A real friend...

A real friend would...

  • Support you no matter what, right or wrong.

    Votes: 7 9.7%
  • Would tell you when you're wrong right then and there

    Votes: 20 27.8%
  • Support you publicly and tell you you're wrong privately

    Votes: 16 22.2%
  • Say nothing publicly and talk to you privately

    Votes: 29 40.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
If really wrong and not just a differing opinion I would tell them right there and then.


I bowl overhand
If you are wrong, I might talk to you privately, but I'm sure as hell not going to defend you or your position in public. Unless it comes to a physical altercation, then. as a friend, you have to step up.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If Jani B saw me steal something from a store, she'd confront me right then and there. If she saw me be evil to someone, she would frown at me and try to massage the situation - as in, "I think what Vrai means to say is....RIGHT, VRAI???"

Your real friends aren't afraid of you.


Doesn't it really depend on the subject and context. If you are just talking about sports or politics, things that are opinions...correct facts later, unless it can be done with out major embarrassment.

but if your are trying to teach someone something, and you are telling them the wrong thing, then the friend should say...don't you mean....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Rosie "the Cow" and Lizard Breath hasselbeck..
To me, it's clear that Rosie called the US and US troops terrorists. So if she and Elizabeth are truly friends, which I doubt, then Elizabeth should have done what I'd do: "One of the reasons I love my best friend Rosie is because you never know what kooky, lunatic-fringe thing she's going to come up with next!"

And if Rosie were *her* real friend, she'd have laughed and that would have been the end of it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
To me, it's clear that Rosie called the US and US troops terrorists. So if she and Elizabeth are truly friends, which I doubt, then Elizabeth should have done what I'd do: "One of the reasons I love my best friend Rosie is because you never know what kooky, lunatic-fringe thing she's going to come up with next!"

And if Rosie were *her* real friend, she'd have laughed and that would have been the end of it.

...so, how do we classify that as an answer?

I think it is a public outage to call US military personel 'terrorists'. They volunteer to serve. They sacrifice greatly. They get in deep trouble if they stick panties on some Gomers head and smile in the picture. It is a national red alert if there are allegations of a bad killing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...so, how do we classify that as an answer?

I think it is a public outage to call US military personel 'terrorists'. They volunteer to serve. They sacrifice greatly. They get in deep trouble if they stick panties on some Gomers head and smile in the picture. It is a national red alert if there are allegations of a bad killing.
Because while Rosie may influence public opinion, she's not in charge of military strategy. She can run her mouth all she wants. Which is why I doubt that she and Elizabeth are such bosom buddies BFFs because it would be tough to be tight with someone who's a wackjob.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Because while Rosie may influence public opinion, she's not in charge of military strategy. She can run her mouth all she wants. Which is why I doubt that she and Elizabeth are such bosom buddies BFFs because it would be tough to be tight with someone who's a wackjob.

...let's assume Rosie is at a party of fairly diverse people and she starts stating US military personnel are terrorists loud enough to be heard and John Kerry is there agreeing with her and some folks are starting to object and it's getting a bit heated. What should Rosie's hypothetical friend do?

John Kerry is thrown in for no real purpose, just for fun. Like his being in the Senate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Sit back and go :popcorn:

...so that is interesting; 7 people would consider it being a true friend to jump your #### right then and there. 7 would have your back in public and tell you off later, and 11 people would enjoy the show and, perhaps, mention it later and NO ONE would back you 100%, no matter what, which was one of the generating positions of the poll.

Interesting stuff.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
11 people would enjoy the show and, perhaps, mention it later
In the Rosie hypothetical you laid out, I wouldn't even say anything to her about it later. I'd just make merciless fun of her :killingme

I mean, if you're really friends, everyone knows where everyone else stands politically, theologically and sexually. So there's no real need to jump in a fray your buddy has created.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
In the Rosie hypothetical you laid out, I wouldn't even say anything to her about it later. I'd just make merciless fun of her :killingme

I mean, if you're really friends, everyone knows where everyone else stands politically, theologically and sexually. So there's no real need to jump in a fray your buddy has created.

...my goal in all this was to, based on someones comment as to what they thought 'true friend' meant, flesh out some sort of consensus or, more likely, just take the pulse of the people on this crucial issue of the day.

Here's where we disagree; You state that everyone 'knows' where everyone stands and that's not the case with me. You know you changed my mind, along with 2a and some others, as to what to do about illegal immigration and you, personally, saw me change my mind about gay marriage and, to some extent, abortion.

Having said that, I still get a kick out of listening you try to defend OJ.

:lmao: :love:


Cleopatra Jones
Sometimes being a friend is letting your friends make their own mistakes (which are only mistakes because you personally percieve them that way) and learn their own lessons.

I'm with Vrai given the situation we're using for a model. I'd let her spout and then make fun of her later.


Larry Gude said:
...let's assume Rosie is at a party of fairly diverse people and she starts stating US military personnel are terrorists loud enough to be heard and John Kerry is there agreeing with her and some folks are starting to object and it's getting a bit heated. What should Rosie's hypothetical friend do?

There are some situations in which it is better if you sit back and let your friend take what they have coming.

I have a friend whom I love like a brother. I would happily give my life defending him if it ever came to that. However, he does tend to have a mouth on him - not even close to Rosie-level mouth, but still more than he needs - and there have been times when his mouth got him in trouble, and I let him lay in the bed he made.

I have also been there to get him out of trouble when trouble arose, and more than once, I've ended up putting ice on various parts of my body, for standing by him.

For me there is no hard and fast answer to the question. There are too many various situations, with many layers of nuance.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Toxick said:
I have also been there to get him out of trouble when trouble arose, and more than once, I've ended up putting ice on various parts of my body, for standing by him.

...there's where my line is; if you consistently get US in a fight because you simply have to say stupid stuff, then we have a problem, Houston. It becomes not funny fairly quickly to me. Of course, I don't have many friends either.
