I saw a tent going up by the church up by the garden center at Billingsly.
Maybe an old school tent preachin'
Not sure..it's on Rt 5 on the way to the 'Dorf, across from Longwood (?) Right after you come up that hill before you get to the 45 mph zone.
Somebody help me out here...
Has anyone heard of a Revival planned in Southern Maryland this fall?
Again you should read American church history, I seriously have my doubts a revival has ever taken place. The great awaking maybe but the second was definitely a sham and if you study what was taking place during the first let’s just say it was in your best interest to be a professed Christian at the time since them, millions have asked Jesus in to their heart. 50 percent of all adults in the US say they have done it at least once. After the revivals these new converts are nowhere to be found and are not living for Christ.
I would encourage you to read Gods got a wonderful plan for your life the cover shows Stephen being killed you can get it for free in a PDF at:
Free Wonderful Book
You can also listen or download the audio there.
Also ten reasons not to ask jest into your heart as that is unbiblical and nowhere in scripture. We don’t accept Jesus he needs to accept us. This modern Gospel is no Gospel at all it lacks repentance and Godly sorrow and produces false coverts, who believe they are saved because they said a prayer, that’s not in the Bible either, or walked an aisle. This had to be one of Satan’s greatest lies of all time as millions are going to hell with a false sense of assurance!
I more or less agree with this. JD Greear has a good book on this called "stop asking Jesus into your heart."Again you should read American church history, I seriously have my doubts a revival has ever taken place. The great awaking maybe but the second was definitely a sham and if you study what was taking place during the first let’s just say it was in your best interest to be a professed Christian at the time since them, millions have asked Jesus in to their heart. 50 percent of all adults in the US say they have done it at least once. After the revivals these new converts are nowhere to be found and are not living for Christ.
I would encourage you to read Gods got a wonderful plan for your life the cover shows Stephen being killed you can get it for free in a PDF at:
Free Wonderful Book
You can also listen or download the audio there.
Also ten reasons not to ask jest into your heart as that is unbiblical and nowhere in scripture. We don’t accept Jesus he needs to accept us. This modern Gospel is no Gospel at all it lacks repentance and Godly sorrow and produces false coverts, who believe they are saved because they said a prayer, that’s not in the Bible either, or walked an aisle. This had to be one of Satan’s greatest lies of all time as millions are going to hell with a false sense of assurance!