A moment to reflect


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
regardless of your feelings or opinions, please take a moment today to reflect on the victims of 9/11. God bless America! RIP all victims.


Has confinement issues..
My kiddo has talked about it for two days. My 11 year old is surprisingly attuned to the gravity of what happened on this day.


New Member
I still get emotional when I see images from that day. It has had a profound effect on everyone - in many ways - and we will never forget those people who were taken from their families.

God Bless America. :patriot:
This day hits close to home, I was suppose to be at the Pentagon that day... on the 9th I was re-scheduled to go to a meeting next to the Pentagon. On the 10th I had an issue with one of the CINCs which took me out to Fairfax to my corporate office. Someone was looking out for me that day I guess.

Today kind of puts me back in check. :coffee:

God bless the families who suffered losses. :patriot:

Blessings to all the families & friends that have lost a loved one, and all of the emergency personell involved in the tragic events.


New Member
My prayers go out to all on this day....to our brave men and women in uniform, God Bless You! and Thank You!


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PREMO Member
On this day 7 years ago, I called my father in the evening. The discussion was obviously about the days events. I said to him, "Now I know how you felt when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor". His response made me swallow hard. He said "I fought in World War II so that you and your brothers and sister would never know what it felt like". I still swallow hard when I think about that chat seven years ago.


Isaiah 55:8-9
I was in tears this morning.

My thoughts and prayers to all those who were affected. To those men and women in uniform who lost their lives that day: Your sacrifice was not in vain.


art imitating life
My mom worked next door to the pentagon on that day. She called me to tell me what was going on in NY and all of a sudden she screamed on the top of her lungs and said.. THEY HIT THE PENTAGON! OMG! Screamed again and the line went dead. I didnt hear from my mom again for HOURS. I was sooo scared. My prayers go out to the families of everyone involved in 911!


I lost seven co-workers that day, none of whom I knew personally, but still an emotional toll. The ones that I knew were on the opposite side of the hit and got out safely. A few days later when I was in the building inventoring my equipment, the odor of jet fuel was still strong.

Had it been a week earlier, many of my co-workers were in that exact space doing an install. Some of the young enlisted had the look of a deer in the headlights afterwards.

In 36 years of military/civilian, it was the only time that I was ordered to leave my duty station because "you and some of the other older will have the ability to get us back in ops in case we are hit."


Damned glad to meet you
In memory of the innocent who perished, and in honor of those who gave thier lives to save others, I take this time to thank our men and women in uniform for protecting our country. Bless you and God speed. I also thank our Commander in Chief, President Bush, for his resolve to stay the course in our efforts to fight terrorists on thier soil, not ours.



Driving the Z
regardless of your feelings or opinions, please take a moment today to reflect on the victims of 9/11. God bless America! RIP all victims.

I posted a thread under the politics section asking those forumites if all the political BS be set aside for today, and today only in remembrance of those who lost their lives at the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, and on Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania.

However, I feel that my request was a waste of time to "some" of these political zealots.

I'm an American, and "I LOVE THIS COUNTRY"!


Well-Known Member
i've been playing the Live song with clips from the news coverage for all my classes today. Listened to it 3 times already today but I still get goosebumps and tear up each time.


Every 9/11, I'm an emotional wreck. I still lived in NY back then, thank God on Long Island, but it was certainly a day never to be forgotten. It hit way too close to home. We could smell the fire burning all the way out where we lived for a week and we could see the smoke at night.

My Ex was a paramedic for the FDNY at the time and spent a long while as part of the disaster recovery team. He was already a little mentally "off" but this did him in. The stories I heard every day from him.....ugh. He had constant nightmares and probably still does.

Now I just think about all the families and how hard this is for them. My heart goes out to them all. Right after 9/11, there were flags everywhere and everyone was patriotic. I still proudly fly an American flag at our house all year long. I just got back from visiting NY and I still see people driving around with stickers on their cars and I still see flags but not nearly as many. It was nice to see all the unity and patriotism 7 years ago. I actually miss it.