A milestone


Throwing the deuces
Youngest has finally lost both front teeth. The last one became a snaggle tooth for a few months that would migrate along his gums and became so slanted that whenever he'd talk, all you could see was that darn snaggle tooth! Here's a before and after and you'll see what I mean...
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Throwing the deuces
Looks like he lost a bar fight

I was about to go toe to toe with him over that darn tooth. :lol: I already have one kid with jacked up teeth and then my kid with the perfect smile goes and gets a wild tooth that can't behave itself!


Throwing the deuces
It was pretty funny to watch him try to eat corn on the cob last night at dinner. He had to gnaw on it with the teeth on the sides.


Throwing the deuces
Youngest can't catch a break with losing teeth. For months, he had that darn snaggle tooth that finally fell out. Well, today, he lost a tooth in our pool. Surprisingly, he wasn't all that upset about not being able to find it. And of course, he loses it when I don't have any $1 bills.


well then go up to $5.00 if you don't have any ones. when i lost a tooth back in the day got anywhere between 3 to 10.00 (the 10.00 was an accident though as my dad didn't have his glasses on and he thought it was a one lol I was all excited when i saw it in the am)


Throwing the deuces
well then go up to $5.00 if you don't have any ones. when i lost a tooth back in the day got anywhere between 3 to 10.00 (the 10.00 was an accident though as my dad didn't have his glasses on and he thought it was a one lol I was all excited when i saw it in the am)

Tooth Fairy never showed. I told him that no tooth = no $$ and he wasn't interested in looking for the tooth. Didn't seem to even care about not getting money. Now if the Tooth Fairy was giving away Legos, Hot Wheels or xbox games, he'd be in that pool all day and night looking for the thing. :lol:

Had he been upset or written a note to her explaining that the tooth was somewhere in the pool, I would have just given him $1 in quarters. No way would he get $5. The big money only comes out for the first tooth although I did add extra for the snaggle tooth because he was so happy to tell me that it was finally out. But even that only warranted an extra dollar.