A Number's Thing

This isn't financial but similar. I have a list of 1-40, representing employees who get to pick first to use the company condo. This is done every year. What could be easily done is to rotate the order from bottom to top, but the people in the middle always stay in the middle and don't have a chance at the top. I've tried random draws, splitting the list and turning the shorter lists upside down and rotating them on top, but the middle people still get stuck, and only the bottom people make out each following year. I know my explanation is way too long. Sorry. Can anyone give me a method that will make this fair for all from year to year?


New Member
I used to teach kindergarten years ago, and I came across this same problem when trying to change up the seating charts, this sounds kind of silly, but have you thought about alphabetical by first name?

What about length of time with the company?
Who gave you the best present for the holidays?
What about having an "auction" for prime selection, with the prize going to a huge office luncheon? I realize that the condo is a perk, and the bids would be expected to go high (25.00 or so), but the people who really wanted to be first could get their shot... just an idea


Yae warsh wif' wutr
Try this.

1st group (high)
2nd group (higher middle)
3rd group (lower middle)
4th group (low)

The people in the groups never change. 10 people in each group.

Each group draws numbers out of a hat for position within their group. Each year the groups will rotate to the next higher position - 2nd to 1st, 3rd to 2nd, 4th to 3rd, and 1st to 4th.

Now, for who is in each group and how the groups start, simply take the list of people you have now, have them draw numbers from 1 to 40. 1 to 10 become the first group, 11 to 20 the second, and so on.

Hope this helps =)
Try this.

1st group (high)
2nd group (higher middle)
3rd group (lower middle)
4th group (low)

The people in the groups never change. 10 people in each group.

Each group draws numbers out of a hat for position within their group. Each year the groups will rotate to the next higher position - 2nd to 1st, 3rd to 2nd, 4th to 3rd, and 1st to 4th.

Now, for who is in each group and how the groups start, simply take the list of people you have now, have them draw numbers from 1 to 40. 1 to 10 become the first group, 11 to 20 the second, and so on.

Hope this helps =)

I like this idea. Thanks everyone!