A new one every day...


Methodically disorganized
teverheart2002 said:
Police allege that the boy stabbed the man while he slept and that the boy's 4-year-old brother was watching.

Even worse.
He was talking about the original story in Boston. (I think; quoting helps.)

This [Kentucky] story is really amazing. Not just why, but how? How does a 7 year old generate enough strength to stab a man to death (assuming he hit the guy several times)? And how does he know what area(s) to hit?

The prosecution faces a tough one. The kid is barely old enough to be sentenced to juvenile detention, nonetheless prison. And they have to determine his awareness of right and wrong.

Parents beware the night...


Qpid said:
U know they let that mother go after her pysch evaluation...they haven't pressed charges yet.

Its sickening to hear about innocent children dying each day by the hands of their parents who they are suppose to trust and love.
You probably thing they were BLACK don't you.

Hey defensive bigot I just want to know your reasons for thinking blacks are lowlifes.

Whenever anyone posts that a particular person is a low life, looter, scum bag you read the post as "black lowlife", "black scumbag" and "blacks looter". Why is that? Do your black friends know that behind the sanctimonious smile you front that you think they are helpless dimwits who are low lifes?