A Place to Call Home


Be about it
Originally posted by CMC122
It would be nice if you stuck with single guys house:whistle:

I tried, but it got away! :bawl: Go back and re-read the first thing I posted. I'll have to PM you about the shady realtor he was using, and how crappy it all went down. :ohwell:


Be about it
Re: Re: A Place to Call Home

Originally posted by DarbyOhara
Well, I know your frustration with the area, since I was searching for a few years (a few years ago). Pretty much, if you don't have 250K to slap on the table for a house (as starters)... it will become hard to search for something decent and the realty profession won't be much help cause they are looking for big bucks. I walked out on many realtors because they didn't understand exactly what I wanted, with a limited budget well below 250K.

On the other hand, and I hope this don't sound negative, cause it is not meant to be that way... I have moved many times, trying to sell a house as a single guy... and just because I didn't put up flowered curtains, or place shrubs outside the driveway properly... those cosmetics things will be easy to change and adjust. Perhaps you should take another look at those "single guys" home again.. and go in with a new perspective... of what you can do to the place.... just my opinion.....:dance:

With the market the way it is and the profit we're making on our house, we can afford a decent home, but we just can't seem to find one that suits us in the area. Hey...everything happens for a reason. Maybe...just maybe our house hasn't sold yet because the home that's best for us isn't on the market yet. :really:


Be about it
Originally posted by Chasey_Lane
Uh - oh! :shocking: Must be an inside joke.

No inside joke, Chasey. I've seen him 2x, and he isn't anything to look at and not all that friendly either. You, sweet thing, can do sooooo much better! :cool:


Go Braves!
Originally posted by PFgal
I tried, but it got away! :bawl: Go back and re-read the first thing I posted. I'll have to PM you about the shady realtor he was using, and how crappy it all went down. :ohwell:
Do I need to take Jezebel for a walk and :gossip:

How rude:mad:


Originally posted by Chasey_Lane
:yeahthat: You could give him my number...:whistle:

Come now Chasey, with your personality I am sure you have no problem meeting men. :biggrin: