"Reminds me of the late '90s, when many on the right were almost rabid in their hatred of the Clintons. "
I think he just p*ssed me off way too much while he was running for office in '92, and then it was his posturing after the election. He lied frequently on the campaign trail, including the whole Gennifer Flowers deal. I heard the whole tape on the radio where she played back her answering machine tape. He just tells her that if anyone asks, to just deny it; just deny it. In a situation where he thought he was off camera, he just blasted Jesse Jackson, and the next day - denied it all, even though it was there on film. The 'inhale' thing. Paula Jones. The draft-dodge/Vietnam protest in England thing. And the fact that, UNLIKE Howard Dean, who is actually *leading* in the polls, Clinton was the media's favorite, even though he kept losing in primaries and caucuses, and declared a "comeback" when he came in *second* in New Hampshire.
I said out loud back then - "the press loves this guy - one way or another, they're gonna try their best to see him elected".
Right after he gets elected, he begins to blame every problem in the country on "the previous 12 years of Republican administrations". It took a couple *years* to stop hearing that refrain. More than any previous President, he seemed to delight in poking the other side in the eye - in framing the issues as between his side, and those extra chromosome right wing-nuts. Hillary and her Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
Basically, the Clintons, in my opinion, were responsible for making Washington even more adversarial and partisan than I can ever recall it being.
THAT is why I didn't like him. All the scandal stuff just confirmed what I felt already.
I think he just p*ssed me off way too much while he was running for office in '92, and then it was his posturing after the election. He lied frequently on the campaign trail, including the whole Gennifer Flowers deal. I heard the whole tape on the radio where she played back her answering machine tape. He just tells her that if anyone asks, to just deny it; just deny it. In a situation where he thought he was off camera, he just blasted Jesse Jackson, and the next day - denied it all, even though it was there on film. The 'inhale' thing. Paula Jones. The draft-dodge/Vietnam protest in England thing. And the fact that, UNLIKE Howard Dean, who is actually *leading* in the polls, Clinton was the media's favorite, even though he kept losing in primaries and caucuses, and declared a "comeback" when he came in *second* in New Hampshire.
I said out loud back then - "the press loves this guy - one way or another, they're gonna try their best to see him elected".
Right after he gets elected, he begins to blame every problem in the country on "the previous 12 years of Republican administrations". It took a couple *years* to stop hearing that refrain. More than any previous President, he seemed to delight in poking the other side in the eye - in framing the issues as between his side, and those extra chromosome right wing-nuts. Hillary and her Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
Basically, the Clintons, in my opinion, were responsible for making Washington even more adversarial and partisan than I can ever recall it being.
THAT is why I didn't like him. All the scandal stuff just confirmed what I felt already.