathing suit or contemplating throwing up the pie. Next time I open the fridge door, I might grab the yogurt instead. The key is moderation & variety & don't beat yourself up over a bad choice every now & then.

I'll have to try that Walmart yogurt sometime soon! Thanks for the tip about it!

OH! and I forgot to mention that I got it at the California Walmart. PF Walmart only has the peach & the strawberry/banana. The Dunkirk Wally's might have more selections.


curiouser and curiouser
Went to the refridgerator, opened the door, saw the key lime pie & the yogurt. Didn't even hesitate & grabbed the pie. It was delicious! I am not angsting over the bathing suit or contemplating throwing up the pie. Next time I open the fridge door, I might grab the yogurt instead. The key is moderation & variety & don't beat yourself up over a bad choice every now & then.

I'll have to try that Walmart yogurt sometime soon! Thanks for the tip about it!

I think their point is that there are women/girls with eating disorders (and those recovering from them) whose behavior is triggered by that type of language. They hear someone rationalizing a snack (or talking about counting calories, etc) in a perfectly healthy way and it sparks disordered thinking/habits. People with eating disorders often don't have a concept of moderation and a varied diet. Do I agree with advertisers altering commercials to tiptoe around mental illnesses? No. I think these girls (and boys, in some cases) have very altered perceptions that are not going to be cured by the absence of yogurt commercials. If they don't find justification for their behavior on TV, they will find it elsewhere. The commercial wasn't removed because they think it makes women feel bad about wanting cheesecake; rather, it was brought to their attention that it raises ED issues and they wanted to cover their butts. Again, I don't agree with that but it's their call. They are generating more press now than they did with the initial commercial.

I think when the article asks "Can an advertisement trigger an eating disorder?", I think they are a bit off the mark. They should be asking "Can the advertisement trigger disordered behavior?" "Normal" girls/women (for lack of a better term) are not going to start puking up their breakfast because the weirdo in the commercial chose yogurt.

And for the record, I would never DREAM of choosing yogurt over cake or pie. If anything they should've stopped running the commercial because it was stupid. :lol:

ETA: If you're ever interested in the subject, Portia de Rossi's memoir "Unbearable Lightness" is a very interesting look into the mind of someone with an eating disorder.


Having Fun!
I think their point is that there are women/girls with eating disorders (and those recovering from them) whose behavior is triggered by that type of language. They hear someone rationalizing a snack (or talking about counting calories, etc) in a perfectly healthy way and it sparks disordered thinking/habits. People with eating disorders often don't have a concept of moderation and a varied diet. Do I agree with advertisers altering commercials to tiptoe around mental illnesses? No. I think these girls (and boys, in some cases) have very altered perceptions that are not going to be cured by the absence of yogurt commercials. If they don't find justification for their behavior on TV, they will find it elsewhere. The commercial wasn't removed because they think it makes women feel bad about wanting cheesecake; rather, it was brought to their attention that it raises ED issues and they wanted to cover their butts. Again, I don't agree with that but it's their call. They are generating more press now than they did with the initial commercial.

I think when the article asks "Can an advertisement trigger an eating disorder?", I think they are a bit off the mark. They should be asking "Can the advertisement trigger disordered behavior?" "Normal" girls/women (for lack of a better term) are not going to start puking up their breakfast because the weirdo in the commercial chose yogurt.

And for the record, I would never DREAM of choosing yogurt over cake or pie. If anything they should've stopped running the commercial because it was stupid. :lol:

ETA: If you're ever interested in the subject, Portia de Rossi's memoir "Unbearable Lightness" is a very interesting look into the mind of someone with an eating disorder.

I can understand their view and can even, in a twisted way, follow their rationale. I can see where, in their view, it is not a good ad campaign. My point was that their view is a very narrow one and is influenced solely by their convictions concerning eating disorders. The views and beliefs of a myopically viewing small minority should not be allowed to impact the lives of the majority of people who are not conerned with, not aware of, or may not even support that view. Yes, I realize that this is advertising that we are speaking about and that advertising specifically targets certain markets and age/gender groups. As I'm pretty sure that I'm in that target advertising group (for numerous reasons), I think that I have standing enough to say they blew it with caving in to this special interest group and I believe that I might write to them and let them know so they get some pressure from the other side.

I am just sooooo tired of special interest groups composed of a minority of people having such a huge impact on the majority of people. Stop the whining, people! (---not directed at anyone in this thread, just at the whining people in general.):coffee:


New Member
Todays society is nothing more than a bunch of pansy azz cry babies who want and expect everything to be given to them and you are no longert allowed to speak unless you check the PC list of approved words. I say STFU you bunch of retarded lazy bunch of whiners. The whole world has gone crazy. And I remember when calling someone gay meant you were funny or funny acting. Am I to change my whole lifes learning because someone is acting retarded and gay. I say speak loud and carry on.

Couldn't have said it better! So sick of pc it kills me.