A Place to Call Home


Be about it
We're on the house hunt, and even the nice houses that we see just don't feel like home to me. :shrug: I mean, obviously when house hunting you have to try to imagine your stuff and yourself there as opposed to the other people and their crap, but I'm still having a hard time getting past that. There was one house we really liked, but I think the reason I could see myself there was b/c it was a nice, new house and there wasn't much in there since it was a single dude. At any rate, hopefully the right house will come along and we'll just 'know'...until then, the hunt continues! The only things we've found so far are not in our ideal location (even though there were some great homes), and since our house hasn't sold yet we aren't desperate at this point so we're continuing to wait for something to be available in the right spot.


Salt Life
Are you really, really sure you want to move? I mean, you just bought your current home, and you have spent so much time and energy into perfecting it. What a shame to get rid of it so soon. :frown:


Be about it
Originally posted by Chasey_Lane
Are you really, really sure you want to move? I mean, you just bought your current home, and you have spent so much time and energy into perfecting it. What a shame to get rid of it so soon. :frown:

I think it's best. Now that husband works close to me, we commute daily with 2 young kids for nothing. Jobs, family, shopping, babysitters, etc... are all in St. Mary's. :shrug:


Salt Life
Originally posted by PFgal
I think it's best. Now that husband works close to me, we commute daily with 2 young kids for nothing. Jobs, family, shopping, babysitters, etc... are all in St. Mary's. :shrug:
Gotcha! Wasn't sure what area you were looking in, but I found this new construction home in Calvert County.

Now that I know you want St. Mary's, I'll start looking there. :wink:


The Smart Hooker
I know the feeling. We looked at a TON of houses until we decided to build one. When you go house hunting and your looking at other peoples houses, it makes you wonder "what in the hell were these people thinking about when they decorated the place?!?" Then you go to a house you like it, but it doesn't have everything you want, so you keep on looking.

This is our second home we have owned and though I LOVE the house, it doesn't feel like "home" like our house in Maryland did. Everything is so freakin tropical down here while our home back in Maryland was very "woodsy."

Damn....I think I'm homesick. :bawl:


Originally posted by PFgal
We're on the house hunt, and even the nice houses that we see just don't feel like home to me. :shrug: I mean, obviously when house hunting you have to try to imagine your stuff and yourself there as opposed to the other people and their crap, but I'm still having a hard time getting past that. There was one house we really liked, but I think the reason I could see myself there was b/c it was a nice, new house and there wasn't much in there since it was a single dude. At any rate, hopefully the right house will come along and we'll just 'know'...until then, the hunt continues! The only things we've found so far are not in our ideal location (even though there were some great homes), and since our house hasn't sold yet we aren't desperate at this point so we're continuing to wait for something to be available in the right spot.

Well, I know your frustration with the area, since I was searching for a few years (a few years ago). Pretty much, if you don't have 250K to slap on the table for a house (as starters)... it will become hard to search for something decent and the realty profession won't be much help cause they are looking for big bucks. I walked out on many realtors because they didn't understand exactly what I wanted, with a limited budget well below 250K.

On the other hand, and I hope this don't sound negative, cause it is not meant to be that way... I have moved many times, trying to sell a house as a single guy... and just because I didn't put up flowered curtains, or place shrubs outside the driveway properly... those cosmetics things will be easy to change and adjust. Perhaps you should take another look at those "single guys" home again.. and go in with a new perspective... of what you can do to the place.... just my opinion.....:dance:


I think it takes time, once you move, to feel like it is "your" home. I owned a townhouse in Waldorf from 1990 until 1996, so for 6 years, that was home. Then we moved to the house we are in now, and it took awhile for me to feel like it was home. I would even drive towards my old home and think, where are you going? :confused: Oh yeah, home is the other way. Today, I was thinking, I am going to miss being home when I am in the academy, but the thing is, I'll be in a new home and that doesn't feel like home yet.

It is tough and it will take time. In a year, I know I will look back and think all this thinking was just silly.


Be about it

Looks nice...but...I don't want to be in the Park. :ohwell: Looking more in the California, Hollywood, and parts of Mechanicsville or Leonardtown. I don't want to be deep in L-town, or too far up in Mechanicsville. Would prefer to be 10 minutes from work/my parents, but I know that's pressing it. Right now we have all the time in the world since our house hasn't sold yet, but once it sells we'll have to beat pavement to find something quickly.